... ... @@ -172,4 +172,10 @@ public class HttpUriContants {
public static final String CENTERSWITCH_GET = "/centerSwitch/getSwitchList";
public static final String CENTERSWITCH_SWITCH = "/centerSwitch/doExe";
public static final String JAVA_MONITOR_GET = "/newJavaApiInfo/queryByServiceType";
public static final String JAVA_GRAPH_GET = "/newJavaApiInfo/getJavaApiGraph";
public static final String JAVA_IP_LIST = "/newJavaApiInfo/getIPList";
public static final String JAVA_API_LIST = "/newJavaApiInfo/queryByServiceTypeAndIP";
... ...
... ... @@ -14,6 +14,4 @@ public class CenterSwitchModel {
private String exe;
private String toCloud;
... ...
package com.ui.model.req;
import lombok.Data;
* javaAPI监控信息
* Created by lingmin on 2016/10/21.
public class JavaApiMonitorReq extends PageRequest {
private int serviceType;
private String serviceName;
private int timeInterval;
private int graphType;
//云类型 1-aws,2-qcloud
private int cloudType;
private String startTime;
private String endTime;
private String ip;
... ...
package com.ui.ctrl;
import com.ui.contants.HttpUriContants;
import com.ui.http.HttpRestClient;
import com.ui.model.BaseResponse;
import com.ui.model.req.JavaApiMonitorReq;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
* Created by lingmin on 2016/10/19.
public class JavaMonitorCtrl {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaMonitorCtrl.class);
private HttpRestClient httpClient;
public ModelAndView toJavaMonitor() {
return new ModelAndView("javaMonitor/javaMonitor");
public ModelAndView toJavaApiInfoList() {
return new ModelAndView("javaMonitor/javaApiInfoList");
public BaseResponse queryApiMonitorInfo(JavaApiMonitorReq req) {
if(req.getTimeInterval() == 0){
BaseResponse rep = httpClient.defaultPost(HttpUriContants.JAVA_MONITOR_GET, req, BaseResponse.class);
return rep;
public BaseResponse getGraphData(JavaApiMonitorReq req) {
BaseResponse rep;
try {
rep = httpClient.defaultPost(HttpUriContants.JAVA_GRAPH_GET, req, BaseResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
rep = new BaseResponse(400);
rep.setMessage("getGraphData error");
return rep;
public BaseResponse queryIpList(JavaApiMonitorReq req) {
BaseResponse rep = httpClient.defaultPost(HttpUriContants.JAVA_IP_LIST, req, BaseResponse.class);
return rep;
public BaseResponse queryByServiceTypeAndIP(JavaApiMonitorReq req) {
BaseResponse rep = httpClient.defaultPost(HttpUriContants.JAVA_API_LIST, req, BaseResponse.class);
return rep;
... ...
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... ...
... ... @@ -94,6 +94,8 @@
<li class="" id="hostInfoList"><a href="?page_type=hostInfoList"><i class="icon icon-th"></i> <span>主机管理</span></a>
<li class="" id="javaMonitor"><a href="?page_type=javaMonitor"><i class="icon icon-th"></i><span>JAVA服务监控</span></a>
<li class="" id="javaApi"><a href="?page_type=javaApi"><i class="icon icon-th"></i><span>JAVA服务信息</span></a>
<li class="" id="zkInfo"><a href="?page_type=zkInfo"><i class="icon icon-th"></i><span>ZK监控</span></a>
... ... @@ -123,6 +125,7 @@
"mobjectInfo": 'jsp/mobject/mobjectInfo.jsp',
"hostGroupList": 'jsp/host/hostGroupList.jsp',
"hostInfoList": 'jsp/host/hostInfoList.jsp',
"javaMonitor": 'jsp/javaMonitor/javaMonitor.jsp',
"javaApi": 'jsp/javaapi/javaApi.jsp',
"zkInfo": '/jsp/zkInfo/zkInfoList.jsp',
"redisInfo": '/jsp/redisInfo/redisInfoList.jsp',
... ...
