TileImageSet.m 3.7 KB
//  TimeImageSet.m
//  Images
//  Created by Joseph Gentle on 29/08/08.
//  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "TileImageSet.h"

#import "TileImage.h"
#import "TileSource.h"
#import "MathUtils.h"

@implementation TileImageSet

@synthesize loadedBounds, loadedZoom, nudgeTileSize;

-(id) initFromRect:(TileRect) rect FromImageSource: (id<TileSource>)source ToDisplayIn:(CGRect)bounds WithTileDelegate: (id)delegate
	if (![self init])
		return nil;
	[self assembleFromRect:rect FromImageSource: source ToDisplayIn:bounds WithTileDelegate: delegate];
	return self;

-(id) init
	if (![super init])
		return nil;
//	dirty = YES;
	images = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
	buffer = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
	loadedBounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
	nudgeTileSize = YES;
	return self;

-(void) dealloc
	NSLog(@"Imageset dealloced");
	[images release];
	[buffer release];
	[super dealloc];
-(void) setNeedsRedraw
	dirty = YES;

-(BOOL) needsRedraw
	return dirty;

-(void) swapBuffers
	NSMutableSet *temp = images;
	images = buffer;
	buffer = temp;

-(void) assembleFromRect:(TileRect) rect FromImageSource: (id<TileSource>)source ToDisplayIn:(CGRect)bounds WithTileDelegate: (id)delegate
	[self swapBuffers];
	Tile t;
	t.zoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
	// ... Should be the same as equivalent calculation for height.
	float pixelsPerTile = bounds.size.width / rect.size.width;
	CGRect screenLocation;
	screenLocation.size.width = pixelsPerTile;
	screenLocation.size.height = pixelsPerTile;
	// Corrects a bug in quartz's resizing code
	if (nudgeTileSize)
		screenLocation.size.width += 0.5;
		screenLocation.size.height += 0.5;
	for (t.x = (rect.origin.tile.x); t.x <= (rect.origin.tile.x + (int)(rect.origin.offset.x + rect.size.width)); t.x++)
		for (t.y = (rect.origin.tile.y); t.y <= (rect.origin.tile.y + (int)(rect.origin.offset.y + rect.size.height)); t.y++)
			TileImage *image = [source tileImage:t];
			[image increaseLoadingPriority];
			[image setDelegate:delegate];
			screenLocation.origin.x = bounds.origin.x + (t.x - (rect.origin.offset.x + rect.origin.tile.x)) * pixelsPerTile;
			screenLocation.origin.y = bounds.origin.y + (t.y - (rect.origin.offset.y + rect.origin.tile.y)) * pixelsPerTile;
//			NSLog(@"screenLocation from %f to %f", screenLocation.origin.x, screenLocation.origin.x + screenLocation.size.width);
			image.screenLocation = screenLocation;
			[images addObject:image];
	loadedBounds.origin.x = bounds.origin.x - (rect.origin.offset.x * pixelsPerTile);
	loadedBounds.origin.y = bounds.origin.y - (rect.origin.offset.y * pixelsPerTile);	
	loadedBounds.size.width = (1 + (int)(rect.size.width + rect.origin.offset.x)) * pixelsPerTile;
	loadedBounds.size.height = (1 + (int)(rect.size.height + rect.origin.offset.x)) * pixelsPerTile;
	loadedZoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
	for (TileImage *image in buffer)
		[image decreaseLoadingPriority];
	[buffer removeAllObjects];
//	dirty = NO;

- (void)moveBy: (CGSize) delta
	for (TileImage *image in images)
		CGRect location = image.screenLocation;
		location = TranslateCGRectBy(location, delta);
		image.screenLocation = location;
	loadedBounds = TranslateCGRectBy(loadedBounds, delta);

- (void)zoomByFactor: (float) zoomFactor Near:(CGPoint) center
	for (TileImage *image in images)
		CGRect location = image.screenLocation;
		location = ScaleCGRectAboutPoint(location, zoomFactor, center);
		image.screenLocation = location;
	loadedBounds = ScaleCGRectAboutPoint(loadedBounds, zoomFactor, center);

-(BOOL) containsRect: (CGRect)bounds
	return CGRectContainsRect(loadedBounds, bounds);

-(void) draw
	for (TileImage *image in images)
		[image draw];
