4.8 KB
属性名称 | 类型 | 例子 | 说明 | 是否必填 | 长度限制 |
productSkn | number | 商品skn | N | 10 | |
productSkc | number | 商品skc | N | 10 | |
productSku | number | 商品sku | N | 10 | |
productName | 字符串 | 名称 | N | 100 | |
shopId | number | 店铺Id | N | 5 | |
brandId | number | 品牌Id | N | 5 | |
isJit | 枚举型(字符串) | 是否jit商品"Y" 或者 "N" | N | 1 | |
stock | 枚举型(数字型) | 是否有库存0 或者 1 | N | 11 | |
isScreen | 枚举型 | 是否拍摄状态"Y" 或者 "N" | N | 1 | |
isMeasure | 枚举型 | 是否测量状态"Y" 或者 "N" | N | 1 | |
gender | 枚举型 | 性别1男2女 3通用 | N | 1 | |
maxSortId | 数字型 | 一级分类Id | N | 5 | |
middleSortId | 数字型 | 二级分类Id | N | 5 | |
smallSortId | 数字型 | 三级分类Id | N | 5 | |
isOutLets | 枚举型 | 是否奥莱"Y" 或者 "N" "B" | N | 1 |
<select id="selectSknListByReqCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="com.yohobuy.platform.dal.product.model.BaseProductEx">
select count(0) from product where 1 = 1
<if test="baseProduct.productSkn != null" >
And product_skn = #{baseProduct.productSkn, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="baseProduct.productName != null" >
And product_name like concat('%', #{baseProduct.productName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
<if test="baseProduct.brandId != null" >
And brand_id = #{baseProduct.brandId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
<if test="baseProduct.isScreen != null" >
And is_screen = #{baseProduct.isScreen, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.isMeasure != null" >
And is_measure = #{baseProduct.isMeasure, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.supplierId != null" >
And supplier_id = #{baseProduct.supplierId, jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="baseProduct.isJit != null" >
And is_jit = #{baseProduct.isJit, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.maxSortId != null" >
And max_sort_id = #{baseProduct.maxSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
<if test="baseProduct.middleSortId != null" >
And middle_sort_id = #{baseProduct.middleSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
<if test="baseProduct.smallSortId != null" >
And small_sort_id = #{baseProduct.smallSortId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
<if test="baseProduct.isOutLets != null" >
And is_outlets = #{baseProduct.isOutLets, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.isAdvance != null" >
And is_advance = #{baseProduct.isAdvance, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.gender != null" >
And gender = #{baseProduct.gender, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.isInfoMiss != null" >
And is_info_miss = #{baseProduct.isInfoMiss, jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="baseProduct.stock != null" >
<if test="baseProduct.stock == 1" >
And stock >= #{baseProduct.stock, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
<if test="baseProduct.stock == 0" >
And (stock = 0 OR stock is null)
<if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != null" >
<if test="baseProduct.isAuditing == 200" >
And is_auditing = 200
<if test="baseProduct.isAuditing != 200" >
And is_auditing in(100, 300)
<if test="baseProduct.status != null" >
<if test="baseProduct.status == 1" >
And status = 1
<if test="baseProduct.status != 1" >
And status != 1
<if test="baseProduct.productStatusList != null" >
AND status in
<foreach collection="baseProduct.productStatusList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
<if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList != null" >
AND (product_skn in
<foreach collection="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList" item="item" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")">
#{item, jdbcType=INTEGER}
</foreach> OR shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT} )
<if test="baseProduct.onlyShowSknList == null" >
<if test="baseProduct.shopId != null" >
And shop_id = #{baseProduct.shopId, jdbcType=SMALLINT}
错误码code | 消息 | 说明 |
200 | 添加成功! | |
400 | 操作失败! |
"code": 200,
"data": {
"1": 2,
"2": 3,
"3": 0
"md5": "7a00abc3b20f0fcef16a085a753892e4",
"message": "num"