... ... @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
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... ... @@ -101,10 +108,10 @@
keyboard : opt.keyboard,
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* 销毁
... ... @@ -112,8 +119,8 @@
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show : function() {
return this.each(function() {
... ... @@ -154,7 +161,7 @@
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... ...
... ... @@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
if (opt.loadFilter) {
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... ... @@ -41,7 +38,7 @@
* 生成select
... ... @@ -53,9 +50,9 @@
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... ... @@ -68,22 +65,47 @@
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var obj = $(jq).find("option:selected");
return obj ? obj.html() : "";
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* 获取值
getValue : function() {
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* 获取文本
getText : function() {
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* 加载完成执行
* @param data
onLoadSuccess : function(data) {
* 当下拉框改变的时候执行
... ... @@ -91,8 +113,8 @@
* @param optionData
onChange : function(value, optionData) {}
$.fn.select.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.select.event, $.fn.validate.defaults, {
firstText : undefined,
... ... @@ -109,9 +131,9 @@
loadFilter : function(data) {},
value : null
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
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... ...
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String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://"
+ request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort()
+ path + "/";
String serviceType = request.getParameter("serviceType");
String serviceName = request.getParameter("serviceName");
String startTime = request.getParameter("startTime");
String endTime = request.getParameter("endTime");
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var contextPath = '<%=basePath %>';
var serviceType = "<%=serviceType %>";
var serviceName = "<%=serviceName%>";
var startTime = "<%=startTime%>>";
var endTime = "<%=endTime%>>"
var homeUrl = contextPath + "jsp/javaMonitor/javaMonitor.jsp";
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<div id="head">
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<div id="content">
<div id="breadcrumb">
<a href="#" title="Go to Home" class="tip-bottom"><i
class="icon-home"></i> Java服务</a> <a href='<%=basePath %>jsp/javaMonitor/javaMonitor.jsp' class="current">服务监控</a><a href="#"
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="widget-box">
<div class="widget-title">
<h5>Java API监控信息</h5>
<div class="widget-content nopadding">
<div class="widget-title" style="height: 53px;">
<div class="form-inline" role="form" id="inBoxQueryDiv"
style=" margin-top: 12px;margin-left: 25px;float: left;">
<div class="input-group" style="float: left;">
<span class="input-group-addon">服务名:</span>
<input type="text" id="serviceType" name="serviceType" class="form-control" disabled>
<div class="input-group" style="margin-left: 15px">
<select id="cloudType" name="cloudType" class="form-control" style="width: 100px" onchange="getOnchange()">
<option value="1">AWS</option>
<option value="2">QCloud</option>
<div class="input-group" style="margin-left: 15px">
<span class="input-group-addon">IP:</span>
<select id="iPName" name="iPName" class="form-control" style="width: 200px" onchange="getIpOnchange()">
<div id="infoTableDiv">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" class="active">
<a href="#timesPart" aria-controls="timesPart" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">异常次数</a>
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#costPart" aria-controls="costPart" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">平均耗时</a>
<div class="tab-content" style="padding-top:10px">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in active" id="timesPart">
<div id="infoTable"></div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="costPart">
<div id="infoTable1"></div>
<script src="<%=basePath %>script/common/genarate_left_panel.js"></script>
$("#li_monitor").addClass("active open");
var java_api_type = [];
var java_app = {};
var table_data;
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
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//the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups
//the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup
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function getOnchange() {
var cloudType = $("#cloudType").val();
if(cloudType == null){
cloudType = 1;
function getIpOnchange() {
$("#infoTable").table("load", {
startTime : startTime,
endTime : endTime,
serviceType : serviceType,
serviceName : serviceName,
cloudType : $("#cloudType").val()
var getJavaAppType = function (cloudType) {
url: contextPath + "/javaMonitor/queryIpList",
type: 'post',
data : {
cloudType : cloudType
success: function (data) {
