# 退货服务接口
## 接口列表
| 接口名称 | 接口描述 |
| --------| -------- |
## 接口描述
### 1、获取退货订单商品列表(app.refund.goodsList)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.goodsList| 请求方法|
| uid | int | true | 7893817 |用户ID |
| order_code |long | true | 1613656852 |订单号 |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"data": {
"coupon_amount": "0.00",
"goods_list": [
"color_name": "蓝色",
"goods_id": 355897,
"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/10/29/12/01c9c05a2170996e86f5c1f7ed32e48ac7.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"goods_type_id": 1,
"hasShoes": 0,
"last_price": "149.00",
"product_id": 275357,
"product_name": "Life•After Life X The Simpsons 辛普森一家刺绣牛津纺衬衫",
"product_skc": 280039,
"product_skn": 51153138,
"product_sku": 894428,
"size_name": "M"
"return_amount_info": "",
"return_amount_mode": [
"id": 1,
"is_default": "Y",
"name": "原卡返还"
"return_reason": [
"id": 3,
"name": "不喜欢"
"id": 2,
"name": "性价比不高"
"id": 11,
"name": "价格变化"
"id": 4,
"name": "质量瑕疵"
"id": 1,
"name": "尺寸不合适"
"id": 7,
"name": "商品有色差"
"id": 8,
"name": "图片与实物不符"
"id": 6,
"name": "发错货"
"id": 5,
"name": "快递延迟"
"yoho_coin_num": "0.00"
"md5": "72879cfb65bcd2705e4283d2f5dc1a30",
"message": "Refund goods list"
### 2、提交退货申请(app.refund.submit)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true |app.refund.submit| 请求方法|
| order_code |long | true | 1512253171 |订单号 |
| uid | int | true |8040274 |用户ID |
| area_code |String | false | " " (默认值为空) |地区编号|
| goods |String(json数组) | true | [{"goods_type":"1","last_price":"18.00","product_skc":"83007","product_skn":"51001899","product_sku":"307528","remark":" ","returned_reason":1}] |退货商品 |
| payment |String(json对象) | true | {"alipay_account":" ","alipay_name":" ","area_code":"320115","bank_card":" ","bank_name":" ","city":" ","payee_name":" ","province":" ","remark":" ","return_amount_mode":"1"} |退款设置|
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "退货申请成功",
"data": {
"apply_id": "428135"
"md5": "2d4a86d3d308cf8cbdd9870ebd61a3a4"
##### 响应内容描述
| Param Name | Param Type | Desc |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---- |
| apply_id | String | 退货申请ID |
### 3、退货详情(app.refund.detail)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.detail| 请求方法|
| id |int | true | 428106 |退货申请ID |
| uid | int | true | 362719 |用户ID |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "退货详情",
"data": {
"source_order_code": "1513540278",
"use_yoho_coin_num": null,
"status": "20",
"status_name": "商品寄回",
"statusList": [
"name": "提交申请",
"act": "Y"
"name": "审核通过",
"act": "Y"
"name": "商品寄回",
"act": "Y"
"name": "商品入库",
"act": "N"
"name": "退款完成",
"act": "N"
"create_time": "2015-11-23 20:20:12",
"return_amount_mode_name": "YOHO币",
"return_amount_mode": "4",
"return_yoho_coin": "0",
"goods_list": [
"product_skn": "51146548",
"product_name": "我是可爱的小秋秋,james,蔡!",
"goods_image": "?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
"size_name": null,
"color_name": null,
"sales_price": null,
"reason": "1",
"remark": "",
"reason_name": "尺寸不合适",
"evidence_images": [],
"goods_type": "ordinary"
"notice": {
"id": 20,
"title": "商品寄回物流信息",
"express_company": "南京ems",
"express_number": "44323566"
"return_amount": "125.00",
"return_coupon_amount": "0.00",
"express_number": "44323566",
"return_amount_total": "125.00",
"return_amount_info": "",
"return_amount_mode_info": []
"md5": "6fa464cf72538ad2c25fa24d20dcdd20"
