Save image in cache before calling completion block
Fixing race in SDWebImageDownloaderOperation leading to erroneous timeout.
Fixing race condition that causes cancellation of one download operation to stop a run loop that is now used for another download operation. Race is introduced through -performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
Port Max's crash fix to my 3.6 fork
Updates progress callback to use NSInteger
Pull Request #606 resolves this issue in the code but not in the Documentation.
Various GCD related fixes for SDImageCache
- the background task had no effect, since cleanDisk returns immediately and thereby cancels the background task - adding cleanDiskWithCompletionBlock: and modifying backgroundCleanDisk to use this method resolves the issue
- more appropriate than dispatch_main_sync_safe, since we’ll always be on the ioQueue when calling - prevents deadlock situation described in #625
Typo in README.md
Call endBackgroundTask at the end of start method
…d so that beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler and endBackgroundTask are balanced
add support for high priority download
Add typedef for cache operation complete block
Makes it cleaner when users want to define the block independantly
Prefetcher: check progressBlock is not nil before executing.
added clearDiskOnCompletion
Missing method definition in header file
Update SDWebImagePrefetecher.m
I added "+ self.skippedCount" because it never completes if there are skipped operations.
Update SDWebImagePrefetecher.m
I added progress block that I need.