-illustrates a bug when using contents moveToLatLong:
…or message - according to Apple's documentation, DrawPath closes the path if it's a filled style, so a call to ClosePath isn't necessary
… to the variable ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}.
…d developer-supplied CloudMade keys
…dle (which didn't exist) a slight bug was occuring with invalid paths
…at we never care about the fact that certain tilesets can have a min or max zoom. This is being set so we eventually fix this
…ote in RMMapViewDelegate.h that didDragMarker is depreciated, and after .5 will not exist. Updated samples to use new delegates. For examples on how to best use these new delegates, look at SimpleMap
…lobal delegate then either a) the front map wouldn't let you drag the map when a drag starts over a marker or b) the back map wouldn't allow you to drag its marker
… map initially. Manually pan/zoom updates it. Can you solve it?
… lower map to change source). If someone else wants to grab this and polish it, feel free.
…ngle latitude extent exceeding 90 degrees, per patch in Issue 31. This sort of computation should, however, be moved to the projection layer