var selObj = $("#iPName");
selObj.append("<option value=0>" + "all" + "</option>");
$.each(data.data, function (idx, val) {
selObj.append("<option value='" + val + "'>" + val + "</option>");
$(function () {
columnAutoWidth: false,
url: contextPath + "/javaMonitor/queryByServiceTypeAndIP",
queryParams : {
startTime : startTime,
endTime : endTime,
serviceType : serviceType,
serviceName : serviceName
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
sortOrder: "desc",
loadFilter: function (data) {
return defaultLoadFilter(data);
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
if(data != null){
var costObj = new Array();
for(var j = 0;j<data.length;j++){
return b.avgCost-a.avgCost;
var errorObj = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
errorObj.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.errorCount - a.errorCount;
$("#infoTable1").table("loadLoaclData", errorObj);
return costObj;
columns: [{
title: "接口名",
field: "apiName",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
// formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// var div = $("<div>");
// var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html(rowData.ip).appendTo(div);
// editBtn.click(function () {
// var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
// dialog.dialog({
// backdrop: "static",
// title: "API详情",
// href: contextPath + "jsp/javaMonitor/javaIpInfoList.jsp",
// height: "80%",
// width: "60%",
// buttons: [{
// text: "关闭",
// className: "btn-info",
// onclick: function () {
// $(dialog).dialog("hide");
// }
// }]
// });
// });
// return div;
// }
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true,
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if (rowData.errorInfo != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < rowData.errorInfo.length; i++) {
content = content + rowData.errorInfo[i] + "<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "异常详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
}, {
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
sortable: true,
// formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// var div = $("<div>");
// var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
// div.append("<br>");
// var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
// var content = "";
// if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
// for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
// content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
// }
// }
// editBtn.click(function () {
// var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
// dialog.dialog({
// backdrop : "static",
// title : "超时详情",
// content : content,
// height : "60%",
// width : "50%",
// buttons : [{
// text : "关闭",
// className : "btn-danger",
// onclick : function() {
// $(dialog).dialog("hide");
// }
// }]
// });
// });
// return div;
// }
columnAutoWidth: false,
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
sortOrder: "desc",
columns: [{
title: "接口名",
field: "apiName",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true,
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if (rowData.errorInfo != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < rowData.errorInfo.length; i++) {
content = content + rowData.errorInfo[i] + "<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "异常详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
}, {
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
// formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// var div = $("<div>");
// var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
// div.append("<br>");
// var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
// var content = "";
// if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
// for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
// content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
// }
// }
// editBtn.click(function () {
// var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
// dialog.dialog({
// backdrop : "static",
// title : "超时详情",
// content : content,
// height : "60%",
// width : "50%",
// buttons : [{
// text : "关闭",
// className : "btn-danger",
// onclick : function() {
// $(dialog).dialog("hide");
// }
// }]
// });
// });
// return div;
// }
... ...
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<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://"
+ request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort()
+ path + "/";
String serviceType = request.getParameter("serviceType");
String serviceName = request.getParameter("serviceName");
String startTime = request.getParameter("startTime");
String endTime = request.getParameter("endTime");
String apiName = request.getParameter("apiName");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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var contextPath = '<%=basePath %>';
var serviceType = "<%=serviceType %>";
var serviceName = "<%=serviceName%>";
var startTime = "<%=startTime%>>";
var endTime = "<%=endTime%>>";
