@@ -53,10 +53,13 @@ public class UnionServiceImpl implements IUnionService { |
static Logger activeUnion = LoggerFactory.getLogger("activeUnion");
static Logger clickUnion = LoggerFactory.getLogger("clickUnion");
static Logger ipMatch = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ipMatch");
private static final String UNION_KEY = "UNION:KEY:";
static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UnionServiceImpl.class);
YHRedisTemplate<String, String> yHRedisTemplate;
@@ -177,14 +180,12 @@ public class UnionServiceImpl implements IUnionService { |
// key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
// yhValueOperations.set(key, JSON.toJSONString(request));
// yHRedisTemplate.longExpire(key, activeTime.get(), TimeUnit.HOURS);
// log.info("clickUnion set redis second success. with key={}, value={}", key, JSON.toJSONString(request));
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
yhValueOperations.set(key, JSON.toJSONString(request));
yHRedisTemplate.longExpire(key, activeTime.get(), TimeUnit.HOURS);
log.info("clickUnion set redis second success. with key={}, value={}", key, JSON.toJSONString(request));
log.info("clickUnion set redis success with request={}", request);
// log.info("clickUnion set redis success with request={}", request);
// if (union != null) {
// //如果90天以内,已经存在点击记录,则不需要插入或更新数据库
@@ -284,35 +285,29 @@ public class UnionServiceImpl implements IUnionService { |
log.info("activateUnion with get redis first with key={}, value={}", key, value);
clickUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis first with key={}, value={}", key, value);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getTd())) {
activeUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis first with key={}, value={}", key, value);
String td = request.getTd();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(td)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getTd() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + td + "_" + request.getAppkey();
value = yhValueOperations.get(key);
log.info("activateUnion with get redis first with key={}, value={}", key, value);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
String[] arr = request.getTd().split("_");
if (arr.length > 3) {
request.setTd(arr[2] + "_" + arr[3]);
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getTd() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
td=(arr[2] + "_" + arr[3]);
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + td + "_" + request.getAppkey();
value = yhValueOperations.get(key);
log.info("activateUnion with get redis second with key={}, value={}", key, value);
clickUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis second with key={}, value={}", key, value);
activeUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis second with key={}, value={}", key, value);
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getTd() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
value = yhValueOperations.get(key);
log.info("activateUnion with get redis third with key={}, value={}", key, value);
clickUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis third with key={}, value={}", key, value);
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getTd() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
td = (arr[1]+"_"+arr[2]);
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + td + "_" + request.getAppkey();
value = yhValueOperations.get(key);
log.info("activateUnion with get redis third with key={}, value={}", key, value);
activeUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis third with key={}, value={}", key, value);
@@ -323,10 +318,15 @@ public class UnionServiceImpl implements IUnionService { |
key = UNION_KEY + "_" + request.getClientIp() + "_" + request.getAppkey();
value = yhValueOperations.get(key);
ipMatch.info("activateUnion with IP params td is {},imei is {},idfa is {},IP is {},---- clickMsg is {}",request.getTd(),request.getImei(),request.getIdfa(),request.getClientIp(),value);
return new UnionResponse(204, "user not click");
log.info("activateUnion with get redis forth with key={}, value={}", key, value);
clickUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis forth with key={}, value={}", key, value);
activeUnion.info("activateUnion with get redis forth with key={}, value={}", key, value);
// 如果redis中不存在存在该用户点击信息,则退出
@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ public class UnionServiceImpl implements IUnionService { |
log.warn("activateUnion error because 15 days has activate in bigdata database info with param is {}", request);
} else {
JSONObject j = new JSONObject();
j.put("apptype", request.getClient_type());