@@ -253,4 +253,83 @@ |
<select id="selectProductStockNotZeroCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select count(p.id)
from product p
where 1 = 1
and p.id in (
select distinct product_id
from storage_price s
where 1 = 1
and s.status = #{status}
and s.seller_uid in
<foreach item="sellerItem" index="index" collection="sellerList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="product.storageId != null and product.storageId > 0">
and s.storage_id = #{product.storageId}
<if test="product.skup != null and product.skup > 0">
and s.skup = #{product.skup}
<if test="product.id != null and product.id > 0">
and p.id = #{product.id}
<if test="product.productName != null and product.productName != '' ">
and p.product_name like concat('%', #{product.productName}, '%')
<if test="product.maxSortId != null and product.maxSortId > 0">
and p.max_sort_id = #{product.maxSortId}
<if test="product.midSortId != null and product.midSortId > 0">
and p.mid_sort_id = #{product.midSortId}
<if test="product.brandId != null and product.brandId > 0">
and p.brand_id = #{product.brandId}
<select id="selectProductStockNotZeroList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select p.id, p.brand_id, p.product_name, p.max_sort_id, p.mid_sort_id
from product p
where 1 = 1
and p.id in (
select distinct product_id
from storage_price s
where 1 = 1
and s.status = #{status}
and s.seller_uid in
<foreach item="sellerItem" index="index" collection="sellerList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="product.storageId != null and product.storageId > 0">
and s.storage_id = #{product.storageId}
<if test="product.skup != null and product.skup > 0">
and s.skup = #{product.skup}
<if test="product.id != null and product.id > 0">
and p.id = #{product.id}
<if test="product.productName != null and product.productName != '' ">
and p.product_name like concat('%', #{product.productName}, '%')
<if test="product.maxSortId != null and product.maxSortId > 0">
and p.max_sort_id = #{product.maxSortId}
<if test="product.midSortId != null and product.midSortId > 0">
and p.mid_sort_id = #{product.midSortId}
<if test="product.brandId != null and product.brandId > 0">
and p.brand_id = #{product.brandId}
limit #{start}, #{rows}
</mapper> |
\ No newline at end of file |