Replace #621Fixed race condition between operation cancelation and loading finish
Update MKAnnotationView+WebCache.m
Replace deprecated method call
… Replaces #541. Fixes #599
…ix (deprecated the old ones) -there were a few exceptions where I just renamed the methods since they were added in this method
… backwards compatible.
Refactor the cancel logic
Do not load placeholder image if SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder option specified.
…NSURLConnectionDelegate`. Replaces #711. - added `username` and `password` properties on `SDWebImageDownloader` - added `shouldUseCredentialStorage` and `credential` properties on `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` - `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` conforms to `NSURLConnectionDataDelegate` (it used to implement the methods, but didn't stated the protocol in the declaration) - removed deprecated methods: `- connection:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:` and `- connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:` with `- connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:` and `- connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:` - updated demo project to download one image the requires HTTP auth
Unit testing setup + created workspace - created a SDWebImage.xcworkspace - includes the existing SDWebImage.xcodeproj (responsible of compiling the library) - includes the existing SDWebImage Demo.xcodeproj - includes the newly created SDWebImage Tests.xcodeproj (tests project). The test project uses the local CocoaPods repo to link to the library Unit testing backbone: - XCTest framework (the one from Apple) - XCTestAsync - extension for XCTest that allows easily creating asynchronous tests. Relies on dispatch_after. - Expecta - matcher Framework for Objective-C/Cocoa Updated gitignore
…ect so it directly references the source files. Shared a demo project scheme
Conflicts: SDWebImage/MKAnnotationView+WebCache.m SDWebImage/UIButton+WebCache.m SDWebImage/UIImageView+HighlightedWebCache.h SDWebImage/UIImageView+HighlightedWebCache.m SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.m
…ain_async_safe` macro. Fixes #505
…ing the `scaledImageForKey`. For most of the developers that did not set `cacheKeyFilter`, the code will work exactly the same
Pass imageURL in completedBlock
…riorityLow). Fixes #713 #745
- deprecated block type `SDWebImageCompletedBlock `, replaced with `SDWebImageCompletedBlock ` that contains NSURL* param
- deprecated all UIImageView(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on UIImageView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- deprecated all UIImageView(HighlightedWebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created HighlightedWebCacheDeprecated category on UIImageView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
… block) + alignaments
- deprecated all UIButton(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on UIButton (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- created block type `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` that contains NSURL* param - deprecated all MKAnnotationView(WebCache) `setImage*` methods. Replaced with `loadImage*` methods that use the `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` as completion block type - created WebCacheDeprecated category on MKAnnotationView (to avoid collisions, we didn't name it Deprecated) - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones
- deprecated block type `SDWebImageCompletedWithFinishedBlock`, replaced with `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock` that contains NSURL* param - deprecated SDWebImageManager `-downloadWithURL:options:progress:completed:` method. Replaced with `downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` that uses the `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock ` as completion block type - created Deprecated category for SDWebImageManager containing the old method - replaced the usages of the deprecated items with the new ones