Authored by chaogeng


... ... @@ -2,21 +2,126 @@
> 接口名: '/guang/article/getList'
### 方法
### 入参
### 对应SQL的操作库表
<select id="selectArticleList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from article where 1 = 1
<if test="article.articleTitle != null and article.articleTitle != ''" >
and article_title like CONCAT('%',#{article.articleTitle},'%')
<if test="article.articleGender != null and article.articleGender != ''" >
and article_gender = #{article.articleGender}
<if test="article.authorId != null and article.authorId != ''" >
and author_id = #{article.authorId}
<if test="article.tag != null and article.tag != ''" >
and tag = #{article.tag}
<if test="article.maxSortId != null and article.maxSortId != ''" >
and max_sort_id = #{article.maxSortId}
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 0" >
and (publish_time > unix_timestamp(curdate()) or publish_time = 0)
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 1" >
and unix_timestamp(curdate()) > publish_time and publish_time > 0
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == -1" >
and status = #{article.status}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and create_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > create_time
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and publish_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > publish_time
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy == 'create_time'" >
order by create_time desc
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy == 'publish_time'" >
order by publish_time desc
limit #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id="selectArticleListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select ifnull(count(1),0)
from article where 1 = 1
<if test="article.articleTitle != null and article.articleTitle != ''" >
and article_title like CONCAT('%',#{article.articleTitle},'%')
<if test="article.articleGender != null and article.articleGender != ''" >
and article_gender = #{article.articleGender}
<if test="article.authorId != null and article.authorId != ''" >
and author_id = #{article.authorId}
<if test="article.tag != null and article.tag != ''" >
and tag = #{article.tag}
<if test="article.maxSortId != null and article.maxSortId != ''" >
and max_sort_id = #{article.maxSortId}
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 0" >
and (publish_time > unix_timestamp(curdate()) or publish_time = 0)
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == 1" >
and unix_timestamp(curdate()) > publish_time and publish_time > 0
<if test="article.status != null and article.status == -1" >
and status = #{article.status}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and create_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.createTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > create_time
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and startTime != null" >
and publish_time > #{startTime}
<if test="article.publishTime == 1 and endTime != null" >
and #{endTime} > publish_time
### 错误编码
|400| 请求参数为空!| |
|200| 操作成功| |
### 返回
``` json
... ...