YH_CFNetworking.podspec 1.15 KB
# Be sure to run `pod lib lint YH_CFNetworking.podspec' to ensure this is a
# valid spec before submitting.
# Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged
# To learn more about a Podspec see https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html

Pod::Spec.new do |s|
  s.name             = 'YH_CFNetworking'
  s.version          = '0.1.0'
  s.summary          = '基于cfnetwork框架封装的网络请求库'

  s.description      = <<-DESC
                      基于cfnetwork框架封装的网络请求库,目前支持 超时,取消操作
                      计划添加 缓存 重复请求合并 进度报告 自定义server trust校验等操作

  s.homepage         = 'http://git.yoho.cn/ios/YH_CFNetworking'
  s.license          = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' }
  s.author           = { 'willice9527' => 'jinlin.liu@yoho.cn' }
  s.source           = { :git => 'http://git.yoho.cn/ios/YH_CFNetworking.git', :tag => s.version.to_s }

  s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'

  s.source_files = 'YH_CFNetworking/Classes/**/*'

  s.frameworks = 'Foundation', 'MapKit'
  s.dependency 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'