var apiName = "<%=apiName%>>";
<!-- 右侧具体内容 -->
<form class="form-horizontal" id="javaIpInfoForm" name="javaIpInfoForm">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-5" >
<span class="input-group-addon">服务名:</span>
<input type="text" id="serviceType" name="serviceType" class="form-control" disabled>
<div class="col-sm-5" >
<span class="input-group-addon">接口名:</span>
<input type="text" id="apiName" name="apiName" class="form-control" disabled>
<div class="form-group">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" class="active">
<a href="#timesPartIpInfo" aria-controls="timesPartIpInfo" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">异常次数</a>
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#costPartIpInfo" aria-controls="costPartIpInfo" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">平均耗时</a>
<div class="tab-content" style="padding-top:10px">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in active" id="timesPartIpInfo">
<div id="ipInfoTable"></div>
<div role="ipInfoTable2" class="tab-pane fade" id="costPartIpInfo">
<div id="infoTable1"></div>
$(function () {
$("#javaIpInfoForm #ipInfoTable").table({
columnAutoWidth: false,
url: contextPath + "/javaMonitor/query",
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
sortOrder: "desc",
loadFilter: function (data) {
return defaultLoadFilter(data);
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
if(data != null){
var errorObj = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
errorObj.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.errorCount - a.errorCount;
$("#javaIpInfoForm #ipInfoTable2").table("loadLoaclData", errorObj);
columns: [{
title: "IP",
field: "ip",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true,
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if (rowData.errorInfo != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < rowData.errorInfo.length; i++) {
content = content + rowData.errorInfo[i] + "<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop: "static",
title: "异常详情",
content: content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons: [{
text: "关闭",
className: "btn-danger",
onclick: function () {
return div;
}, {
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
// formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// var div = $("<div>");
// var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
// div.append("<br>");
// var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
// var content = "";
// if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
// for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
// content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
// }
// }
// editBtn.click(function () {
// var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
// dialog.dialog({
// backdrop : "static",
// title : "超时详情",
// content : content,
// height : "60%",
// width : "50%",
// buttons : [{
// text : "关闭",
// className : "btn-danger",
// onclick : function() {
// $(dialog).dialog("hide");
// }
// }]
// });
// });
// return div;
// }
$("#javaIpInfoForm #ipInfoTable2").table({
columnAutoWidth: false,
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
sortOrder: "desc",
columns: [{
title: "IP",
field: "ip",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
sortable: true,
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if (rowData.errorInfo != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < rowData.errorInfo.length; i++) {
content = content + rowData.errorInfo[i] + "<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop: "static",
title: "异常详情",
content: content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons: [{
text: "关闭",
className: "btn-danger",
onclick: function () {
return div;
}, {
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
sortable: true
// formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// var div = $("<div>");
// var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
// div.append("<br>");
// var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
// var content = "";
// if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
// for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
// content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
// }
// }
// editBtn.click(function () {
// var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
// dialog.dialog({
// backdrop : "static",
// title : "超时详情",
// content : content,
// height : "60%",
// width : "50%",
// buttons : [{
// text : "关闭",
// className : "btn-danger",
// onclick : function() {
// $(dialog).dialog("hide");
// }
// }]
// });
// });
// return div;
// }
... ...
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<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://"
+ request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort()
+ path + "/";
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var contextPath = '<%=basePath %>';
<!-- 头部 -->
<div id="head">
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<div id="content">
