Authored by chaogeng

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

# 查询资源(分页)
> 接口名: `/resources/queryResource
### 方法
### 入参
### 对应SQL的操作库表
<select id="selectCountByNameLikeAndSortIdAndPlatFormId" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
from resources
where 1 = 1
<if test="name != null" >
and name like #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="sortId != null" >
and sort_id = #{sortId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="platformId != null" >
and platform_id = #{platformId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<select id="selectByNameLikeAndSortIdAndPlatFormId" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from resources
where 1 = 1
<if test="name != null" >
and name like #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="sortId != null" >
and sort_id = #{sortId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="platformId != null" >
and platform_id = #{platformId,jdbcType=INTEGER}
limit #{page.startIndex,jdbcType=INTEGER},#{page.pageSize,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from platform order by create_time DESC
<select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from resources_sort order by create_time desc
### 错误编码
|200|操作成功| |
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"code": "201504091403001",
"createTime": 1430378310,
"id": 8,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "男首页",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 2,
"sortName": "男首"
"code": "201504091403002",
"createTime": 1430382471,
"id": 10,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "女首页",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 3,
"sortName": "女首"
"code": "92cc5ace088dd2ddfb850e2fa673302e",
"createTime": 1430581214,
"id": 11,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "逛.潮人列表页广告",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 4,
"sortName": "逛列表页"
"code": "b51a4c7211a658c800472c9abf30c746",
"createTime": 1430583683,
"id": 12,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "逛.话题列表广告",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 4,
"sortName": "逛列表页"
"code": "180a31250622f11180f808d4404d0e78",
"createTime": 1430583783,
"id": 13,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "逛. 搭配列表广告",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 4,
"sortName": "逛列表页"
"code": "5b2f6bb1547c817e30d96007c60c1893",
"createTime": 1430583858,
"id": 14,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "逛.潮品列表广告",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 4,
"sortName": "逛列表页"
"code": "268654b65a362c866378b092ad8a5342",
"createTime": 1430584009,
"id": 15,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "逛.小贴士",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 4,
"sortName": "逛列表页"
"code": "8c48745a39373d621bf5fd80edf59b5e",
"createTime": 1430725440,
"id": 16,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "男装底部切换到女装首页banner",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 2,
"sortName": "男首"
"code": "c63939b2ad458e9cb51147940c1da2e5",
"createTime": 1430725950,
"id": 17,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "女首进入男首的banner",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 3,
"sortName": "女首"
"code": "b714c25f503ab4e6bc143a42d1404cbb",
"createTime": 1430809519,
"id": 18,
"matchCode": "",
"name": "Plus 国际优选推荐头部广告",
"platformId": 1,
"platformName": "yohoApp",
"sortId": 5,
"sortName": "Plus/Star"
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 308,
"totalPage": 31
"md5": "9c6777ba7425010536cd342e80610119",
"message": "操作成功"
... ...
... ... @@ -57,178 +57,6 @@ or
"id": 1297,
"text": "50000866"
"id": 1314,
"text": "50000891"
"id": 1321,
"text": "50000851"
"id": 1376,
"text": "50000822"
"id": 1378,
"text": "50000807"
"id": 1389,
"text": "50000830"
"id": 1442,
"text": "50000869"
"id": 1451,
"text": "50000884"
"id": 1462,
"text": "50000818"
"id": 1464,
"text": "50000801"
"id": 1491,
"text": "50000861"
"id": 1516,
"text": "50000847"
"id": 1536,
"text": "50000864"
"id": 1546,
"text": "50000893"
"id": 1551,
"text": "50000844"
"id": 1618,
"text": "50000815"
"id": 1619,
"text": "50000825"
"id": 1642,
"text": "50000809"
"id": 1701,
"text": "50000876"
"id": 1750,
"text": "50000894"
"id": 1763,
"text": "50000805"
"id": 1805,
"text": "50000863"
"id": 1835,
"text": "50000868"
"id": 1844,
