Update README.md
Picky spelling fix.
initialise kPNGSignatureData data
in SDImageCache initWithNamespace method. This ensures the kPNGSignatureData is always initialised even if the we alloc SDImageCache without using the sharedImageCache singleton
This reverts commit 2cfa5ccb.
added support for UIActivityIndicatorView while the image is downloaded, without adding extra ‘setImageWithUrl’ methods to the UIImageView+WebCache category. I used [this pull request](https://github.com/mythodeia/UIActivityIndicator-for-SDWebImage ), original author is [JJSaccolo](https://github.com/JJSaccolo), and modded it a bit to support loading indicator while the image is downloading. the usage is basically this right before the usual sd_setImage... methods: ``` // show activity indicator [cell.imageView setShowActivityIndicatorView:YES]; // choose indicator style [cell.imageView setIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray]; ```
xcodebuild build clean Scheme Tests is not currently configured for the clean action.
Cost compute fix
'304 Not Modified' HTTP status code handling.
…match the code from connectionDidFinishLoading:. This fixes #872
Increased default maxConcurrentOperationCount, fixes #527
fix #610 display progressive jpeg issue
Allows user to override default SDWebImageDownloaderOperation
Fix implicit atomicity declaration of the SDWebImageManager.cacheKeyFilter
Switch to built in XCTest async
Decoding webp, depends on source image data alpha status.
Implement 'SDWebImageDownloaderAllowInvalidSSLCertificates' option.
…eed the backwards compatible methods
Handle empty urls NSArray
In some cases the user may end up with an empty urls NSArray, in which case the completion block is never called. This commit handle such case to call immediately the completion block (if any)
Update UIImageView+WebCache.m
Can cause animation losing or crash if you are in a thread.
minor spelling (forth->fourth)