This enables the CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF warning on all targets. #2225 fixed a number of these, but a new one crept back in so this fixes that issue as well.
…er to do some fade transition. It also reuse the current setImageBlock and make it easy to customize
… device run because it’s a dynamic framework
…or watch extension demo
* Refactor code. Move the C global function to a new SDWebImageCoderHelper class. 1. Create two method for animated image parse. Provide the way to allow animates on macOS 2. Create a new class called SDWebImageFrame to allow abstract usage for animated image 3. Fix EXIF orientation method will crash on iOS 7 because it’s a iOS 8 above API * Change sd_imageLoopCount to retrieve GIF loop count for NSImage on macOS * Adopt the refactor code, change our build-in coder with that coder helper method to reduce complexity * Update the demo project on macOS to show animated WebP
…-images/* images which are big and sometimes fail to arrive in 5 seconds (before the test can timeout) to smaller images, basically using http://via.placeholder.com/ like http://via.placeholder.com/50x50.jpg or http://via.placeholder.com/200x200.png This should speed up the tests a bit and also avoid some of the random failures due to timeout
…, we need to dispatch on the main queue * @param progressBlock A block called while image is downloading * @note the progress block is executed on a background queue
use NSImage built-in method to maintain GIF on macOS update README
Add url as param to progress block
…setShowActivityIndicatorView:`, `setIndicatorStyle:`, `showActivityIndicatorView`, `addActivityIndicator`, `removeActivityIndicator`)
…OS 8.0. No code signing. Enabled some warnings
…r OSX. For OSX, this will not work because the `animatedImageWithImages:duration:` API does not have an equivalent there.
Animated webP support
…Cache category. All the other categories will make calls to this one. Customization of setting the image is done via the setImageBlock and the operationKey
…does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist (1.0). There values are required to match"
…because of some compiler issues (pod lib lint)
…get, set watch to 2.0 and appletv to 9.0)
…"SDWebImage iOS static", added the webp files to all targets (as libwebp is compatible with all 4 platforms). Updated Travis CI