## 1.获取商品可售平台设置列表(平台端商品管理:所有)
# 线下店获取门店可售商品列表 #
> 接口名: `/ProductSaleController/getProductSaleList.do`
# 请求参数 #
| 参数名称 | 参数类型| 长度 |可否为空 |示例 |默认值 | 备注 |
| ---------|:--------:| --------:|-----:|------:|-----:|------:|
|storeId |int | 50 |否 |1| |门店id|
|productSkus |List<Integer> | 50 |是 | | |sku|
|productSkns |List<Integer> | 50 |是 | | |skn|
|productName |String | 50 |是 | | |商品名称|
|brandId |String | 50 |是 | | |品牌id|
|maxSortId |short | 50 |是 | | |商品大类id|
|gender |int | 50 |是 | | |性别|
|attribute |int | 50 |是 | | |商品属性|
|isShopOnSale |String | 50 |是 | | |是否本店在售|
|isAdvance |String | 50 |是 | | |是否预售|
|isLimited |String | 50 |是 | | |是否限量|
|isJit |String | 50 |是 | | |是否jit|
|shopsPageSize |int | 50 |是 | | |分页数|
### 入参
|isOutLets|string|'B'|'Y','N','B' 是否奥莱,默认品牌设置|否|
|salePlatform|int|1|1、线上线下均可售 2、仅线上可售 3、仅线下可售|否|
|isAutoAllocation|int|0|0、关闭自动生成调拨单状态 1、开启自动生成调拨单状态|否|
|isOnline|int|0|0、不是线上展示 1、是线上展示|否|
### 接口返回消息体
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"ageLevel": "1",
"attribute": 1,
"auditFailTime": 0,
"auditPassId": 2794,
"auditPassName": "wxtest1",
"auditPassTime": 1458647086,
"baseGoodList": [
"colorId": 90,
"createTime": 1458647027,
"factoryCode": "1221",
"factoryGoodsName": "21",
"goodsColorImage": "http://img12.static.yhbimg.com\goodsimg/2016/03/22/19/0257a05ae92dd665f3a42894a4e7135896.jpg",
"goodsName": "jpgs(+)",
"goodsSizeList": [
"barCode": "12",
"createTime": 1458647027,
"isSuppled": "N",
"marketPrice": 21,
"presaleStorageNum": 0,
"productSkc": 336352,
"productSkn": 51198439,
"productSku": 1047563,
"salePrice": 21,
"sizeId": 267,
"updateTime": 1458647027
"productSkc": 336352,
"productSkn": 51198439,
"updateTime": 1458647027
"brandFolder": 0,
"brandId": 1555,
"brandName": "请不要用我的品牌,谢谢",
"createTime": 1458647027,
"editTime": 1458647027,
"expectArrivalTime": 0,
"expectShelfTime": 1458595500,
"factoryCode": "",
"founder": 2794,
"founderName": "wxtest1",
"gender": "1",
"goodsSeason": 0,
"goodsYears": 2016,
"grade": "0",
"isAdvance": "N",
"isAuditing": 200,
"isJit": "N",
"isLimitbuy": "N",
"isLimited": "N",
"isMainPush": "N",
"isOutLets": "B",
"isPromotionalGifts": "N",
"isSupplied": 2,
"isVip": "B",
"limitEndTime": 0,
"limitStartTime": 0,
"maxSortId": 1,
"maxSortName": "上衣",
"middleSortId": 12,
"middleSortName": "衬衫",
"operateInfo": "wxtest1 2016-03-22 19:44:46",
"productName": "请不要用我的品牌,谢谢衬衫",
"productSkn": 51198439,
"productTag": "12122121",
"rejectReason": "",
"retailPrice": 21,
"salesPrice": 21,
"seasons": "",
"seriesId": 0,
"shopId": 0,
"sizeMaxSortId": 0,
"sizeMiddleSortId": 0,
"sizeSmallSortId": 0,
"smallSortId": 115,
"smallSortName": "衬衫",
"sortId": 0,
"supplierId": 0,
"yohoCoin": 0
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 119,
"totalPage": 12
"md5": "23163c6c8ac58fc85f9cad364c165483",
"message": "获取列表成功."
``` |
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code为200即为成功,否则是失败。 响应JSON格式如下所示:
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"productSkn": 70,
"productSku": "1385336",
"productSkc": 0,
"productName": 70,
"brandName": "1385336",
"brandId": 145,
"maxSortName": 0,
"smallSortName": 70,
"middleSortName": "1385336",
"colorName": 145,
"sizeName": 0,
"gender": 70,
"imageUrl": "1385336",
"replenishSwitch": 145,
"attribute": 0,
"isJit": 70,
"isLimited": "1385336",
"isAdvance": 145,
"isSpecial": 0,
"shelveTime": 70,
"salesPrice": "1385336",
"marketPrice": 145,
"auditState": 0
} |
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