Decoding webp, depends on source image data alpha status.
Implement 'SDWebImageDownloaderAllowInvalidSSLCertificates' option.
…eed the backwards compatible methods
Handle empty urls NSArray
In some cases the user may end up with an empty urls NSArray, in which case the completion block is never called. This commit handle such case to call immediately the completion block (if any)
Update UIImageView+WebCache.m
Can cause animation losing or crash if you are in a thread.
minor spelling (forth->fourth)
Updated key filter sample code
Adding a flag for Cocoa Pods users
Using the Parse framework and SDWebImage frameworks installed via Cocoa Pods gives the same error as described in the Alternatively section of the Add Linker Flag section in this Readme. I found a solution here : http://www.deanmao.com/2012/12/31/linker-error-using-cocoapods/
More explicit error message in case of nil completedBlock
NSParameterAssert doesn't provide enough information for understanding the API misuse. Pointing the API user to SDWebImagePrefetcher makes more sense, as a nil completedBlock most likely signifies the intention of prefetching the image.
Fix misnamed parameters in comment documentation
fix cancelAll crash (Issue #809)
Flag to transform animated images
Using a new SDWebImageOptions flag: SDWebImageTransformAnimatedImage
Add Reference & Dependency Badges
Fix documentation spelling
Missing mark.
fix duplicate symbols when using with webp via pods