@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ Major differences from [Alpstein fork of Route-Me](https://github.com/Alpstein/r |
* Requires iOS 5.0 and above.
* Canonical source for [MapBox](http://mapbox.com) & [MBTiles](http://mbtiles.org) tile source integration code.
* [UTFGrid interactivity](http://mapbox.com/mbtiles-spec/utfgrid/).
* [User location services](http://mapbox.com/blog/ios-user-location-services/).
* Removal of two-finger double-tap gesture for zoom out (to speed up two-finger single-tap recognition like MapKit).
* Different default starting location for maps.
* Built-in attribution view controller with button on map views & default OpenStreetMap attribution.
* [MapBox Markers](http://mapbox.com/blog/markers/) support.
* Prepackaged [binary framework](http://mapbox.com/blog/ios-sdk-framework/).
* A few added defaults for convenience.
* Improved documentation.
[mapbox]: http://mapbox.com