PJ_mod_ster.c 4.72 KB
/* based upon Snyder and Linck, USGS-NMD */
#define PROJ_PARMS__ \
    COMPLEX	*zcoeff; \
	double	cchio, schio; \
	int		n;
#define PJ_LIB__
#include	<projects.h>
PROJ_HEAD(mil_os, "Miller Oblated Stereographic") "\n\tAzi(mod)";
PROJ_HEAD(lee_os, "Lee Oblated Stereographic") "\n\tAzi(mod)";
PROJ_HEAD(gs48, "Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S.") "\n\tAzi(mod)";
PROJ_HEAD(alsk, "Mod. Stererographics of Alaska") "\n\tAzi(mod)";
PROJ_HEAD(gs50, "Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S.") "\n\tAzi(mod)";
#define EPSLN 1e-10

FORWARD(e_forward); /* ellipsoid */
	double sinlon, coslon, esphi, chi, schi, cchi, s;

	sinlon = sin(lp.lam);
	coslon = cos(lp.lam);
	esphi = P->e * sin(lp.phi);
	chi = 2. * atan(tan((HALFPI + lp.phi) * .5) *
		pow((1. - esphi) / (1. + esphi), P->e * .5)) - HALFPI;
	schi = sin(chi);
	cchi = cos(chi);
	s = 2. / (1. + P->schio * schi + P->cchio * cchi * coslon);
	p.r = s * cchi * sinlon;
	p.i = s * (P->cchio * schi - P->schio * cchi * coslon);
	p = pj_zpoly1(p, P->zcoeff, P->n);
	xy.x = p.r;
	xy.y = p.i;
	return xy;
INVERSE(e_inverse); /* ellipsoid */
	int nn;
	COMPLEX p, fxy, fpxy, dp;
	double den, rh, z, sinz, cosz, chi, phi, dphi, esphi;

	p.r = xy.x;
	p.i = xy.y;
	for (nn = 20; nn ;--nn) {
		fxy = pj_zpolyd1(p, P->zcoeff, P->n, &fpxy);
		fxy.r -= xy.x;
		fxy.i -= xy.y;
		den = fpxy.r * fpxy.r + fpxy.i * fpxy.i;
		dp.r = -(fxy.r * fpxy.r + fxy.i * fpxy.i) / den;
		dp.i = -(fxy.i * fpxy.r - fxy.r * fpxy.i) / den;
		p.r += dp.r;
		p.i += dp.i;
		if ((fabs(dp.r) + fabs(dp.i)) <= EPSLN)
	if (nn) {
		rh = hypot(p.r, p.i);
		z = 2. * atan(.5 * rh);
		sinz = sin(z);
		cosz = cos(z);
		lp.lam = P->lam0;
		if (fabs(rh) <= EPSLN) {
			lp.phi = P->phi0;
			return lp;
		chi = aasin(cosz * P->schio + p.i * sinz * P->cchio / rh);
		phi = chi;
		for (nn = 20; nn ;--nn) {
			esphi = P->e * sin(phi);
			dphi = 2. * atan(tan((HALFPI + chi) * .5) *
				pow((1. + esphi) / (1. - esphi), P->e * .5)) - HALFPI - phi;
			phi += dphi;
			if (fabs(dphi) <= EPSLN)
	if (nn) {
		lp.phi = phi;
		lp.lam = atan2(p.r * sinz, rh * P->cchio * cosz - p.i * 
			P->schio * sinz);
    } else
		lp.lam = lp.phi = HUGE_VAL;
	return lp;
FREEUP; if (P) pj_dalloc(P); }
	static PJ *
setup(PJ *P) { /* general initialization */
	double esphi, chio;

	if (P->es) {
		esphi = P->e * sin(P->phi0);
		chio = 2. * atan(tan((HALFPI + P->phi0) * .5) *
			pow((1. - esphi) / (1. + esphi), P->e * .5)) - HALFPI;
	} else
		chio = P->phi0;
	P->schio = sin(chio);
	P->cchio = cos(chio);
	P->inv = e_inverse; P->fwd = e_forward;
	return P;
	static COMPLEX /* Miller Oblated Stereographic */
AB[] = {
	{0.924500,	0.},
	{0.,			0.},
	{0.019430,	0.}

	P->n = 2;
	P->lam0 = DEG_TO_RAD * 20.;
	P->phi0 = DEG_TO_RAD * 18.;
	P->zcoeff = AB;
	P->es = 0.;
	static COMPLEX /* Lee Oblated Stereographic */
AB[] = {
	{0.721316,	0.},
	{0.,			0.},
        {-0.0088162,	 -0.00617325}

	P->n = 2;
	P->lam0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -165.;
	P->phi0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -10.;
	P->zcoeff = AB;
	P->es = 0.;
	static COMPLEX /* 48 United States */
AB[] = {
	{0.98879,	0.},
	{0.,		0.},
	{-0.050909,	0.},
	{0.,		0.},
        {0.075528,	0.}

	P->n = 4;
	P->lam0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -96.;
	P->phi0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -39.;
	P->zcoeff = AB;
	P->es = 0.;
	P->a = 6370997.;
	static COMPLEX
ABe[] = { /* Alaska ellipsoid */
	{.9945303,	0.},
	{.0052083,	-.0027404},
	{.0072721,	.0048181},
	{-.0151089,	-.1932526},
	{.0642675,	-.1381226},
	{.3582802,	-.2884586}},
ABs[] = { /* Alaska sphere */
	{.9972523,	0.},
	{.0052513,	-.0041175},
	{.0074606,	.0048125},
	{-.0153783,	-.1968253},
	{.0636871,	-.1408027},
        {.3660976,	-.2937382}

	P->n = 5;
	P->lam0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -152.;
	P->phi0 = DEG_TO_RAD * 64.;
	if (P->es) { /* fixed ellipsoid/sphere */
		P->zcoeff = ABe;
		P->a = 6378206.4;
		P->e = sqrt(P->es = 0.00676866);
	} else {
		P->zcoeff = ABs;
		P->a = 6370997.;
	static COMPLEX
ABe[] = { /* GS50 ellipsoid */
	{.9827497,	0.},
	{.0210669,	.0053804},
	{-.1031415,	-.0571664},
	{-.0323337,	-.0322847},
	{.0502303,	.1211983},
	{.0251805,	.0895678},
	{-.0012315,	-.1416121},
	{.0072202,	-.1317091},
	{-.0194029,	.0759677},
        {-.0210072,	.0834037}
ABs[] = { /* GS50 sphere */
	{.9842990,	0.},
	{.0211642,	.0037608},
	{-.1036018,	-.0575102},
	{-.0329095,	-.0320119},
	{.0499471,	.1223335},
	{.0260460,	.0899805},
	{.0007388,	-.1435792},
	{.0075848,	-.1334108},
	{-.0216473,	.0776645},
        {-.0225161,	.0853673}

	P->n = 9;
	P->lam0 = DEG_TO_RAD * -120.;
	P->phi0 = DEG_TO_RAD * 45.;
	if (P->es) { /* fixed ellipsoid/sphere */
		P->zcoeff = ABe;
		P->a = 6378206.4;
		P->e = sqrt(P->es = 0.00676866);
	} else {
		P->zcoeff = ABs;
		P->a = 6370997.;