• How awesome is that?! =)
    by Olivier Poitrey
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  • Remove GIF specific code from main source, isolate it in a UIImage category to ease future addition of format support
    by Olivier Poitrey
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  • This is particularly useful if you are bundling images with your app that have been cached by SDWebImage. (ie. if you are 'seeding' your app with a core-data file that contains a lot of URL's to images and would like to also seed those images without having to copy every one of them over)
    For example, you can tell SDImageCache to add '[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]' as a custom path, so that the main bundle will be queried for cached images.
    This prevents the need for you to copy pre-cached images over to the caches/ImageCache folder that SDImageCache normally checks for.
    The custom paths are read-only.
    by Salvatore Randazzo
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