### 4、保存快递信息(app.refund.setexpress)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.setexpress| 请求方法|
| id |int | true | 428120 |退货申请ID |
| uid | int | true | 362729 |用户ID |
| express_company |String | true | 南京ems |快递公司名称|
| express_number |String | true | 44323575 |快递单号 |
| express_id |int | true | 2 |快递公司ID |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "快递单号设置成功",
"data": [],
"md5": "93311f762194b751872601b67fad53f7"
"code": 412,
"message": "没有找到该退货申请"
``` |
# 退货服务接口
## 接口列表
| 接口名称 | 接口描述 |
| --------| -------- |
## 接口描述
### 1、获取退货订单商品列表(app.refund.goodsList)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.goodsList| 请求方法|
| uid | int | true | 7893817 |用户ID |
| order_code |long | true | 1613656852 |订单号 |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"data": {
"coupon_amount": "0.00",
"goods_list": [
"color_name": "蓝色",
"goods_id": 355897,
"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/10/29/12/01c9c05a2170996e86f5c1f7ed32e48ac7.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"goods_type_id": 1,
"hasShoes": 0,
"last_price": "149.00",
"product_id": 275357,
"product_name": "Life•After Life X The Simpsons 辛普森一家刺绣牛津纺衬衫",
"product_skc": 280039,
"product_skn": 51153138,
"product_sku": 894428,
"size_name": "M"
"return_amount_info": "",
"return_amount_mode": [
"id": 1,
"is_default": "Y",
"name": "原卡返还"
"return_reason": [
"id": 3,
"name": "不喜欢"
"id": 2,
"name": "性价比不高"
"id": 11,
"name": "价格变化"
"id": 4,
"name": "质量瑕疵"
"id": 1,
"name": "尺寸不合适"
"id": 7,
"name": "商品有色差"
"id": 8,
"name": "图片与实物不符"
"id": 6,
"name": "发错货"
"id": 5,
"name": "快递延迟"
"yoho_coin_num": "0.00"
"md5": "72879cfb65bcd2705e4283d2f5dc1a30",
"message": "Refund goods list"
### 2、提交退货申请(app.refund.submit)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true |app.refund.submit| 请求方法|
| order_code |long | true | 1512253171 |订单号 |
| uid | int | true |8040274 |用户ID |
| area_code |String | false | " " (默认值为空) |地区编号|
| goods |String(json数组) | true | [{"goods_type":"1","last_price":"18.00","product_skc":"83007","product_skn":"51001899","product_sku":"307528","remark":" ","returned_reason":1}] |退货商品 |
| payment |String(json对象) | true | {"alipay_account":" ","alipay_name":" ","area_code":"320115","bank_card":" ","bank_name":" ","city":" ","payee_name":" ","province":" ","remark":" ","return_amount_mode":"1"} |退款设置|
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "退货申请成功",
"data": {
"apply_id": "428135"
"md5": "2d4a86d3d308cf8cbdd9870ebd61a3a4"
##### 响应内容描述
| Param Name | Param Type | Desc |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---- |
| apply_id | String | 退货申请ID |
### 3、退货详情(app.refund.detail)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.detail| 请求方法|
| id |int | true | 428106 |退货申请ID |
| uid | int | true | 362719 |用户ID |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "退货详情",
"data": {
"source_order_code": "1513540278",
"use_yoho_coin_num": null,
"status": "20",
"status_name": "商品寄回",
"statusList": [
"name": "提交申请",
"act": "Y"
"name": "审核通过",
"act": "Y"
"name": "商品寄回",
"act": "Y"
"name": "商品入库",
"act": "N"
"name": "退款完成",
"act": "N"
"create_time": "2015-11-23 20:20:12",
"return_amount_mode_name": "YOHO币",
"return_amount_mode": "4",
"return_yoho_coin": "0",
"goods_list": [
"product_skn": "51146548",
"product_name": "我是可爱的小秋秋,james,蔡!",
"goods_image": "?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
"size_name": null,
"color_name": null,
"sales_price": null,
"reason": "1",
"remark": "",
