RMMapView.m 7.91 KB
//  RMMapView.m
//  MapView
//  Created by Joseph Gentle on 24/09/08.
//  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "RMMapView.h"
#import "RMMapContents.h"

#import "RMTileLoader.h"

#import "RMMercatorToScreenProjection.h"
#import "RMMarker.h"

@implementation RMMapView

-(void) initValues
	contents = [[RMMapContents alloc] initForView:self];
	enableDragging = YES;
	enableZoom = YES;
	//	[self recalculateImageSet];
	if (enableZoom)
		[self setMultipleTouchEnabled:TRUE];
	self.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
//	[[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] removeAllCachedResponses];

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
	if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
		[self initValues];
	return self;

- (void)awakeFromNib
	[super awakeFromNib];
	[self initValues];

-(void) dealloc
	[contents release];
	[super dealloc];

-(void) drawRect: (CGRect) rect
	[contents drawRect:rect];

-(NSString*) description
	CGRect bounds = [self bounds];
	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"iPhone MapView at %.0f,%.0f-%.0f,%.0f", bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height];

-(RMMapContents*) contents
	return [[contents retain] autorelease];

#pragma mark Movement

-(void) moveToXYPoint: (RMXYPoint) aPoint
	// TODO Add delegate hooks
	[contents moveToXYPoint:aPoint];
-(void) moveToLatLong: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) point
	// TODO Add delegate hooks
	[contents moveToLatLong:point];

- (void)moveBy: (CGSize) delta
	// TODO Add delegate hooks
	[contents moveBy:delta];
- (void)zoomByFactor: (float) zoomFactor near:(CGPoint) center
	// TODO Add delegate hooks
	[contents zoomByFactor:zoomFactor near:center];

#pragma mark Event handling

- (RMGestureDetails) getGestureDetails: (NSSet*) touches
	RMGestureDetails gesture;
	gesture.center.x = gesture.center.y = 0;
	gesture.averageDistanceFromCenter = 0;
	int interestingTouches = 0;
	for (UITouch *touch in touches)
		if ([touch phase] != UITouchPhaseBegan
			&& [touch phase] != UITouchPhaseMoved
			&& [touch phase] != UITouchPhaseStationary)
		//		NSLog(@"phase = %d", [touch phase]);
		CGPoint location = [touch locationInView: self];
		gesture.center.x += location.x;
		gesture.center.y += location.y;
	if (interestingTouches == 0)
		gesture.center = lastGesture.center;
		gesture.numTouches = 0;
		gesture.averageDistanceFromCenter = 0.0f;
		return gesture;
	//	NSLog(@"interestingTouches = %d", interestingTouches);
	gesture.center.x /= interestingTouches;
	gesture.center.y /= interestingTouches;
	for (UITouch *touch in touches)
		if ([touch phase] != UITouchPhaseBegan
			&& [touch phase] != UITouchPhaseMoved
			&& [touch phase] != UITouchPhaseStationary)
		CGPoint location = [touch locationInView: self];
		//		NSLog(@"For touch at %.0f, %.0f:", location.x, location.y);
		float dx = location.x - gesture.center.x;
		float dy = location.y - gesture.center.y;
		//		NSLog(@"delta = %.0f, %.0f  distance = %f", dx, dy, sqrtf((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)));
		gesture.averageDistanceFromCenter += sqrtf((dx*dx) + (dy*dy));
	gesture.averageDistanceFromCenter /= interestingTouches;
	gesture.numTouches = interestingTouches;
	//	NSLog(@"center = %.0f,%.0f dist = %f", gesture.center.x, gesture.center.y, gesture.averageDistanceFromCenter);
	return gesture;

- (void)userPausedDragging
	[RMMapContents setPerformExpensiveOperations:YES];
//	NSLog(@"expensive.");

- (void)unRegisterPausedDraggingDispatcher
	[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(userPausedDragging) object:nil];

- (void)registerPausedDraggingDispatcher
	[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(userPausedDragging) object:nil];
	[self performSelector:@selector(userPausedDragging) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.3];	

