…ault set to NO as it causes major bugs as described before.
[[self contents] zoomInToNextNativeZoomAt: [touch locationInView:self] animated:YES]; instead of: [self zoomInToNextNativeZoomAt: [touch locationInView:self] ;
…o crash in case LOTS of markers are added to the map
…eemap-iphone developed by the Mobile Application Group at HiÃ.
…marker tap so they do not compete with one another.
…of having more than one line in the marker label. This is not needed anyway. Also set the number of lines to unlimited and left alignment.
Added example in Controller
1 with given latlon 1 given screen corrdinates
…unds or the screen bounds. Added method to determine if the Manager is managing a marker.
…code so it may not compile. Fix as necessary...
Not sure how this project compiled earlier with it in.
Added example in MapViewViewController
…the screen for some reason !?
…e both graphic and labels
Not sure why removeLabel has to be called before replaceImage:anchorPoint: