#import "FMDatabase.h"
@implementation FMDatabase
+ (id)databaseWithPath:(NSString*)aPath {
return [[[FMDatabase alloc] initWithPath:aPath] autorelease];
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString*)aPath {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
databasePath = [aPath copy];
db = 0x00;
logsErrors = 0x00;
crashOnErrors = 0x00;
busyRetryTimeout = 0x00;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self close];
[databasePath release];
[super dealloc];
+ (NSString*) sqliteLibVersion {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", sqlite3_libversion()];
- (NSString *) databasePath {
return databasePath;
- (sqlite3*) sqliteHandle {
return db;
- (BOOL) open {
int err = sqlite3_open( [databasePath fileSystemRepresentation], &db );
if(err != SQLITE_OK) {
NSLog(@"error opening!: %d", err);
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) close {
if (!db) {
int rc;
BOOL retry;
int numberOfRetries = 0;
do {
retry = NO;
rc = sqlite3_close(db);
if (SQLITE_BUSY == rc) {
retry = YES;
if (busyRetryTimeout && (numberOfRetries++ > busyRetryTimeout)) {
NSLog(@"%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
NSLog(@"Database busy, unable to close");
else if (SQLITE_OK != rc) {
NSLog(@"error closing!: %d", rc);
while (retry);
db = nil;
- (BOOL) rekey:(NSString*)key {
if (!key) {
return NO;
int rc = sqlite3_rekey(db, [key UTF8String], strlen([key UTF8String]));
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
NSLog(@"error on rekey: %d", rc);
NSLog(@"%@", [self lastErrorMessage]);
return (rc == SQLITE_OK);
return NO;
- (BOOL) setKey:(NSString*)key {
if (!key) {
return NO;
int rc = sqlite3_key(db, [key UTF8String], strlen([key UTF8String]));
return (rc == SQLITE_OK);
return NO;
- (BOOL) goodConnection {
if (!db) {
return NO;
FMResultSet *rs = [self executeQuery:@"select name from sqlite_master where type='table'"];
if (rs) {
[rs close];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) compainAboutInUse {
NSLog(@"The FMDatabase %@ is currently in use.", self);
if (crashOnErrors) {
*(long*)0 = 0xDEADBEEF;
- (NSString*) lastErrorMessage {
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:sqlite3_errmsg(db)];
- (BOOL) hadError {
return ([self lastErrorCode] != SQLITE_OK);
- (int) lastErrorCode {
return sqlite3_errcode(db);
- (sqlite_int64) lastInsertRowId {
if (inUse) {
[self compainAboutInUse];
return NO;
[self setInUse:YES];
sqlite_int64 ret = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
[self setInUse:NO];
return ret;
- (void) bindObject:(id)obj toColumn:(int)idx inStatement:(sqlite3_stmt*)pStmt; {
// FIXME - someday check the return codes on these binds.
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, idx, [obj bytes], [obj length], SQLITE_STATIC);
else if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]) {
sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, [obj timeIntervalSince1970]);
else if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
if (strcmp([obj objCType], @encode(BOOL)) == 0) {
sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, idx, ([obj boolValue] ? 1 : 0));
else if (strcmp([obj objCType], @encode(int)) == 0) {
sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, [obj longValue]);
else if (strcmp([obj objCType], @encode(long)) == 0) {
sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, [obj longValue]);
else if (strcmp([obj objCType], @encode(float)) == 0) {
sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, [obj floatValue]);
else if (strcmp([obj objCType], @encode(double)) == 0) {
sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, [obj doubleValue]);
else {
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, idx, [[obj description] UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
else {
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, idx, [[obj description] UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
- (id) executeQuery:(NSString *)sql arguments:(va_list)args {
if (inUse) {
[self compainAboutInUse];
return nil;
[self setInUse:YES];
FMResultSet *rs = nil;
int rc;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
if (traceExecution && sql) {
NSLog(@"%@ executeQuery: %@", self, sql);
int numberOfRetries = 0;
BOOL retry;
do {
retry = NO;
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, [sql UTF8String], -1, &pStmt, 0);
if (SQLITE_BUSY == rc) {
retry = YES;
if (busyRetryTimeout && (numberOfRetries++ > busyRetryTimeout)) {
NSLog(@"%s:%d Database busy (%@)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [self databasePath]);
NSLog(@"Database busy");
[self setInUse:NO];
return nil;
else if (SQLITE_OK != rc) {
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if (logsErrors) {
NSLog(@"DB Error: %d \"%@\"", [self lastErrorCode], [self lastErrorMessage]);
NSLog(@"DB Query: %@", sql);
if (crashOnErrors) {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
asm{ trap };
*(long*)0 = 0xDEADBEEF;
[self setInUse:NO];
return nil;
while (retry);
id obj;
int idx = 0;
int queryCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt); // pointed out by Dominic Yu (thanks!)