"text": "50000838"
"id": 1847,
"text": "50000814"
"id": 1848,
"text": "50000856"
"id": 1855,
"text": "50000880"
"id": 1902,
"text": "50000854"
"id": 1904,
"text": "50000823"
"id": 1912,
"text": "50000831"
"id": 1927,
"text": "50000841"
"id": 2013,
"text": "50000874"
"id": 2050,
"text": "50000885"
"id": 2104,
"text": "50000897"
"id": 2127,
"text": "50000806"
"id": 2158,
"text": "50000819"
"id": 2159,
"text": "50000803"
"id": 2167,
"text": "50000862"
"id": 2207,
"text": "50000813"
"id": 2210,
"text": "50000837"
"id": 2264,
"text": "50000860"
"id": 2294,
"text": "50000878"
"id": 2331,
"text": "50000858"
"id": 2332,
"text": "50000871"
"message": "操作成功"
... ... @@ -283,197 +111,12 @@ or
"id": 601,
"text": "Xander Zhou"
"id": 625,
"text": "dandyinne"
"id": 685,
"text": "Randomevent"
"id": 687,
"text": "Miss Candy"
"id": 770,
"text": "Love in Wonderland"
"id": 813,
"text": "Android Homme"
"id": 1174,
"text": "EYE CANDLE"
"id": 1262,
"text": "islandhaze"
"id": 1267,
"id": 1321,
"text": "LAND by LAND"
"id": 1399,
"text": "Panda.W"
"id": 1420,
"text": "ed Handy"
"message": "操作成功"
## 查询货到付款全部列表
> 接口名:`/payDelivery/queryPayDeliveryAllList`
### 入参
``` json
"productSkn" :50000855,
|isPayDelivery|int|0|是否支持货到付款(0、不支持货到付款 1、支持货到付款 ,可选)|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000855
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000855
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001168
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001168
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001829
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001829
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002476
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002476
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002280
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 220914,
"totalPage": 22092
"message": "操作成功"
## 开启货到付款
... ... @@ -483,6 +126,8 @@ or
``` json
"brandName" :"SubCrew"
"brandId" :133
### 公共参数
... ... @@ -496,6 +141,8 @@ or
... ... @@ -517,6 +164,8 @@ or
``` json
"brandName" :"SubCrew"
"brandId" :133
### 公共参数
... ... @@ -530,6 +179,8 @@ or
... ... @@ -551,7 +202,8 @@ or
``` json
"brandName" :"初语"
"brandName" :"初语"
"brandId" :133
### 公共参数
... ... @@ -565,6 +217,8 @@ or
... ... @@ -586,7 +240,8 @@ or
``` json
"brandName" :"初语",
"brandName" :"初语"
"brandId" :133
... ... @@ -601,6 +256,8 @@ or
... ... @@ -677,7 +334,7 @@ or
"productSkn" :50000855,
... ... @@ -686,7 +343,7 @@ or
|stutas|int|100|货到付款状态(400: 全部 100:待审核 300:驳回 )|
|brandId|int |133|品牌ID(可选)|
|isPayDelivery|int|0|是否支持货到付款(0、不支持货到付款 1、支持货到付款 ,可选)|
### 注意:全部列表:传"status":400 ,待审核列表: 传"status":100,驳回列表:传"status":300
... ... @@ -714,189 +371,3 @@ or
## 查询待审核列表或驳回列表
> 接口名:`/payDelivery/queryPayDeliveryAuditingOrRejectList`
### 入参
``` json
"productSkn" :50000855,
|stutas|int|100|货到付款状态(400: 全部 100:待审核 300:驳回)|
|isPayDelivery|int|0|是否支持货到付款(0、不支持货到付款 1、支持货到付款 ,可选)|
### 注意:待审核列表: 传"status":100,驳回列表:传"status":300
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"applicant": "qianjun",
"brandName": "glamourflage",
"createTime": "2016-04-11 21:22:44",
"productSkn": 50001168,
"rejectReason": "质量不行"
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 1,
"totalPage": 1
"message": "操作成功"
### 入参
``` json
"productSkn" :50000855,
|stutas|int|100|货到付款状态(400: 全部 100:待审核 300:驳回)|
|isPayDelivery|int|0|是否支持货到付款(0、不支持货到付款 1、支持货到付款 ,可选)|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "ANYHOW",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000855
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000855
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001168
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001168
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001829
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001829
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002476
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002476
"brandName": "EBLIS",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50002280
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000297
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50001989
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"brandName": "破壳",
"isPayDelivery": 1,
"productSkn": 50000684
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 220914,
"totalPage": 22092
"message": "操作成功"
... ...