# 查询网销信息
> 接口名: `/shop/getStorageStatisticsList`
### 方法
### 入参
### 对应SQL的操作库表
<select id="selectCountByConf" parameterType="com.yoho.bigData.dal.model.StockStorage" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select count(0) from stock_storage where 1 = 1
<if test="productSkn != null" >
And product_skn = #{productSkn, jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="productSkn != null" >
And product_sku = #{productSku, jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="factoryCode != null" >
And factory_code = #{factoryCode, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="maxSortId != null" >
And max_sort_id = #{maxSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="middleSortId != null" >
And middle_sort_id = #{middleSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="smallSortId != null" >
And small_sort_id = #{smallSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<select id="selectListByConf" parameterType="com.yoho.bigData.dal.model.StockStorage" resultType="BaseResultMap">
select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from stock_storage where 1 = 1
<if test="productSkn != null" >
And product_skn = #{productSkn, jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="productSkn != null" >
And product_sku = #{productSku, jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="factoryCode != null" >
And factory_code = #{factoryCode, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="maxSortId != null" >
And max_sort_id = #{maxSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="middleSortId != null" >
And middle_sort_id = #{middleSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="smallSortId != null" >
And small_sort_id = #{smallSortId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<select id="selectStorageStatistics" resultType="com.yoho.bigData.dal.model.StorageStatisticsDo">
select sum(store_nums) as storageTotalNum, sum(storage_amount) as storageTotalMoney, sum(1) as totalNum, status as status from stock_storage
where brand_id = #{brandId, jdbcType=BIGINT} group by status;
### 错误编码
|200| 查询成功!| |
|400| 操作失败!| |
|500| 操作失败!| |
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"ageLevel": "1",
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 166,
"brandName": "九口山",
"editTime": "2016-03-02 15:43:21",
"gender": "3",
"isLimitbuy": "N",
"isOutlets": "N",
"maxSortId": 10,
"maxSortName": "创意生活",
"middleSortId": 101,
"middleSortName": "文具",
"missInfo": "文本信息,尺码信息,搜索/标签", // 信息缺失字段
"picImgUrl": "http://img12.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2013/01/10/02/022170d6008746d452f03ee0fe8e0c1f86.jpg?imageView/0/w/60/h/60",
"productName": "九口山 document1缝线本-工作日志-Timer",
"productSkn": 51001872,
"retailPrice": 18,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 18,
"searchAndLabel": "",
"shelveTime": "2016-03-11 11:03:04", // 上架时间
"smallSortId": 111,
"smallSortName": "本子",
"status": 1,
"shopId" : 431 // 店铺Id
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1523,
"brandName": "冬冬腔",
"gender": "2",
"maxSortId": 4,
"maxSortName": "裙装",
"middleSortId": 31,
"middleSortName": "连衣裙",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productSkn": 51198302,
"missInfo": "文本信息,尺码信息,搜索/标签", // 信息缺失字段
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 134,
"smallSortName": "连衣裙",
"shelveTime": "2016-03-11 11:03:04" //上架时间
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 223703,
"totalPage": 22371
"md5": "68e7e09515aec025162017290acf73d8",
"message": "NetSale Information List."
``` |
\ No newline at end of file |