while (idx < queryCount) {
obj = va_arg(args, id);
if (!obj) {
if (traceExecution) {
NSLog(@"obj: %@", obj);
[self bindObject:obj toColumn:idx inStatement:pStmt];
if (idx != queryCount) {
NSLog(@"Error: the bind count is not correct for the # of variables (executeQuery)");
[self setInUse:NO];
return nil;
// the statement gets close in rs's dealloc or [rs close];
rs = [FMResultSet resultSetWithStatement:pStmt usingParentDatabase:self];
[rs setQuery:sql];
return rs;
- (id) executeQuery:(NSString*)sql, ... {
va_list args;
va_start(args, sql);
id result = [self executeQuery:sql arguments:args];
return result;
- (BOOL) executeUpdate:(NSString*)sql arguments:(va_list)args {
if (inUse) {
[self compainAboutInUse];
return NO;
[self setInUse:YES];
int rc = 0x00;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0x00;
if (traceExecution && sql) {
NSLog(@"%@ executeUpdate: %@", self, sql);
int numberOfRetries = 0;
BOOL retry;
do {
retry = NO;
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, [sql UTF8String], -1, &pStmt, 0);
if (SQLITE_BUSY == rc) {
retry = YES;
if (busyRetryTimeout && (numberOfRetries++ > busyRetryTimeout)) {
NSLog(@"%s:%d Database busy (%@)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [self databasePath]);
NSLog(@"Database busy");
[self setInUse:NO];
return NO;
else if (SQLITE_OK != rc) {
int ret = rc;
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if (logsErrors) {
NSLog(@"DB Error: %d \"%@\"", [self lastErrorCode], [self lastErrorMessage]);
NSLog(@"DB Query: %@", sql);
if (crashOnErrors) {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
asm{ trap };
*(long*)0 = 0xDEADBEEF;
[self setInUse:NO];
return ret;
while (retry);
id obj;
int idx = 0;
int queryCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt);
while (idx < queryCount) {
obj = va_arg(args, id);
if (!obj) {
if (traceExecution) {
NSLog(@"obj: %@", obj);
[self bindObject:obj toColumn:idx inStatement:pStmt];
if (idx != queryCount) {
NSLog(@"Error: the bind count is not correct for the # of variables (%@) (executeUpdate)", sql);
[self setInUse:NO];
return NO;
/* Call sqlite3_step() to run the virtual machine. Since the SQL being
** executed is not a SELECT statement, we assume no data will be returned.
numberOfRetries = 0;
do {
rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
retry = NO;
if (SQLITE_BUSY == rc) {
// this will happen if the db is locked, like if we are doing an update or insert.
// in that case, retry the step... and maybe wait just 10 milliseconds.
retry = YES;
if (busyRetryTimeout && (numberOfRetries++ > busyRetryTimeout)) {
NSLog(@"%s:%d Database busy (%@)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [self databasePath]);
NSLog(@"Database busy");
retry = NO;
else if (SQLITE_DONE == rc || SQLITE_ROW == rc) {
// all is well, let's return.
else if (SQLITE_ERROR == rc) {
NSLog(@"Error calling sqlite3_step (%d: %s) eu", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
NSLog(@"DB Query: %@", sql);
else if (SQLITE_MISUSE == rc) {
// uh oh.
NSLog(@"Error calling sqlite3_step (%d: %s) eu", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
NSLog(@"DB Query: %@", sql);
else {
// wtf?
NSLog(@"Unknown error calling sqlite3_step (%d: %s) eu", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
NSLog(@"DB Query: %@", sql);
} while (retry);
assert( rc!=SQLITE_ROW );
/* Finalize the virtual machine. This releases all memory and other
** resources allocated by the sqlite3_prepare() call above.
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
[self setInUse:NO];
return (rc == SQLITE_OK);
- (BOOL) executeUpdate:(NSString*)sql, ... {
va_list args;
va_start(args, sql);
BOOL result = [self executeUpdate:sql arguments:args];
return result;
- (BOOL) rollback {
BOOL b = [self executeUpdate:@"ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;"];
if (b) {
inTransaction = NO;
return b;
- (BOOL) commit {
BOOL b = [self executeUpdate:@"COMMIT TRANSACTION;"];
if (b) {
inTransaction = NO;
return b;
- (BOOL) beginDeferredTransaction {
BOOL b = [self executeUpdate:@"BEGIN DEFERRED TRANSACTION;"];
if (b) {
inTransaction = YES;
return b;
- (BOOL) beginTransaction {
BOOL b = [self executeUpdate:@"BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION;"];
if (b) {
inTransaction = YES;
return b;
- (BOOL)logsErrors {
return logsErrors;
- (void)setLogsErrors:(BOOL)flag {
logsErrors = flag;
- (BOOL)crashOnErrors {
return crashOnErrors;
- (void)setCrashOnErrors:(BOOL)flag {
crashOnErrors = flag;
- (BOOL)inUse {
return inUse || inTransaction;
- (void)setInUse:(BOOL)flag {
inUse = flag;
- (BOOL)inTransaction {
return inTransaction;
- (void)setInTransaction:(BOOL)flag {
inTransaction = flag;
- (BOOL)traceExecution {
return traceExecution;
- (void)setTraceExecution:(BOOL)flag {
traceExecution = flag;
- (BOOL)checkedOut {
return checkedOut;
- (void)setCheckedOut:(BOOL)flag {
checkedOut = flag;
- (int)busyRetryTimeout {
return busyRetryTimeout;
- (void)setBusyRetryTimeout:(int)newBusyRetryTimeout {
busyRetryTimeout = newBusyRetryTimeout;
@end |