# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
import time
Author: chunhua.zhang@yoho.cn
1. Called by Zabbix when mysql server down.
2. Only process when downed mysql is slave/read
3. Will change read dns to correspond master/write dns and reload cobar
# dingding
DING = "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=31cf1a526c98862b7945e561c5a0d857a069350dbee0e807074b83b39fa1e1af"
ansible_url = "http://ansible.yohops.com/api/v2"
ansible_user = "chunhua.zhang"
ansible_password = "Zch@2019"
def main_handler(event, context):
return_str = "OK"
if event['queryStringParameters']['method'] != 'master_fail_over' :
return_str = "Method Not Supported"
elif event['queryStringParameters']['auth'] != 'yohomysqlfailover123456887':
return_str = "Auth Failed"
fail_master = event['queryStringParameters']['failmaster']
new_master = event['queryStringParameters']['newmaster']
return_str = " Mysql Failover Proccess Successfully!"
ret = ansible_tower_process(new_master, fail_master)
alert_to_dingding(new_master, fail_master, ret)
return { "isBase64Encoded": False, "statusCode": 200, "headers": {} , "body": "%s" %return_str }
def ansible_tower_process(down_host):
if not down_host:
## az1, az2, az3
for inventory in [ 6, 5, 4]:
extra_var = {}
r = requests.get(ansible_url + "/inventories/%i/" %inventory, auth=(ansible_user, ansible_password))
inventory_vars = json.loads( r.json()['variables'])
for key in inventory_vars:
# find db read key which value == fail-mysql-slave-node
if key.startswith("db") and key.endswith("_read") and inventory_vars[key] == down_host:
extra_var[key] = inventory_vars[ key.replace("_read", "_write") ]
if not extra_var:
print("can not find any variables in inventory:%i with read mysql is %s" %(inventory, down_host))
# 1. update dns
extra_var['confirmation'] = 'DNS'
dns_payload = {}
dns_payload['inventory'] = inventory
dns_payload['extra_vars'] = json.dumps(extra_var)
print("start to update dns for inventory: %i , params is: %s" %(inventory, dns_payload))
r_dns = requests.post(ansible_url + "/job_templates/36/launch/", json = dns_payload, auth=(ansible_user, ansible_password))
# 1.1. fetch job status, make sure dns reload success
job_id = r_dns.json()['job']
# 2. reload cobar
cobar_payload = {}
cobar_payload['inventory'] = inventory
print("start to reload cobar for inventory: %i , params is: %s" %(inventory, cobar_payload))
r_cobar = requests.post(ansible_url + "/job_templates/35/launch/", json = cobar_payload, auth=(ansible_user, ansible_password))
# 2.1. fetch job status, make sure job success
job_id = r_cobar.json()['job']
return 0
# 2. fetch job status, make sure job success
def make_sure_job_success(job_id):
max_retry = 100
job_success = False
retry = 0
while not job_success:
if retry == max_retry:
print("can not finish job : %i at %i times" %(job_id, max_retry))
return -1
r_check_job_status = requests.get(ansible_url + "/jobs/%i/" %job_id, auth=(ansible_user, ansible_password))
if r_check_job_status.json()['status'] == 'successful':
print("job: %i is success" %job_id)
job_success = True
print("job:%i status is : %s" %(job_id, r_check_job_status.json()['status'] ))
retry = retry + 1
return 0
def alert_to_dingding(down_host, ret):
# send text dingding message. see:https://open-doc.dingtalk.com/docs/doc.htm?spm=a219a.7629140.0.0.karFPe&treeId=257&articleId=105735&docType=1
ding_req = {}
ding_req["markdown"] = {}
ding_req["markdown"]['title']="Mysql Failover"
ding_req["markdown"]["text"]= "### Mysql Down. Down Host: %s , ret: %i" % (down_host, ret)
r = requests.post(url = DING, json = ding_req)
print("Send DingDing message result:%s, request: %s " %(r, ding_req))
return("SUCCESS") |
\ No newline at end of file |