Name Last Update
ConfigDoc Loading commit data...
FSTools Loading commit data...
FSTools.php Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
HTMLPurifierExtras.autoload.php Loading commit data...
HTMLPurifierExtras.php Loading commit data...
README Loading commit data...
HTML Purifier Extras
    The Method Behind The Madness!

The extras/ folder in HTML Purifier contains--you guessed it--extra things
for HTML Purifier.  Specifically, these are two extra libraries called
FSTools and ConfigSchema.  They're extra for a reason: you don't need them
if you're using HTML Purifier for normal usage: filtering HTML.  However,
if you're a developer, and would like to test HTML Purifier, or need to
use one of HTML Purifier's maintenance scripts, chances are they'll need
these libraries. Who knows: maybe you'll find them useful too!

Here are the libraries:


Short for File System Tools, this is a poor-man's object-oriented wrapper for
the filesystem. It currently consists of two classes:

- FSTools: This is a singleton that contains a manner of useful functions
  such as recursive glob, directory removal, etc, as well as the ability
  to call arbitrary native PHP functions through it like $FS->fopen(...).
  This makes it a lot simpler to mock these filesystem calls for unit testing.

- FSTools_File: This object represents a single file, and has almost any
  method imaginable one would need.

Check the files themselves for more information.

    vim: et sw=4 sts=4