RMTileImageSet.m 6.83 KB
//  TileImageSet.m
//  RouteMe
//  Created by Joseph Gentle on 9/09/08.
//  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "RMTileImageSet.h"
#import "RMTileImage.h"
#import "RMPixel.h"
#import "RMTileSource.h"

// For notification strings
#import "RMTileLoader.h"

#import "RMMercatorToTileProjection.h"

@implementation RMTileImageSet

@synthesize delegate, tileSource;

-(id) initWithDelegate: (id) _delegate
	if (![super init])
		return nil;
	tileSource = nil;
	self.delegate = _delegate;
	images = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
	return self;

-(void) dealloc
	[tileSource release];
	[images release];
	[super dealloc];

-(void) removeTile: (RMTile) tile
	if (RMTileIsDummy(tile))
		NSLog(@"attempted to remove dummy tile...??");
	RMTileImage *dummyTile = [RMTileImage dummyTile:tile];
	if ([images countForObject:dummyTile] == 1)
		if ([delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(tileRemoved:)])
			[delegate tileRemoved:tile];

		[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RMMapImageRemovedFromScreenNotification object:[self imageWithTile:tile]];

	[images removeObject:dummyTile];

-(void) removeTiles: (RMTileRect)rect
	RMTileRect roundedRect = RMTileRectRound(rect);
	// The number of tiles we'll load in the vertical and horizontal directions
	int tileRegionWidth = (int)roundedRect.size.width;
	int tileRegionHeight =  (int)roundedRect.size.height;
	RMTile t;
	t.zoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
	id<RMMercatorToTileProjection> proj = [tileSource mercatorToTileProjection];
	for (t.x = roundedRect.origin.tile.x; t.x < roundedRect.origin.tile.x + tileRegionWidth; t.x++)
		for (t.y = (roundedRect.origin.tile.y); t.y <= roundedRect.origin.tile.y + tileRegionHeight; t.y++)
			RMTile normalisedTile = [proj normaliseTile: t];
			if (RMTileIsDummy(normalisedTile))
			[self removeTile:normalisedTile];

-(void) removeAllTiles
	for (RMTileImage* img in images) {
		[self removeTile: img.tile];

/* Untested.
 -(BOOL) hasTile: (Tile) tile
 NSEnumerator *enumerator = [images objectEnumerator];
 TileImage *object;
 while ((object = [enumerator nextObject])) {
 if (TilesEqual(tile, [object tile]))
 return YES;
 return NO;

-(void) addTile: (RMTile) tile WithImage: (RMTileImage *)image At: (CGRect) screenLocation
	image.screenLocation = screenLocation;
	[images addObject:image];
	if (!RMTileIsDummy(image.tile))
		if([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(tileAdded:WithImage:)])
			[delegate tileAdded:tile WithImage:image];

		[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RMMapImageAddedToScreenNotification object:image];

-(void) addTile: (RMTile) tile At: (CGRect) screenLocation
	//	NSLog(@"addTile: %d %d", tile.x, tile.y);
	RMTileImage *dummyTile = [RMTileImage dummyTile:tile];
	if ([images containsObject:dummyTile])
		[images addObject:dummyTile];
		RMTileImage *image = [tileSource tileImage:tile];
		if (image != nil)
			[self addTile:tile WithImage:image At:screenLocation];

// Add tiles inside rect protected to bounds. Return rectangle containing bounds
// extended to full tile loading area
-(CGRect) addTiles: (RMTileRect)rect ToDisplayIn:(CGRect)bounds
//	NSLog(@"addTiles: %d %d - %f %f", rect.origin.tile.x, rect.origin.tile.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
	RMTile t;
	t.zoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
	// ... Should be the same as equivalent calculation for height.
	float pixelsPerTile = bounds.size.width / rect.size.width;
	// Until the proper root cause of the seam problem is discovered, I'm hacking around it with this
	////////////// HACKY FIX ////////////
	pixelsPerTile += 0.2;
	CGRect screenLocation;
	screenLocation.size.width = pixelsPerTile;
	screenLocation.size.height = pixelsPerTile;
	RMTileRect roundedRect = RMTileRectRound(rect);
	// The number of tiles we'll load in the vertical and horizontal directions
	int tileRegionWidth = (int)roundedRect.size.width;
	int tileRegionHeight = (int)roundedRect.size.height;
	id<RMMercatorToTileProjection> proj = [tileSource mercatorToTileProjection];
	for (t.x = roundedRect.origin.tile.x; t.x < roundedRect.origin.tile.x + tileRegionWidth; t.x++)
		for (t.y = (roundedRect.origin.tile.y); t.y <= roundedRect.origin.tile.y + tileRegionHeight; t.y++)
			RMTile normalisedTile = [proj normaliseTile: t];
			if (RMTileIsDummy(normalisedTile))
			screenLocation.origin.x = bounds.origin.x + (t.x - (rect.origin.offset.x + rect.origin.tile.x)) * pixelsPerTile;
			screenLocation.origin.y = bounds.origin.y + (t.y - (rect.origin.offset.y + rect.origin.tile.y)) * pixelsPerTile;
			[self addTile:normalisedTile At:screenLocation];
	// Now we translate the loaded region back into screen space for loadedBounds.
	CGRect newLoadedBounds;
	newLoadedBounds.origin.x = bounds.origin.x - (rect.origin.offset.x * pixelsPerTile);
	newLoadedBounds.origin.y = bounds.origin.y - (rect.origin.offset.y * pixelsPerTile);	
	newLoadedBounds.size.width = tileRegionWidth * pixelsPerTile;
	newLoadedBounds.size.height = tileRegionHeight * pixelsPerTile;
	return newLoadedBounds;

-(RMTileImage*) imageWithTile: (RMTile) tile
	NSEnumerator *enumerator = [images objectEnumerator];
	RMTileImage *object;
	while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]))
		if (RMTilesEqual(tile, [object tile]))
			return object;
	return nil;

-(NSUInteger) count
	return [images count];

- (void)moveBy: (CGSize) delta
	for (RMTileImage *image in images)
		[image moveBy: delta];

- (void)zoomByFactor: (float) zoomFactor near:(CGPoint) center
	for (RMTileImage *image in images)
		[image zoomByFactor:zoomFactor near:center];

- (void) drawRect:(CGRect) rect
	for (RMTileImage *image in images)
		[image draw];

- (void) printDebuggingInformation
	float biggestSeamRight = 0.0f;
	float biggestSeamDown = 0.0f;
	for (RMTileImage *image in images)
		CGRect location = [image screenLocation];
/*		NSLog(@"Image at %f, %f %f %f",
			  location.origin.x + location.size.width,
			  location.origin.y + location.size.height);
		float seamRight = INFINITY;
		float seamDown = INFINITY;
		for (RMTileImage *other_image in images)
			CGRect other_location = [other_image screenLocation];
			if (other_location.origin.x > location.origin.x)
				seamRight = MIN(seamRight, other_location.origin.x - (location.origin.x + location.size.width));
			if (other_location.origin.y > location.origin.y)
				seamDown = MIN(seamDown, other_location.origin.y - (location.origin.y + location.size.height));
		if (seamRight != INFINITY)
			biggestSeamRight = MAX(biggestSeamRight, seamRight);
		if (seamDown != INFINITY)
			biggestSeamDown = MAX(biggestSeamDown, seamDown);
	NSLog(@"Biggest seam right: %f  down: %f", biggestSeamRight, biggestSeamDown);