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
	if (lastGesture.numTouches == 0)
		[RMMapContents setPerformExpensiveOperations:NO];
	//	NSLog(@"touchesBegan %d", [[event allTouches] count]);
	lastGesture = [self getGestureDetails:[event allTouches]];
	[self registerPausedDraggingDispatcher];

- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
	// I don't understand what the difference between this and touchesEnded is.
	[self touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
	UITouch *touch = [[touches allObjects] objectAtIndex:0];
	lastGesture = [self getGestureDetails:[event allTouches]];
	//	NSLog(@"touchesEnded %d  ... lastgesture at %f, %f", [[event allTouches] count], lastGesture.center.x, lastGesture.center.y);
	//	NSLog(@"Assemble.");

	if (lastGesture.numTouches == 0)
		[self unRegisterPausedDraggingDispatcher];
		// When factoring, beware these two instructions need to happen in this order.
		[RMMapContents setPerformExpensiveOperations:YES];
	//Double-tap detection (currently used for debugging pixelToLatLng() method)
	if (touch.tapCount == 2)
		NSLog(@"Begin double-tap pixel/LatLng translation debug test");
		CGPoint pixel = [touch locationInView:self];
		NSLog(@"Double-tap detected at: x=%f, y=%f", pixel.x, pixel.y);
		CLLocationCoordinate2D touchLatLng = [self pixelToLatLong:pixel];
		NSLog(@"Double-tap (x=%f, y=%f) is equivalent to: %f, %f", pixel.x, pixel.y, touchLatLng.latitude, touchLatLng.longitude);
		RMXYPoint merc = [[contents mercatorToScreenProjection] projectScreenPointToXY:pixel];
		NSLog(@"Which is mercator %f %f", merc.x, merc.y);
		CLLocationCoordinate2D point;
		point.latitude = touchLatLng.latitude;
		point.longitude = touchLatLng.longitude;
		CGPoint screenPoint = [self latLongToPixel:point];
		NSLog(@"Converted LatLng to Pixel says we tapped at: x=%f, y=%f", screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y);
//		[contents recalculateImageSet];

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
	RMGestureDetails newGesture = [self getGestureDetails:[event allTouches]];
	if (enableDragging && newGesture.numTouches == lastGesture.numTouches)
		CGSize delta;
		delta.width = newGesture.center.x - lastGesture.center.x;
		delta.height = newGesture.center.y - lastGesture.center.y;
		if (enableZoom && newGesture.numTouches > 1)
			NSAssert (lastGesture.averageDistanceFromCenter > 0.0f && newGesture.averageDistanceFromCenter > 0.0f,
					  @"Distance from center is zero despite >1 touches on the screen");
			double zoomFactor = newGesture.averageDistanceFromCenter / lastGesture.averageDistanceFromCenter;
			[self moveBy:delta];
			[self zoomByFactor: zoomFactor near: newGesture.center];
			[self moveBy:delta];
	lastGesture = newGesture;
	[self registerPausedDraggingDispatcher];

#pragma mark LatLng/Pixel translation functions

- (CGPoint)latLongToPixel:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)latlong
	return [contents latLongToPixel:latlong];
- (CLLocationCoordinate2D)pixelToLatLong:(CGPoint)pixel
	return [contents pixelToLatLong:pixel];

#pragma mark Manual Zoom
- (void)setZoom:(int)zoomInt
	[contents setZoom:zoomInt];

#pragma mark Zoom With Bounds
- (void)zoomWithLatLngBoundsNorthEast:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)ne SouthWest:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)se
	[contents zoomWithLatLngBoundsNorthEast:ne SouthWest:se];

#pragma mark Markers

- (void) addMarker: (RMMarker*)marker
	[contents addMarker:marker];
- (void) addMarker: (RMMarker*)marker AtLatLong:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)point
	[contents addMarker:marker AtLatLong:point];
- (void) addDefaultMarkerAt: (CLLocationCoordinate2D)point
	[contents addDefaultMarkerAt:point];

- (void) removeMarkers
	[contents removeMarkers];
