5.09 KB
接口名: '/guang/article/getList'
属性名称 | 类型 | 例子 | 说明 | 是否必填 | 长度限制 |
articleTitle | String | 尖货盘点 | 资讯标题 | 否 | 0-85 |
articleGender | String | 1 | 性别 | 否 | 0-1 |
authorId | int | 2890 | 作者ID | 否 | 0-11 |
maxSortId | int | 12 | 分类ID | 否 | 0-11 |
status | int | 1 | 资讯状态 | 否 | 0-1 |
orderBy | String | 1 | 时间方式 | 否 | 0-13 |
startTime | String | 2016-01-01 | 开始时间 | 否 | 0-10 |
endTime | String | 2016-02-01 | 结束时间 | 否 | 0-10 |
<select id="selectArticleList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from article where 1 = 1
<if test="article.articleTitle != null and article.articleTitle != ''" >
and article_title like CONCAT('%',#{article.articleTitle},'%')
<if test="article.articleGender != null and article.articleGender != ''" >
and article_gender = #{article.articleGender}
<if test="article.authorId != null and article.authorId != ''" >
and author_id = #{article.authorId}
<if test="article.tag != null and article.tag != ''" >
and tag = #{article.tag}
<if test="article.maxSortId != null and article.maxSortId != ''" >
and max_sort_id = #{article.maxSortId}
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 0" >
and (publish_time > unix_timestamp(curdate()) or publish_time = 0)
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 1" >
and unix_timestamp(curdate()) > publish_time and publish_time > 0
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == -1" >
and status = #{article.status}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and create_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > create_time
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and publish_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > publish_time
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy == 'create_time'" >
order by create_time desc
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy == 'publish_time'" >
order by publish_time desc
limit #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id="selectArticleListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select ifnull(count(1),0)
from article where 1 = 1
<if test="article.articleTitle != null and article.articleTitle != ''" >
and article_title like CONCAT('%',#{article.articleTitle},'%')
<if test="article.articleGender != null and article.articleGender != ''" >
and article_gender = #{article.articleGender}
<if test="article.authorId != null and article.authorId != ''" >
and author_id = #{article.authorId}
<if test="article.tag != null and article.tag != ''" >
and tag = #{article.tag}
<if test="article.maxSortId != null and article.maxSortId != ''" >
and max_sort_id = #{article.maxSortId}
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 0" >
and (publish_time > unix_timestamp(curdate()) or publish_time = 0)
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 1" >
and unix_timestamp(curdate()) > publish_time and publish_time > 0
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == -1" >
and status = #{article.status}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and create_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > create_time
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and publish_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > publish_time
错误码code | 消息 | 说明 |
400 | 请求参数为空! | |
200 | 操作成功 |
"data": {
"list": [
"id": "", //资讯ID
"coverImage": "", //封面图
"articleTitle": "", //资讯标题
"maxSortId": "", //分类
"articleGender": "", //性别
"authorId": "", //作者
"status": "", //状态,-1已关闭,0 未发布,1 已发布
"createTime": "", //创建时间
"publishTime": "", //发布时间
"page": 0,
"size": 50,
"total": 1000,