…ercatorWebSource. Minor edits to projects with own tile sources will be needed. closes issue 72.
Expose label parameters in setTextLabel:
…placeImage:anchorPoint:. Closes Issue 42
…ild settings to allow LLVM/Clang to run.
http://groups.google.com/group/route-me-map/browse_thread/thread/9cf4dafacd1fd609/84b24936bb21d81c?lnk=gst&q=image#84b24936bb21d81c Question: should the setZoom with animation be removed to be replaced with the setZoom method? For now, I have just copied the content of the "fix" in setZoom
… time and thus crashing the application
…View as a protocol so we can resolve the call forwarding on the mapview to contents.
…ault set to NO as it causes major bugs as described before.