<div id="breadcrumb">
<a href="#" title="Go to Home" class="tip-bottom"><i
class="icon-home"></i> Java服务</a> <a href="#" class="current">服务监控</a>
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<div class="widget-title">
<div class="widget-content nopadding">
<div class="widget-title" style="height: 400px;">
<div class="col-sm-5 control-label" role="form" id="chartterDiv"
style=" margin-top: 12px;margin-left: 10px;">
<div id="costCharts" class="input-group" style="height: 380px;width: 760px">
<div class="col-sm-5 control-label" role="form" id="chartterDiv1"
style=" margin-top: 12px;margin-left: 25px;float: left;">
<div id="timesCharts" class="input-group" style="height: 380px;width: 760px;margin-left: 100px">
<div class="widget-box">
<div class="widget-title">
<div class="widget-content nopadding">
<div class="widget-title" style="height: 53px;">
<div class="form-inline" role="form" id="inBoxQueryDiv"
style=" margin-top: 12px;margin-left: 25px;float: left;">
<div class="input-group" id="timeDiv" style="float: left;">
<select id="timeInterval" name="timeInterval" class="form-control" onchange="getOnchange(2)">
<option value="1">1 minute</option>
<option value="5">5 minutes</option>
<option value="10">10 minutes</option>
<div class="input-group" style="margin-left: 10px">
<span class="input-group-addon" >服务名:</span>
<select id="searchApiName" name="searchApiName" class="form-control" onchange="getOnchange(1)">
<button id="searchJavaInfoBtn" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-left: 15px">API统计详情</button>
<div id="infoTableDiv">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" class="active">
<a href="#ipPart" aria-controls="ipPart" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">IP</a>
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#timesPart" aria-controls="timesPart" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">异常次数</a>
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#costPart" aria-controls="costPart" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">平均耗时</a>
<div class="tab-content" style="padding-top:10px">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in active" id="ipPart">
<div id="ipInfoTable"></div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="timesPart">
<div id="infoTable"></div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="costPart">
<div id="infoTable1"></div>
<script src="<%=basePath %>script/common/genarate_left_panel.js"></script>
$("#li_monitor").addClass("active open");
var java_api_type = [];
var java_app = {};
var table_data;
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function () {
//the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups
//the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup
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function timer() {
if($("#searchApiName").val() != null && $("#searchApiName").select("getText") != null) {
$("#ipInfoTable").table("load", {
serviceType: $("#searchApiName").val(),
serviceName: $("#searchApiName").select("getText"),
timeInterval: $("#timeInterval").val()
setTimeout("timer()", 60000);
function drawLine(type,title,subTitle,yText,categories,series) {
var title = {
text: title
var subtitle = {
text: subTitle == null? "gateway":subTitle
var xAxis = {
// tickInterval: 5*60* 1000, // one week
// categories: ['16:40','16:42','16:44', '16:46','16:48', '16:50',
// '16:52', '16:54', '16:56', '16:58', '17:00', '17:02']
var yAxis = {
title: {
// text: 'cost (ms)'
text: yText
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
var tooltip = {
valueSuffix: ''
var legend = {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderWidth: 0
// var series = [
// {
// name: '',
// data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2,
// 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6]
// },
// {
// name: '',
// data: [1, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3, 17.0, 22.0, 24.8,
// 24.1, 20.1, 14.1, 8.6, 2.5]
// },
// {
// name: '',
// data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5, 11.9, 15.2, 17.0,
// 16.6, 14.2, 10.3, 6.6, 4.8]
// }
// ];
var series = series;
var json = {};
json.title = title;
json.subtitle = subtitle;
json.xAxis = xAxis;
json.yAxis = yAxis;
json.tooltip = tooltip;
json.legend = legend;
json.series = series;
if(type == 1){
function getOnchange(type){
$("#ipInfoTable").table("load", {
serviceType: $("#searchApiName").val(),
serviceName: $("#searchApiName").select("getText"),
if(type == 1){
function getLineDate(lineType){
paramObj.serviceType = 0;
paramObj.serviceName = "";
if($("#searchApiName").val() != null){
paramObj.serviceType = $("#searchApiName").val();
if($("#searchApiName").select("getText") != null){
paramObj.serviceName = $("#searchApiName").select("getText");
url: contextPath + "/javaMonitor/getGraphData",
type: 'post',
serviceType : paramObj.serviceType,
serviceName : paramObj.serviceName,
graphType : lineType
success: function (data) {
if (!data || data.code != 200) {
$.toaster('获取曲线数据失败', '警告', 'warning');
