Authored by wuxiao


... ... @@ -86,10 +86,11 @@ class InitController extends Controller
public function actionRbac(){
$this->stdout("1: Create rbac permission\n2: Delete rbac permission\n");
$this->stdout("1: Create permission\n2: Remove permission\n3: Create role\n4: Remove role\n5: Grant permission to a role\n6: Grant role to a user\n");
$action = $this->prompt('Which:');
$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
$auth = Yii::createObject('yii\rbac\DbManager');
//$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
if ($action == 1){
echo "创建一个新权限标签 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
$name = $this->prompt('Permission Name:'); // 权限名称
... ... @@ -98,7 +99,9 @@ class InitController extends Controller
if ($name){
$permission = $auth->createPermission($name);
$permission->description = $description ? : ucwords(strtr($name,array('/'=>' ')));
$r = $auth->add($permission);
if ($auth->add($permission)){
$this->stdout('create ok');
}elseif ($action == 2){
echo "移除一个权限标签 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
... ... @@ -109,14 +112,68 @@ class InitController extends Controller
$this->stderr('Not a predefined permission');
return 1;
$r = $auth->remove($permission);
if ($auth->remove($permission)){
$this->stdout('remove ok');
}elseif ($action == 3){
echo "创建一个新角色 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
$name = $this->prompt('Role Name:'); // 角色名称
if ($name){
$role = $auth->createRole($name);
if ($auth->add($role)){
$this->stdout('create ok');
}elseif ($action == 4){
echo "移除一个角色 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
$name = $this->prompt('Role Name:'); // 角色名称
if ($name){
if (!$role = $auth->getRole($name)){
$this->stderr('Not a predefined role');
return 1;
if ($auth->remove($role)){
$this->stdout('remove ok');
}elseif ($action == 5){
echo "向某个角色赋予权限 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
$name = $this->prompt('Role Name:'); // 接收用户名
if (!$role = $auth->getRole($name)){
$this->stderr('Not a predefined role');
return 1;
$name = $this->prompt('Permission Name:'); // 接收用户名
if (!$permission = $auth->getPermission($name)){
$this->stderr('Not a predefined permission');
return 1;
if ($auth->addChild($role,$permission)){
$this->stdout('grant permission ok');
}elseif ($action == 6){
echo "向某个用户赋予角色 ...\n"; // 提示当前操作
$username = $this->prompt('User Name:'); // 接收用户名
if (!$user = Admin::findByUsername($username)){
echo '找不到该用户';
return 1;
$name = $this->prompt('Role Name:'); // 接收用户名
if (!$role = $auth->getRole($name)){
$this->stderr('Not a predefined role');
return 1;
if ($auth->assign($role,$user->getId())){
$this->stdout('grant role ok');
$this->stderr('Not a predefined option');
return 1;
return 0;
... ...