Authored by wei


|参数名 |描述 |
|------ |---- |
|id |主键 |
|version |版本号 |
|client_type |客户端类型|
|content |提醒内容|
|url |跳转链接|
|status |状态|
|create_time |创建日期|
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# app版本升级提醒
## APP版本升级提醒列表
> 'version/appVersionList'
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"appVersionClientType": {
"android": "安卓手机",
"androidpad": "安卓Pad",
"ipad": "IOS Pad",
"iphone": "IOS手机"
"list": [
"clientType": "iphone,android,ipad,androidpad",
"content": "asdfasdfasdf",
"createTime": 1457069079,
"id": 5,
"status": 0,
"updateTime": 0,
"url": "adsfasdfasd",
"version": "sdfasdasdfasd"
"clientType": "iphone",
"content": "您有新版本更新噢ytjhgjllllll",
"createTime": 1445239945,
"id": 4,
"status": 1,
"updateTime": 1457009285,
"url": "!-you-huo-nian-qing-ren/id490655927?mt=8",
"version": "V3.1.1"
"md5": "edc6647bf812bd5f8a211a1299c095c6",
"message": "操作成功"
## 新增页面 返回app设备类型
> 'version/versionAddPage'
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"appVersionClientType": {
"android": "安卓手机",
"androidpad": "安卓Pad",
"ipad": "IOS Pad",
"iphone": "IOS手机"
"md5": "46dedd3dade80654ffe0f71462758e48",
"message": "操作成功"
## 新增版本提醒
> 'version/addAppVersion'
### 入参
|参数名 |必填 |类型 |示例值 |描述 |
|------ |---- |---- |------ |---- |
|version |是 |string |3.2 |版本号 |
|clientType |是 |String |android |类别 |
|content |是|String |升级啦!|内容|
|url |是 |String | |链接|
|status |是|byte |1|状态|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "新增成功"
## 编辑页面
> 'version/editVersionPage'
## 入参
|参数名 |必填 |类型 |示例值 |描述 |
|------ |---- |---- |------ |---- |
|id |是 |int |6 |id |
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"appVersionClientType": {
"android": "安卓手机",
"androidpad": "安卓Pad",
"ipad": "IOS Pad",
"iphone": "IOS手机"
"id": 6,
"info": {
"clientType": "android",
"content": "升级啦!",
"createTime": 1458615109,
"id": 6,
"status": 1,
"updateTime": 0,
"url": "",
"version": "3.5"
"md5": "3db483fbf4b2e8186d1abe901abb6ba6",
"message": "操作成功"
## 开启、关闭提醒
> 'version/publishAppVersion'
### 入参
|参数名 |必填 |类型 |示例值 |描述 |
|------ |---- |---- |------ |---- |
|id |是 |int |6 |id |
|status |是 |byte |1 |开启:1;关闭:0 |
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "开启成功"
## 编辑版本提醒
> 'version/editAppVersion'
## 入参
|参数名 |必填 |类型 |示例值 |描述 |
|------ |---- |---- |------ |---- |
|id |是 |int |6 |id |
|version |是 |string |3.2 |版本号 |
|clientType |是 |String |android |类别 |
|content |是|String |升级啦!|内容|
|url |是 |String | |链接|
|status |是|byte |1|状态|
``` json
"clientType": "android,ios",
"content": "开始升级!",
"id": "6",
"status": "0",
"url": "",
"version": "3.6"
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "修改成功"
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