queryPriceList.md 11 KB


接口名: '/product/queryProductPriceList'




属性名称 类型 例子 说明 说明是否必填 长度限制
product_skn Number 60000050 商品的skn N 10
shop_id Number 43 店铺Id N 5
brand_id Number 43 品牌id N 5
supplier_id Number 43 供应商Id N 5
is_jit String "N" 是否是代销不入库 Y 或者 N N 1
is_auditing Number 200 商品状态 N 3
stock Number 1 有库存为1 无填写 0 N 11
gender Number 1 性别 1代表男性,2代表女性 3代表通用 N 1
max_sort_id Number 1 大分类的Id N 5
middle_sort_id Number 12 中分类Id N 5
small_sort_id Number 111 小分类的Id N 5
page Number 1 当前页数 从1开始 N 11
size Number 10 每页显示条数,默认10 N 11


    <select id="selectSknListByReq" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select   <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from product where 1 = 1
      <if test="baseProduct.productSkn != null" >
        And product_skn = #{baseProduct.productSkn, jdbcType=INTEGER}
      <if test="baseProduct.productName != null" >
        And product_name like concat('%', #{baseProduct.productName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
      <if test="baseProduct.brandId != null" >
        And brand_id = #{baseProduct.brandId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.isScreen != null" >
        And is_screen = #{baseProduct.isScreen, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isMeasure != null" >
        And is_measure = #{baseProduct.isMeasure, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.supplierId != null" >
        And supplier_id = #{baseProduct.supplierId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
      <if test="baseProduct.isJit != null" >
        And is_jit = #{baseProduct.isJit, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.maxSortId != null" >
        And max_sort_id = #{baseProduct.maxSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.middleSortId != null" >
        And middle_sort_id = #{baseProduct.middleSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.smallSortId != null" >
        And small_sort_id = #{baseProduct.smallSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
       <if test="baseProduct.isOutLets != null" >
        And is_outlets = #{baseProduct.isOutLets, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isAdvance != null" >
        And is_advance = #{baseProduct.isAdvance, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.gender != null" >
       And gender = #{baseProduct.gender, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isInfoMiss != null" >
       And is_info_miss = #{baseProduct.isInfoMiss, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.stock != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.stock == 1" >
            And stock >= #{baseProduct.stock, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
        <if test="baseProduct.stock == 0" >
                And (stock = 0 OR stock is null)
      <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing == 200" >
             And is_auditing = 200
        <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != 200" >
            And is_auditing in(100, 300)
      <if test="baseProduct.status != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.status == 1" >
             And status = 1
        <if test="baseProduct.status != 1" >
            And status != 1
      <if test="baseProduct.productStatusList != null" >
         AND status in
         <foreach collection="baseProduct.productStatusList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
      <if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList != null" >
         AND (product_skn in
         <foreach collection="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
            #{item, jdbcType=INTEGER}
        </foreach> OR shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT} )
      <if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList == null" >
         <if test="baseProduct.shopId != null" >
            And shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.sortFlag != null">
        order by ${baseProduct.sortFlag}  ${baseProduct.descFlag}
    Limit #{startIndex,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{length,jdbcType=INTEGER}
  <select id="selectSknListByReqCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="com.yohobuy.platform.dal.product.model.BaseProductEx">
    select   count(0) from product where 1 = 1
      <if test="baseProduct.productSkn != null" >
        And product_skn = #{baseProduct.productSkn, jdbcType=INTEGER}
      <if test="baseProduct.productName != null" >
        And product_name like concat('%', #{baseProduct.productName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
      <if test="baseProduct.brandId != null" >
        And brand_id = #{baseProduct.brandId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.isScreen != null" >
        And is_screen = #{baseProduct.isScreen, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isMeasure != null" >
        And is_measure = #{baseProduct.isMeasure, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.supplierId != null" >
        And supplier_id = #{baseProduct.supplierId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
      <if test="baseProduct.isJit != null" >
        And is_jit = #{baseProduct.isJit, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.maxSortId != null" >
        And max_sort_id = #{baseProduct.maxSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.middleSortId != null" >
        And middle_sort_id = #{baseProduct.middleSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
      <if test="baseProduct.smallSortId != null" >
        And small_sort_id = #{baseProduct.smallSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
       <if test="baseProduct.isOutLets != null" >
        And is_outlets = #{baseProduct.isOutLets, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isAdvance != null" >
        And is_advance = #{baseProduct.isAdvance, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.gender != null" >
       And gender = #{baseProduct.gender, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.isInfoMiss != null" >
       And is_info_miss = #{baseProduct.isInfoMiss, jdbcType=CHAR}
      <if test="baseProduct.stock != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.stock == 1" >
            And stock >= #{baseProduct.stock, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
        <if test="baseProduct.stock == 0" >
            And (stock = 0 OR stock is null)
      <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing == 200" >
             And is_auditing = 200
        <if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != 200" >
            And is_auditing in(100, 300)
      <if test="baseProduct.status != null" >
        <if test="baseProduct.status == 1" >
             And status = 1
        <if test="baseProduct.status != 1" >
            And status != 1
      <if test="baseProduct.productStatusList != null" >
         AND status in
         <foreach collection="baseProduct.productStatusList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
      <if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList != null" >
         AND (product_skn in
         <foreach collection="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
            #{item, jdbcType=INTEGER}
        </foreach> OR shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT} )
      <if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList == null" >
         <if test="baseProduct.shopId != null" >
            And shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}