"reason_name": "尺寸不合适",
"evidence_images": [],
"goods_type": "ordinary"
"notice": {
"id": 20,
"title": "商品寄回物流信息",
"express_company": "南京ems",
"express_number": "44323566"
"return_amount": "125.00",
"return_coupon_amount": "0.00",
"express_number": "44323566",
"return_amount_total": "125.00",
"return_amount_info": "",
"return_amount_mode_info": []
"md5": "6fa464cf72538ad2c25fa24d20dcdd20"
### 4、保存快递信息(app.refund.setexpress)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.setexpress| 请求方法|
| id |int | true | 428120 |退货申请ID |
| uid | int | true | 362729 |用户ID |
| express_company |String | true | 南京ems |快递公司名称|
| express_number |String | true | 44323575 |快递单号 |
| express_id |int | true | 2 |快递公司ID |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "快递单号设置成功",
"data": [],
"md5": "93311f762194b751872601b67fad53f7"
"code": 412,
"message": "没有找到该退货申请"
### 5、保存快递信息(app.refund.getList)
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | String | true | app.refund.setexpress| 请求方法|
| id |int | true | 428120 |退货申请ID |
| uid | int | true | 362729 |用户ID |
| express_company |String | true | 南京ems |快递公司名称|
| express_number |String | true | 44323575 |快递单号 |
| express_id |int | true | 2 |快递公司ID |
#### 响应内容
"alg": "SALT_MD5",
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"create_time": "2016-06-17",
"goods": [
"cn_alphabet": "TYAKASHANanKuanLvSeJiHeTuAnPinTieTaoTouWeiYiT15DS5075G",
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"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/02/06/01361c1986f1dd2eaff70e1f85a35bfacd.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"product_id": "301131",
"product_name": "TYAKASHA 男款绿色几何图案拼贴套头卫衣 ",
"product_skn": "51168269",
"product_sku": "939124",
"sales_price": "199",
"size_name": "F"
"id": "125954",
"order_code": "1610005607",
"order_create_time": "2016-06-17 14:15:05",
"refund_type": 2,
"status": "0",
"status_name": "提交申请",
"create_time": "2016-04-21",
"goods": [
"cn_alphabet": "ChenShanT009",
"color_name": "蓝色",
"goods_id": "337829",
"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/09/05/01b9378014f8b824306b5308f5d32eadc1.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"product_id": "254145",
"product_name": "AMES BROS 男潮童110-160码剪裁设计纯色长袖衬衫",
"product_skn": "51142083",
"product_sku": "869691",
"sales_price": "79",
"size_name": "140"
"cn_alphabet": "ChenShanT009",
"color_name": "蓝色",
"goods_id": "337829",
"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/09/05/01b9378014f8b824306b5308f5d32eadc1.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"product_id": "254145",
"product_name": "AMES BROS 男潮童110-160码剪裁设计纯色长袖衬衫",
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"product_sku": "869690",
"sales_price": "79",
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"cn_alphabet": "JiuKouShanTHRIVETHISNEWYEARXianLiangShangWuRenShiHeKaYiTaoJKSHK03",
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"goods_type": "gift",
"product_id": "331145",
"product_name": "九口山 Thrive this new year 限量商务人士贺卡一套",
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"cn_alphabet": "MACROPUSMCPA504BK1101ShuangJianBao",
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"id": "429128",
"order_code": "16093901",
"order_create_time": "2016-04-21 14:33:32",
"refund_type": 1,
"status": "10",
"status_name": "审核通过",
"page": 1,
"total": 2,
"total_page": 1
"md5": "2c60239ca2b6b218cdcfc4ede865ee08",
"message": "ok"
``` |