Detect the current CGImage color mode, covert the all other case to RGB888/RGBA8888 using vImage
Add `UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction` as default options for convenient image transition
Remove the duplicated process to force decode (draw on bitmap context) in Image/IO's progressive decoding.
Remove the extra calculation of image orientation for ImageIO coder
…IO's progressive decoding.
Fix function storeImageDataToDisk description
New Pull Request Checklist I have read and understood the CONTRIBUTING guide I have read the Documentation I have searched for a similar pull request in the project and found none I have updated this branch with the latest master to avoid conflicts (via merge from master or rebase) I have added the required tests to prove the fix/feature I am adding I have updated the documentation (if necessary) I have run the tests and they pass I have run the lint and it passes (pod lib lint) This merge request fixes / reffers to the following issues: ... Pull Request Description ####Description There are some problems in this description Or using marco like SDWebImageCompat avoid deadlocks #ifndef dispatch_queue_sync_safe #define dispatch_queue_sync_safe(queue, block)\ if (strcmp(dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL), dispatch_queue_get_label(queue)) == 0) {\ block();\ } else {\ dispatch_sync(queue, block);\ } #endif
Fix the thread-safe issue for coders manager.
Add `SDImageCacheScaleDownLargeImages` to allow cache to scale down large images if need
…eep `addCoder`, `removeCoder` thread-safe.
Fix that force decode not works for alpha-channel images.
…de animated images. All other images should use the display alpha info based on whether contains alpha or not to force decode
Fix the wrong declaration of NSArray generics
Add cacheKeyFilter to allow user provide modified version of data when storing the disk cache in SDWebImageManager
Add a delegate method to control the custom logic when blocking the failed url
…he disk cache in SDWebImageManager
Clarify the block comment in SDWebImageManager
This enables the CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF warning on all targets. #2225 fixed a number of these, but a new one crept back in so this fixes that issue as well.
Follow Apple's doc, add NSOperation only after all configuration done.
Fix that iOS 8 NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh symbol not defined in Foundation framework and cause crash
…mework and cause crash
Update the changes for 4.3.1
Create a subclass of NSCache using a weak cache.
…ry warning and sync back the alive instance from weak cache into cache.
Decode the image in the operation level's queue instead of URLSession delegate queue