package com.yoho.unions.server.service.impl;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.netflix.config.DynamicIntProperty;
import com.netflix.config.DynamicPropertyFactory;
import com.yoho.core.cache.CacheClient;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.request.ActivateDingdangRequestBO;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.request.AddDingdangRequestBO;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.request.MainUnionRequestBO;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.response.ActivateDingdangResponseBO;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.response.AddDingdangResponseBO;
import com.yoho.service.model.union.response.MainUnionResponseBO;
import com.yoho.unions.common.enums.SourceEnum;
import com.yoho.unions.common.utils.DateUtil;
import com.yoho.unions.common.utils.HttpUtils;
import com.yoho.unions.dal.IUnionsActiveRecordDAO;
import com.yoho.unions.dal.model.UnionsActiveRecord;
import com.yoho.unions.server.service.MainUnionService;
* 描述:
* 顶当联盟实现
* @author ping.huang
* 2016年3月10日
public class DingdangServiceImpl2 implements MainUnionService {
static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DingdangServiceImpl2.class);
static Logger addDingdang = LoggerFactory.getLogger("addDingdang");
static Logger activeDingdang = LoggerFactory.getLogger("activeDingdang");
private static final String unions_KEY = "yh:unions:dingdang_";
IUnionsActiveRecordDAO unionsActiveRecordDAO;
CacheClient cacheClient;
public MainUnionResponseBO addUnionCheck(MainUnionRequestBO request) {
AddDingdangRequestBO requestBO = (AddDingdangRequestBO) request;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestBO.getApp())) {
log.warn("addunions error app is null with param is {}", request);
return new AddDingdangResponseBO(false, "APP IS NULL");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestBO.getUdid())) {
log.warn("addunions error udid is null with param is {}", request);
return new AddDingdangResponseBO(false, "UDID IS NULL");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestBO.getCallbackurl())) {
log.warn("addunions error callbackurl is null with param is {}", request);
return new AddDingdangResponseBO(false, "CALLBACKURL IS NULL");
return new AddDingdangResponseBO();
public MainUnionResponseBO addUnion(MainUnionRequestBO request) {
AddDingdangRequestBO requestBO = (AddDingdangRequestBO) request;
log.debug("addunions with param is {}", request);
String cacheUdid = cacheClient.get(unions_KEY + requestBO.getApp() + "_" + requestBO.getUdid(), String.class);
log.info("addunions get cache key={}, cacheUdid={}", unions_KEY + requestBO.getApp() + "_" + requestBO.getUdid(), cacheUdid);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cacheUdid)) {
log.warn("addunions error app and udid is added with param is {}", request);
return new AddDingdangResponseBO(false, "APP UDID IS EXISTS");
DynamicIntProperty activeTime = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("activeTime", 60 * 60);
cacheClient.set(unions_KEY + requestBO.getApp() + "_" + requestBO.getUdid(), activeTime.get(), requestBO.getUdid());
log.debug("addunions set cache success");
try {
UnionsActiveRecord unions = new UnionsActiveRecord();
log.debug("add to unionsLog db with param is {}", unions);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
log.info("addunions success with param is {}", request);
addDingdang.info("addunions success with param is {}", request);
return new AddDingdangResponseBO(true, "成功");
public MainUnionResponseBO activateUnionCheck(MainUnionRequestBO request) {
ActivateDingdangRequestBO requestBO = (ActivateDingdangRequestBO) request;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestBO.getAppid())) {
log.warn("activeunions error app is null with param is {}", request);
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "APP IS NULL");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestBO.getUdid())) {
log.warn("activeunions error udid is null with param is {}", request);
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "UDID IS NULL");
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO();
public MainUnionResponseBO activateUnion(MainUnionRequestBO request) {
ActivateDingdangRequestBO requestBO = (ActivateDingdangRequestBO) request;
log.debug("activeunions with param is {}", requestBO);
String memKey = unions_KEY + requestBO.getAppid() + "_" + requestBO.getUdid();
String cacheUdid = cacheClient.get(memKey, String.class);
log.info("activeUnion get cache key={}, cacheUdid={}", memKey, cacheUdid);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cacheUdid)) {
log.warn("activeunions error app and udid is not exists with param is {}", request);
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "APP UDID IS NOT EXISTS IN CACHE");
UnionsActiveRecord unions = new UnionsActiveRecord();
UnionsActiveRecord u = unionsActiveRecordDAO.selectByUdidAndApp(unions);
if (u == null) {
log.warn("activeunions error app and udid is not exists with param is {}", request);
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "database has not exists this udid but cache exists");
if ("1".equals(u.getIsActive())) {
log.warn("activeunions error app is actived with param is {}", request);
return new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "app udid had actived");
int repeatCount = 0;
Pair<Integer, String> pair = null;
JSONObject json = null;
boolean isSuccess = false;
String url = "";
while (true) {
if (isSuccess || repeatCount >= 3) {
try {
url = u.getCallbackurl();
pair = HttpUtils.httpGet(url);
if (pair.getLeft() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
log.debug("call " + u.getCallbackurl() + " url success return message is {}", pair.getRight());
json = JSONObject.parseObject(pair.getRight());
isSuccess = json.getBooleanValue("isSuccess");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
log.info("call " + u.getCallbackurl() + " url return message is {}", pair.getRight());
MainUnionResponseBO response = null;
if (isSuccess) {
log.debug("activeUnion delete cache success key={}", memKey);
response = new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(true, "激活成功");
} else {
response = new ActivateDingdangResponseBO(false, "激活失败");
try {
JSONObject j = new JSONObject();
j.put("apptype", requestBO.getApptype());
j.put("appid", requestBO.getAppid());
j.put("udid", requestBO.getUdid());
j.put("dateid", DateUtil.getcurrentDateTime());
SourceEnum e = SourceEnum.getSourceEnumByValue(u.getType());
j.put("source", e == null ? "" : e.getName());
j.put("ip", requestBO.getClientIP());
j.put("collect_ip", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
return response;
} |