Update the changes for 4.3.0
Use a lock to ensure headers mutable dictionary thread-safe
Move the Common Problems to wiki page and reorder the Get Started section
Provide the wiki page and make issue template up to date
Ensure all the session delegate completionHandler called
…onse error code below iOS 10
Fix the issue that prefetcher will cause stack overflow is the input urls list is huge because of recursion function call
…s huge because of recursion function call
…eFromMemoryCacheForKey` instead
…hold cancel and add procedure be thread-safe
Add sync version API diskImageDataExistsWithKey and keep thread-safe. Add diskCacheWritingOptions
Feature nsbutton webcache
Feature image transition
…heckIOQueue and add sync version exist API
…er to do some fade transition. It also reuse the current setImageBlock and make it easy to customize
Add a option SDWebImageFromCacheOnly to load the image from cache only and prevent network
Use a lock instead of barrier queue to avoid dispatch_sync blocking the main queue on race condition
Use the weak-strong dancing and the weak reference to manager instance to avoid the leak of runningOperations
…the leak of runningOperations
Use the associate object to store the FLAnimatedImage into memory cache, avoid blinking or UIView transaction. Tricky but may work