Authored by Robert Payne

Merge pull request #295 from griffinmacias/master

Fixing typo 'contraints' in the section on remake constraints
... ... @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Alternatively if you are only updating the constant value of the constraint you
### 3. mas_remakeConstraints
`mas_updateConstraints` is useful for updating a set of constraints, but doing anything beyond updating constant values can get exhausting. That's where `mas_remakeConstraints` comes in.
`mas_remakeConstraints` is similar to `mas_updateConstraints`, but instead of updating constant values, it will remove all of its contraints before installing them again. This lets you provide different constraints without having to keep around references to ones which you want to remove.
`mas_remakeConstraints` is similar to `mas_updateConstraints`, but instead of updating constant values, it will remove all of its constraints before installing them again. This lets you provide different constraints without having to keep around references to ones which you want to remove.
- (void)changeButtonPosition {
... ...