Fixing comments to better reflect how methods work and some typo fixes
Fix SDWebImageManager transformDownloadedImage
storing data of transformed image instead of downloaded one (passing nil to storeImage will generate data)
See https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/326#issuecomment-14791505 for more info
Even if the image is cached, fetch the URL again anyway. When set, NSURLCache is enabled in the downloader via the new option SDWebImageDownloaderEnableNSURLCache. NSURLCache will handle the protocol caching while SDWebImage remains useful for offline images. This option helps deal with images changing behind the same request URL, e.g. Facebook graph api profile pics where the request URL https://graph.facebook.com/[userid]/picture returns a redirect to the actual profile image. If a cached image exists, the completion block is called once with the cached image and again with the final image.
Detect cancelled parent operation in download operation callback
Optimizing enumeration of files while cleaning the disk cache
Wrong cache policy value.
NSMutableURLRequest accepts NSURLRequestCachePolicy as cachePolicy, not NSURLCacheStoragePolicy.
- `imageManager:shouldDownloadImageForURL:` let delegate to conditionaly block cache-in (fix #134) - `imageManager:transformDownloadedImage:` let delegate to transform the image prior to cache-in (fix #63, fix #284)
Fix "Alpha on JPEG with no alpha" when decoding
Add synchronous disk-cache loading method.
This reverts commit 12196f4d. It adds alpha on JPEG with no alpha.
Check SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly for disk caching
Fixed CGBitmapContextCreate warnings for invalid alpha properties
Invalid cost calculation when saving image to memory cache