@property(nonatomic,readonly)floatadjustedZoomForRetinaDisplay;// takes adjustTilesForRetinaDisplay and screen scale into account
/// minimum and maximum zoom number allowed for the view. #minZoom and #maxZoom must be within the limits of #tileSource but can be stricter; they are clamped to tilesource limits (minZoom, maxZoom) if needed.
/// take missing tiles from lower zoom levels, up to #missingTilesDepth zoom levels (defaults to 0, which disables this feature)
// take missing tiles from lower zoom levels, up to #missingTilesDepth zoom levels (defaults to 0, which disables this feature)
/// recenter the map on #boundsRect, expressed in projected meters
// minimum and maximum zoom number allowed for the view. #minZoom and #maxZoom must be within the limits of #tileSource but can be stricter; they are clamped to tilesource limits (minZoom, maxZoom) if needed.
RMLog(@"clamping min zoom of %f to %f due to %@",log2f(mapScrollView.minimumZoomScale),log2f(newMinZoomScale),(self.boundingMask==RMMapMinWidthBound?@"RMMapMinWidthBound":@"RMMapMinHeightBound"));
RMLog(@"clamping min zoom of %f to %f due to %@",log2f(_mapScrollView.minimumZoomScale),log2f(newMinZoomScale),(self.boundingMask==RMMapMinWidthBound?@"RMMapMinWidthBound":@"RMMapMinHeightBound"));