Changed the Controller example to reflect changes
added sample code in MapViewViewController
Added method for retrieving all markers on the screen bound added sample code in MapViewViewController
added sample code in MapViewViewController
added sample code in MapViewViewController
Added method for removing a specific marker added sample code in MapViewViewController
mercator bounds at all times.
Also added geographic survey projection as per request.
handle having the tile source changed.
Also cleaned up some warnings, etc.
…setting map center programatically. Also added zoomWithLatLngBoundsNorthEast: SouthWest: to RMMapContents that should center and zoom the map on the given NorthEastern and SouthWestern boundaries.
…ation functions to the RMMapContents class: -(CGPoint)latLngToPixel:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)latlong; -(CLLocationCoordinate2D)pixelToLatLng:(CGPoint)pixel; Added double-tap detection code that tests and verifies the functionality of the latLngToPixel and pixelToLatLng methods. The double-tap code can be found in the touchesEnded withEvent method in the RMMapView class. I fixed a small math bug in the projectMercatorPoint() method in the RMMercatorToScreenProjection class where it would not properly calculate the correct pixel.x coordinate with different combinations of positive/negative mercator points. There is only one known bug with these LatLng/Pixel translation methods. The map does not reset the Origin.x mercator value when it loops so the conversion from latLongToPixel will return an incorrect pixel.x value if you have panned the map enough to loop the map.
… through to the overlay
These have not been tested; but should work.
Fixed the bug producing seams between tiles.
…. Played with some animation stuff.