@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ |
return NO;
- (void)zoomContentByFactor:(float)zoomFactor near:(CGPoint)pivot animated:(BOOL)animated
- (void)zoomByFactor:(float)zoomFactor near:(CGPoint)pivot animated:(BOOL)animated
if (![self tileSourceBoundsContainScreenPoint:pivot])
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ |
// RMLog(@"zoom in from:%f to:%f by factor:%f around {%f,%f}", [self zoom], newZoom, factor, pivot.x, pivot.y);
[self zoomContentByFactor:factor near:pivot animated:animated];
[self zoomByFactor:factor near:pivot animated:animated];
- (void)zoomOutToNextNativeZoomAt:(CGPoint)pivot
@@ -790,80 +790,7 @@ |
// RMLog(@"zoom out from:%f to:%f by factor:%f around {%f,%f}", [self zoom], newZoom, factor, pivot.x, pivot.y);
[self zoomContentByFactor:factor near:pivot animated:animated];
- (void)zoomByFactor:(float)zoomFactor near:(CGPoint)center animated:(BOOL)animated
if (_constrainMovement)
// check that bounds after zoom don't exceed map constraints
float _zoomFactor = [self adjustedZoomForCurrentBoundingMask:zoomFactor];
float zoomDelta = log2f(_zoomFactor);
float targetZoom = zoomDelta + [self zoom];
BOOL canZoom = NO;
if (targetZoom == [self zoom])
//OK... . I could even do a return here.. but it will hamper with future logic..
canZoom = YES;
// clamp zoom to remain below or equal to maxZoom after zoomAfter will be applied
if (targetZoom > [self maxZoom])
zoomFactor = exp2f([self maxZoom] - [self zoom]);
// clamp zoom to remain above or equal to minZoom after zoomAfter will be applied
if (targetZoom < [self minZoom])
zoomFactor = 1/exp2f([self zoom] - [self minZoom]);
// bools for syntactical sugar to understand the logic in the if statement below
BOOL zoomAtMax = ([self zoom] == [self maxZoom]);
BOOL zoomAtMin = ([self zoom] == [self minZoom]);
BOOL zoomGreaterMin = ([self zoom] > [self minZoom]);
BOOL zoomLessMax = ([self zoom] < [ self maxZoom]);
//zooming in zoomFactor > 1
//zooming out zoomFactor < 1
if ((zoomGreaterMin && zoomLessMax) || (zoomAtMax && zoomFactor<1) || (zoomAtMin && zoomFactor>1))
// if I'm here it means I could zoom, now we have to see what will happen after zoom
// get copies of mercatorRoScreenProjection's data
RMProjectedPoint origin = [self projectedOrigin];
CGRect screenBounds = self.bounds;
// this is copied from [RMMercatorToScreenBounds zoomScreenByFactor]
// First we move the origin to the pivot...
origin.x += center.x * metersPerPixel;
origin.y += (screenBounds.size.height - center.y) * metersPerPixel;
// Then scale by 1/factor
metersPerPixel /= _zoomFactor;
// Then translate back
origin.x -= center.x * metersPerPixel;
origin.y -= (screenBounds.size.height - center.y) * metersPerPixel;
// calculate new bounds
RMProjectedRect zRect;
zRect.origin = origin;
zRect.size.width = screenBounds.size.width * metersPerPixel;
zRect.size.height = screenBounds.size.height * metersPerPixel;
// // can zoom only if within bounds
// canZoom = !(zRect.origin.y < _southWestConstraint.y || zRect.origin.y+zRect.size.height > _northEastConstraint.y ||
// zRect.origin.x < _southWestConstraint.x || zRect.origin.x+zRect.size.width > _northEastConstraint.x);
if (!canZoom)
RMLog(@"Zooming will move map out of bounds: no zoom");
[self zoomContentByFactor:zoomFactor near:center animated:animated];
[self zoomByFactor:factor near:pivot animated:animated];
#pragma mark -
@@ -1540,7 +1467,7 @@ |
double factor = self.metersPerPixel / newMetersPerPixel;
[self zoomContentByFactor:factor near:CGPointMake(self.bounds.size.width/2.0, self.bounds.size.height/2.0) animated:animated];
[self zoomByFactor:factor near:CGPointMake(self.bounds.size.width/2.0, self.bounds.size.height/2.0) animated:animated];
- (double)scaledMetersPerPixel