2.01 KB
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

   generate ansible inventory files from auto-deploy:

import json
import os
from subprocess import call

# clone deploy project to local
HOME = os.path.expanduser("~")
PATH = os.path.join(HOME, ".tmp/auto_deploy")
if os.path.isdir(PATH):
    call("echo 'start to remove local git files'", shell=True)
    call("rm -rf %s" % PATH, shell=True)

call("mkdir -p %s"  % PATH, shell=True)
call("git clone  --recursive  %s" % PATH, shell=True)

# get iptables info from git files, parse file format: [yoho_gateway_qcloud_ips=(master@ master@ master@ master@ master@]
azs = ['qcloud', 'qcloudaz2', 'qcloudaz3']
host_group = { "yoho_gateway": "java-gateway",
               "yoho_users": "java-users",
               "yohobuy_resources": "java-resources",
               "yohobuy_order" : "java-order",
               "yohobuy_promotion": "java-promotion",
               "yohobuy_product": "java-product",
               "yoho_message": "java-message",
               "yoho_sns": "java-sns"

for az in azs:

    fout = open(os.path.join(HOME, ".tmp", az), 'w')
    fout.write("# inventory file generated by auto_deploy iptables\n")

    file = open(os.path.join(PATH, "scripts/iptable/", az, ""),  'r')
    for line in file:
        for g in host_group.keys():
            if g in line:
                 fout.write("[%s]\n" % host_group[g])
                 i_1 = line.index("(")
                 i_2 = line.index(")")
                 sub = line[i_1 + 1 : i_2]
                 for user_ip in sub.split(" "):
                     ip = user_ip[user_ip.index("@") + 1 : ].strip()
                     fout.write("%s\n" % ip)

    print("success write ansible inventory hosts files to %s " % (os.path.join(HOME, ".tmp", az)))

print("success to generate ansible inventory files")