yoho.switch-db.yml 837 Bytes
- hosts: "{{ db_mgmt  }}"
  remote_user: root
    - name: "confirmation"
      prompt: "Switch DB master. Please Enter DB to continue."
      private: no
    - name: Check slave before switch
      command: bash /root/switch/switch_before_check_slave.sh
      register: switch_check
      failed_when: switch_check.stdout.find('No') != -1
      changed_when: False

    - name: --ZONE1-- Start switching to Zone1
      command: bash /root/switch/switch_az1.sh
      register: switch_db_to_az1
      failed_when: switch_db_to_az1.stdout.find('failed') != -1
      when: center == 'zone1'

    - name: --ZONE2-- Start switching to Zone2
      command: bash /root/switch/switch_az2.sh
      register: switch_db_to_az2
      failed_when: switch_db_to_az2.stdout.find('failed') != -1
      when: center == 'zone2'