RMMercatorToScreenProjection.m 6.25 KB
//  ScreenProjection.m
//  Images
//  Created by Joseph Gentle on 28/08/08.
//  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "RMMercatorToScreenProjection.h"
#include "RMProjection.h"

@implementation RMMercatorToScreenProjection

- (id) initFromProjection: (RMProjection*) aProjection ToScreenBounds: (CGRect)aScreenBounds;
	if (![super init])
		return nil;
	screenBounds = aScreenBounds;
	projection = [aProjection retain];
	scale = 1;
	return self;

- (void) dealloc
	[projection release];
	[super dealloc];

// Deltas in screen coordinates.
- (RMXYPoint)movePoint: (RMXYPoint)aPoint by:(CGSize) delta
	RMXYSize XYDelta = [self projectScreenSizeToXY:delta];
	aPoint.x += XYDelta.width;
	aPoint.y += XYDelta.height;
	aPoint = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:aPoint];
	return aPoint;

- (RMXYRect)moveRect: (RMXYRect)aRect by:(CGSize) delta
	aRect.origin = [self movePoint:aRect.origin by:delta];
	return aRect;

- (RMXYPoint)zoomPoint: (RMXYPoint)aPoint byFactor: (float)factor near:(CGPoint) aPixelPoint
	RMXYPoint XYPivot = [self projectScreenPointToXY:aPixelPoint];
	RMXYPoint result = RMScaleXYPointAboutPoint(aPoint, factor, XYPivot);
	result = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:result];
//	NSLog(@"RMScaleMercatorPointAboutPoint %f %f about %f %f to %f %f", point.x, point.y, mercatorPivot.x, mercatorPivot.y, result.x, result.y);
	return result;

- (RMXYRect)zoomRect: (RMXYRect)aRect byFactor: (float)factor near:(CGPoint) aPixelPoint
	RMXYPoint XYPivot = [self projectScreenPointToXY:aPixelPoint];
	RMXYRect result = RMScaleXYRectAboutPoint(aRect, factor, XYPivot);
	result.origin = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:result.origin];
	return result;

-(void) moveScreenBy: (CGSize)delta
//	NSLog(@"move screen from %f %f", origin.x, origin.y);

//	origin.x -= delta.width * scale;
//	origin.y += delta.height * scale;

	// Reverse the delta - if the screen's contents moves left, the origin moves right.
	// It makes sense if you think about it long enough and squint your eyes a bit.

	delta.width = -delta.width;
	delta.height = -delta.height;
	origin = [self movePoint:origin by:delta];
//	NSLog(@"to %f %f", origin.x, origin.y);

- (void) zoomScreenByFactor: (float) factor near:(CGPoint) aPixelPoint;
	// The result of this function should be the same as this:
	//RMMercatorPoint test = [self zoomPoint:origin ByFactor:1.0f / factor Near:pivot];

	// First we move the origin to the pivot...
	origin.x += aPixelPoint.x * scale;
	origin.y += (screenBounds.size.height - aPixelPoint.y) * scale;
	// Then scale by 1/factor
	scale /= factor;
	// Then translate back
	origin.x -= aPixelPoint.x * scale;
	origin.y -= (screenBounds.size.height - aPixelPoint.y) * scale;

	origin = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:origin];
	//NSLog(@"test: %f %f", test.x, test.y);
	//NSLog(@"correct: %f %f", origin.x, origin.y);
//	CGPoint p = [self projectMercatorPoint:[self projectScreenPointToMercator:CGPointMake(0,0)]];
//	NSLog(@"origin at %f %f", p.x, p.y);
//	CGPoint q = [self projectMercatorPoint:[self projectScreenPointToMercator:CGPointMake(100,100)]];
//	NSLog(@"100 100 at %f %f", q.x, q.y);


- (void)zoomBy: (float) factor
	scale *= factor;

- (CGPoint) projectXYPoint:(RMXYPoint)aPoint withScale:(float)aScale
	// TODO: This should return the closest, even if thats on the other side of the world...
	CGPoint	aPixelPoint;
	aPixelPoint.x = (aPoint.x - origin.x) / aScale;
	aPixelPoint.y = screenBounds.size.height - (aPoint.y - origin.y) / aScale;
	return aPixelPoint;

- (CGPoint) projectXYPoint: (RMXYPoint)aPoint
	// TODO: This should return the closest, even if thats on the other side of the world.
	return [self projectXYPoint:aPoint withScale:scale];

- (CGRect) projectXYRect: (RMXYRect) aRect
	// TODO: This should return the closest, even if thats on the other side of the world.
	CGRect aPixelRect;
	aPixelRect.origin = [self projectXYPoint: aRect.origin];
	aPixelRect.size.width = aRect.size.width / scale;
	aPixelRect.size.height = aRect.size.height / scale;
	return aPixelRect;

- (RMXYPoint)projectScreenPointToXY: (CGPoint) aPixelPoint withScale:(float)aScale
	RMXYPoint aPoint;
	aPoint.x = origin.x + aPixelPoint.x * aScale;
	aPoint.y = origin.y + (screenBounds.size.height - aPixelPoint.y) * aScale;
	origin = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:origin];
	return aPoint;

- (RMXYPoint) projectScreenPointToXY: (CGPoint) aPixelPoint
	// I will assume the point is within the screenbounds rectangle.
	return [projection wrapPointHorizontally:[self projectScreenPointToXY:aPixelPoint withScale:scale]];

- (RMXYRect) projectScreenRectToXY: (CGRect) aPixelRect
	RMXYRect aRect;
	aRect.origin = [self projectScreenPointToXY: aPixelRect.origin];
	aRect.size.width = aPixelRect.size.width * scale;
	aRect.size.height = aPixelRect.size.height * scale;
	return aRect;

- (RMXYSize)projectScreenSizeToXY: (CGSize) aPixelSize
	RMXYSize aSize;
	aSize.width = aPixelSize.width * scale;
	aSize.height = -aPixelSize.height * scale;
	return aSize;

- (RMXYRect) XYBounds
	RMXYRect aRect;
	aRect.origin = origin;
	aRect.size.width = screenBounds.size.width * scale;
	aRect.size.height = screenBounds.size.height * scale;
	return aRect;

-(void) setXYBounds: (RMXYRect) aRect
	float scaleX = aRect.size.width / screenBounds.size.width;
	float scaleY = aRect.size.height / screenBounds.size.height;
	// I will pick a scale in between those two.
	scale = (scaleX + scaleY) / 2;
	origin = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:aRect.origin];

- (RMXYPoint) XYCenter
	RMXYPoint aPoint;
	aPoint.x = origin.x + screenBounds.size.width * scale / 2;
	aPoint.y = origin.y + screenBounds.size.height * scale / 2;
	aPoint = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:aPoint];
	return aPoint;

- (void) setXYCenter: (RMXYPoint) aPoint
	origin = [projection wrapPointHorizontally:aPoint];
	origin.x -= screenBounds.size.width * scale / 2;
	origin.y -= screenBounds.size.height * scale / 2;

- (void) setScreenBounds:(CGRect)rect;
  screenBounds = rect;

-(CGRect) screenBounds
	return screenBounds;

-(float) scale
	return scale;

-(void) setScale: (float) newScale
	// We need to adjust the origin - since the origin
	// is in the corner, it will change when we change the scale.
	RMXYPoint center = [self XYCenter];
	scale = newScale;
	[self setXYCenter:center];