var categories = data.data.time;
var series = data.data.content;
var title = "";
var xText = "";
if(lineType == 1){
title = "平均耗时-曲线图";
xText = "cost(ms)";
title = "异常次数-曲线图";
xText = "error times";
$(function () {
valueField: "typeId",
textField: "typeName",
className: "form-control",
url: contextPath + "/type/queryJavaApiType",
loadFilter: function (data) {
return defaultLoadFilter(data);
columnAutoWidth: false,
url: contextPath + "/javaMonitor/query",
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
loadFilter: function (data) {
paramObj.startTime = data.data.startTime;
paramObj.endTime = data.data.endTime;
return defaultLoadFilter(data).content;
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
if(data!= null){
paramObj.ipName = data[0].ip;
var errorObj = new Array();
for(var i = 0;i<data.length;i++){
return b.errorCount-a.errorCount;
$("#infoTable").table("loadLoaclData", errorObj);
var costObj = new Array();
for(var j = 0;j<data.length;j++){
return b.avgCost-a.avgCost;
$("#infoTable1").table("loadLoaclData", costObj);
columns: [{
title: "IP",
field: "ip",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "网络归属",
field: "type",
width: "10%"
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.errorInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.errorInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.errorInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "异常详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "超时详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
}, {
title: "CPU使用率",
field: "cpuRate",
width: "10%"
title: "可用内存/总内存(MB)",
field: "memoryRate",
width: "10%"
title: "带宽(IN/OUT)(KBps)",
field: "bandwidth",
width: "10%"
columnAutoWidth: false,
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
// loadFilter: function (data) {
// return defaultLoadFilter(data);
// },
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
columns: [{
title: "IP",
field: "ip",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "网络归属",
field: "type",
width: "10%"
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.errorInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.errorInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.errorInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "异常详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "超时详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
}, {
title: "CPU使用率",
field: "cpuRate",
width: "10%"
title: "可用内存/总内存(MB)",
field: "memoryRate",
// formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// if (rowData.apiToggle == 0)
// return "N";
// else
// return "Y";
// },
width: "10%"
title: "带宽(IN/OUT)(KBps)",
field: "bandwidth",
width: "15%"
columnAutoWidth: false,
striped: true,
title: "java服务监控信息列表",
dataType: "json",
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
columns: [{
title: "IP",
field: "ip",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "网络归属",
field: "type",
width: "10%"
}, {
title: "总请求次数",
field: "totalCount",
width: "10%",
}, {
title: "请求异常次数",
field: "errorCount",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.errorCount).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.errorInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.errorInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.errorInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "异常详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
title: "平均耗时(ms)",
field: "avgCost",
width: "10%",
formatter : function(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
var textView = $("<span>").html(rowData.avgCost).appendTo(div);
var editBtn = $("<button>").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("详情").appendTo(div);
var content = "";
if(rowData.timeoutInfo != null){
for(var i = 0;i<rowData.timeoutInfo.length;i++){
content= content +rowData.timeoutInfo[i]+"<br><br>";
editBtn.click(function () {
if(content != ""){
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
backdrop : "static",
title : "超时详情",
content : content,
height : "700px",
width : "1100px",
buttons : [{
text : "关闭",
className : "btn-danger",
onclick : function() {
return div;
}, {
title: "CPU使用率",
field: "cpuRate",
width: "10%"
title: "可用内存/总内存(MB)",
field: "memoryRate",
// formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
// if (rowData.apiToggle == 0)
// return "N";
// else
// return "Y";
// },
width: "10%"
title: "带宽(IN/OUT)(KBps)",
field: "bandwidth",
width: "15%"
var title = $("#searchApiName").val();
if (title == null){
title = "gateway";
$("#searchJavaInfoBtn").click(function() {
var url = contextPath + "/javaMonitor/toJavaApiInfoList";
var serviceType = $("#searchApiName").val();
var serviceName = $("#searchApiName").select("getText");
url += "?serviceType=" + serviceType+"&serviceName="+serviceName+"&startTime="+paramObj.startTime+"&endTime="+paramObj.endTime;
window.location.href = url;
... ...
... ... @@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
var getTypeName = function (typeId) {
for (var i = 0; i < java_api_type.length; i++) {
... ...
