RMMapNoMinBound=0,// Map can be zoomed out past view limits
RMMapMinHeightBound=1,// Minimum map height when zooming out restricted to view height
RMMapMinWidthBound=2// Minimum map width when zooming out restricted to view width (default)
// constants for the scrollview deceleration mode
@@ -129,8 +122,6 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger {
/** Take missing tiles from lower-numbered zoom levels, up to a given number of zoom levels. This can be used in order to increase perceived tile load performance or to allow zooming in beyond levels supported natively by a given tile source. Defaults to 1. */
RMLog(@"clamping min zoom of %f to %f due to %@",log2f(_mapScrollView.minimumZoomScale),log2f(newMinZoomScale),(self.boundingMask==RMMapMinWidthBound?@"RMMapMinWidthBound":@"RMMapMinHeightBound"));