…NSURLConnectionDelegate`. Replaces #711. - added `username` and `password` properties on `SDWebImageDownloader` - added `shouldUseCredentialStorage` and `credential` properties on `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` - `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` conforms to `NSURLConnectionDataDelegate` (it used to implement the methods, but didn't stated the protocol in the declaration) - removed deprecated methods: `- connection:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:` and `- connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:` with `- connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:` and `- connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:` - updated demo project to download one image the requires HTTP auth
Unit testing setup + created workspace - created a SDWebImage.xcworkspace - includes the existing SDWebImage.xcodeproj (responsible of compiling the library) - includes the existing SDWebImage Demo.xcodeproj - includes the newly created SDWebImage Tests.xcodeproj (tests project). The test project uses the local CocoaPods repo to link to the library Unit testing backbone: - XCTest framework (the one from Apple) - XCTestAsync - extension for XCTest that allows easily creating asynchronous tests. Relies on dispatch_after. - Expecta - matcher Framework for Objective-C/Cocoa Updated gitignore
…ect so it directly references the source files. Shared a demo project scheme
…ain_async_safe` macro. Fixes #505
…ing the `scaledImageForKey`. For most of the developers that did not set `cacheKeyFilter`, the code will work exactly the same
Pass imageURL in completedBlock
…riorityLow). Fixes #713 #745
- deprecated block type `SDWebImageCompletedBlock `, replaced with `SDWebImageCompletedBlock ` that contains NSURL* param
- deprecated all UIImageView(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on UIImageView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- deprecated all UIImageView(HighlightedWebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created HighlightedWebCacheDeprecated category on UIImageView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
… block) + alignaments
- deprecated all UIButton(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on UIButton (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- created block type `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` that contains NSURL* param - deprecated all MKAnnotationView(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on MKAnnotationView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- deprecated block type `SDWebImageCompletedWithFinishedBlock`, replaced with `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock` that contains NSURL* param - deprecated SDWebImageManager `-downloadWithURL:options:progress:completed:` method. Replaced with `downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` that uses the `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock ` as completion block type - created Deprecated category for SDWebImageManager containing the old method - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
support for image orientation
Avoid premature completion of prefetcher if request fails
should not add url to failedURLs when timeout, cancel and so on. #707
fix UIImageView+HighlightedWebCache call error method
Fixed issue where cancelled operations aren't removed from runningOperations.
…uested by several developers for easier setup of their downloads. Replaces #486