... ... @@ -78,6 +78,36 @@
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$("#li_switch").addClass("active open");
... ... @@ -99,36 +129,54 @@
columns: [{
title: "切换项",
field: "cName",
width: "20%"
width: "15%"
}, {
title: "切向QQ",
field: "name",
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'qcloud\')\">").addClass("btn btn-primary").html("切换").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'beforeCheck\')\">").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("前检测").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"toDoExe(\'" + value + "\',\'toQcloud\')\">").addClass("btn btn-primary").html("切换").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'afterCheck\')\">").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("后检测").appendTo(div);
return div;
width: "40%"
width: "35%"
title: "切回AWS",
field: "name",
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'aws\')\">").addClass("btn btn-primary").html("切换").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'afterCheck\')\">").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("前检测").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"toDoExe(\'" + value + "\',\'toAws\')\">").addClass("btn btn-primary").html("切换").appendTo(div);
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'beforeCheck\')\">").addClass("btn btn-xs btn-success").html("后检测").appendTo(div);
return div;
width: "35%"
title: "状态查看",
field: "name",
formatter: function (value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var div = $("<div>");
$("<button onclick=\"doExe(\'" + value + "\',\'status\')\">").addClass("btn btn-primary").html("当前状态").appendTo(div);
return div;
width: "40%"
width: "35%"
function doExe(name, toCloud) {
function toDoExe(name, toCloud) {
var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
title: "切换确定",
backdrop: "static",
content: "name:"+name+" 切向:"+toCloud,
content: "name:"+name+" exe:"+toCloud,
buttons: [{
text: "否",
className: "btn-danger",
... ... @@ -140,11 +188,51 @@
className: "btn-success",
onclick: function () {
window.open(contextPath + "centerSwitch/todoExe?name=" + name + "&toCloud=" + toCloud, "_self");
function doExe(name, exe) {
var jq = $("#switchTable");
type: 'post',
url: contextPath + "/centerSwitch/doExe",
dataType: 'json',
var div = $("<div>").attr("tableSelector", jq.selector).addClass("modal-backdrop fade in").appendTo($("body")).hide();
var tableOffset = jq.offset();
var tableWidth = jq.outerWidth(true), tableHeight = jq.outerHeight(true);
left : (tableWidth - 124) / 2,
top : (tableHeight - 124) / 2
width : tableWidth,
height : tableHeight,
left : tableOffset.left,
top : tableOffset.top
success: function (resp) {
$("body").find("div[tableSelector='"+ jq.selector +"']").remove();
$("#myModalLabel").text("name:"+name+" exe:"+exe);
error: function (resp) {
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
url: contextPath + "/centerSwitch/doExe",
dataType: 'json',
var div = $("<div>").attr("tableSelector", jq.selector).addClass("modal-backdrop fade in").appendTo($("body")).hide();
var tableOffset = jq.offset();
var tableWidth = jq.outerWidth(true), tableHeight = jq.outerHeight(true);
... ... @@ -129,12 +129,12 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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... ... @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ innerHTML += "<div id='sidebar'><ul>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_dashboard'><a id='li_dashboard_a' href=''><i class='icon icon-th'></i> <span>Dashboard</span></a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li class='submenu' id='li_monitor'><a id='li_monitor_a' href='#'><i class='icon icon-th-list'></i> <span>监控</span><span class='label'>7</span></a><ul>";
innerHTML += "<li class='submenu' id='li_monitor'><a id='li_monitor_a' href='#'><i class='icon icon-th-list'></i> <span>监控</span><span class='label'>8</span></a><ul>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_javaMonitor'><a id='li_javaMonitor_a' href=''><i class='icon icon-th'></i> <span>JAVA服务监控</span></a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_javaApi'><a id='li_javaApi_a' href=''><i class='icon icon-th'></i> <span>JAVA服务信息</span></a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_zkInfo'><a id='li_zkInfo_a' href=''><i class='icon icon-th'></i> <span>ZK监控</span></a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_rabbitview'><a id='li_rabbitview_a' href=''><i class='icon icon-th'></i> <span>Rabbitmq监控</span></a></li>";
... ... @@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ innerHTML += "<li id='li_projectHistory'><a id='li_projectHistory_a' href=''><i
innerHTML += "</ul></li>";
innerHTML += "<li class='submenu' id='li_switch'><a id='li_switch_a' href='#'><i class='icon icon-th-list'></i> <span>关键切换</span><span class='label'>3</span></a>";
innerHTML += "<li class='submenu' id='li_switch'><a id='li_switch_a' href='#'><i class='icon icon-th-list'></i> <span>关键切换</span><span class='label'>4</span></a>";
innerHTML += "<ul><li id='li_nginxswitch'><a id='li_nginxswitch_a' href=''>nginx切换</a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_luaswitch'><a id='li_luaswitch_a' href='#'>LUA切换</a></li>";
innerHTML += "<li id='li_limitswitch'><a id='li_limitswitch_a' href='#'>限流调整</a></li>";
... ... @@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ document.getElementById("li_dashboard_a").setAttribute("href", path + "/dashboar
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document.getElementById("li_zkInfo_a").setAttribute("href", path + "/zkMonitor/tozkMonitor");
document.getElementById("li_rabbitview_a").setAttribute("href", path + "/rabbitmq/toRabbitmq");
... ...