 <select id="selectProductPriceList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select  <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from product_price
    where 1 = 1 
     <if test="productPrice.sysStatus != null" >
        AND sys_status = #{productPrice.sysStatus, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
     limit #{startIndex,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{length,jdbcType=INTEGER}
  <select id="selectProductPriceBySknList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select  <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from product_price where product_skn in
    <foreach collection="sknList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">


错误码code 消息 说明
200 查询成功!
400 查询失败!
500 查询失败!

返回(备注: gender ("1", "男")("2", "女")("3", "通用")

  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "brand_id": 175,
        "brand_name": "品牌名称",
        "founder": 9278,
        "max_sort_id": 10,
        "max_sort_name": "创意生活",
        "middle_sort_id": 101,
        "middle_sort_name": "文具",
        "product_name": "团一复古花纹满本图案牛皮纸笔记本",
        "product_pic_url": "http://img12.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2011/06/24/13/02e571a64cea3ea8e734f8f0aae790fb4f.jpg?imageView/0/w/60/h/60",
        "product_skn": 50000055,
        "retail_price": 29,
        "return_coin": 300,
        "sales_price": 29,
        "small_sort_id": 111,
        "small_sort_name": "本子",
        "supplier_id": 0,
        "updateTime": "2016-02-02 10:37:43",
        "vip1_price": 0,
        "vip2_price": 0,
        "vip3_price": 0,
        "vip_discount_type": 1,
        "vip_price": 0
        "brand_id": 187,
        "brand_name": "顽",
        "founder": 9278,
        "max_sort_id": 8,
        "max_sort_name": "服配",
        "middle_sort_id": 66,
        "middle_sort_name": "配饰",
        "product_name": "PLAY顽植物大战僵尸坚果墙挂饰",
        "product_pic_url": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2011/06/23/05/01bda4fc443c96aa3a2e9287c3c17be87a.jpg?imageView/0/w/60/h/60",
        "product_skn": 50000056,
        "retail_price": 18,
        "return_coin": 0,
        "sales_price": 18,
        "small_sort_id": 305,
        "small_sort_name": "挂饰",
        "supplier_id": 0,
        "updateTime": "2016-02-02 10:37:43",
        "vip1_price": 0,
        "vip2_price": 0,
        "vip3_price": 0,
        "vip_discount_type": 1,
        "vip_price": 0
    "page": 1,
    "size": 2,
    "total": 2,
    "totalPage": 1
  "md5": "9a92b3c94d9676a8089169ee46ebce4a",
  "message": "Product Price List."