This is a slippy map for the iPhone written by Joseph Gentle. It has been made as part of the CatchMe project. We released it for you under the BSD license. --------- For Users --------- Once this application has more functionality than google maps, I'll throw it on the itunes store for free. -------------- For developers -------------- - Don't be frightened by so many source code files! Most of them (144 of the ~160 source code files) are from the Proj4 library. Proj4 is available here: The only thing proj4 is used for here is converting Longitude / lattitude coordinates into Mercator coordinates (and back again). Coordinate Systems ------------------ - This project uses 4 different coordinate systems! The code won't make any sense unless you understand them: Longitude / Lattitude - Points around the spherical earth measured in Degrees. - Using the types provided by CoreLocation - CLLocationCoordinate2D { double lat, long; } Mercator coordinates - These are points on a flat square. The units are metres; though they're only accurate near the equator. - Using types in Mercator.h - MercatorPoint { double x, y; } and MercatorRect. Tile coordinates - Each zoom level (z) has a grid of 2^z x 2^z tiles. Using OpenStreetMaps each of these tiles is 256 pixels per side. - Each tile is indexed by the Tile struct - { int x, y, zoom; }. There are also TilePoint and TileRect structs for discussing regions of tiles complete with offsets into the tiles. Screen Coordinates - These are measured in pixels within the bounds of the MapView. - Using builtin CGPoint, CGSize and CGRect You can convert: lat/long <-> Mercator using: [Mercator toLatLong: (MercatorPoint) coordinate] and [Mercator toMercator: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate] Mercator <-> Tile using FractalTileProjection Tile <-> Screen coordinates using ScreenProjection Always be aware of what coordinate system you're working in / with and the code is all pretty easy. Desired Features ---------------- Search Bookmarked locations Overlays (Of course, these can just be done with cocoa at the moment) Remember last location Disk cache A Geo tracing facility would be nice... though I'm not too sure how the user can get the geotraces back off the device.