@@ -17,67 +17,63 @@ |
@protocol MASConstraint <NSObject>
* Usually MASConstraintMaker but could be a parent MASConstraint
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<MASConstraintDelegate> delegate;
// Chaining Support
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutAttributeLeft, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutAttributeRight
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^insets)(MASEdgeInsets insets);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(MASEdgeInsets insets))insets;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutAttributeHeight
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^sizeOffset)(CGSize offset);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(CGSize offset))sizeOffset;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeCenterX, NSLayoutAttributeCenterY
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^centerOffset)(CGPoint offset);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(CGPoint offset))centerOffset;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^offset)(CGFloat offset);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(CGFloat offset))offset;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint multiplier property
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^multipliedBy)(CGFloat multiplier);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(CGFloat multiplier))multipliedBy;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint multiplier to 1.0/dividedBy
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^dividedBy)(CGFloat divider);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(CGFloat divider))dividedBy;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint priority to a float or MASLayoutPriority
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^priority)(MASLayoutPriority priority);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(MASLayoutPriority priority))priority;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint priority to MASLayoutPriorityLow
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^priorityLow)();
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)())priorityLow;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint priority to MASLayoutPriorityMedium
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^priorityMedium)();
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)())priorityMedium;
* Sets the NSLayoutConstraint priority to MASLayoutPriorityHigh
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^priorityHigh)();
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)())priorityHigh;
* Sets the constraint relation to NSLayoutRelationEqual
@@ -85,7 +81,7 @@ |
* MASViewAttribute, UIView, NSNumber, NSArray
* see readme for more details.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^equalTo)(id attr);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(id attr))equalTo;
* Sets the constraint relation to NSLayoutRelationGreaterThanOrEqual
@@ -93,7 +89,7 @@ |
* MASViewAttribute, UIView, NSNumber, NSArray
* see readme for more details.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^greaterThanOrEqualTo)(id attr);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(id attr))greaterThanOrEqualTo;
* Sets the constraint relation to NSLayoutRelationLessThanOrEqual
@@ -101,17 +97,50 @@ |
* MASViewAttribute, UIView, NSNumber, NSArray
* see readme for more details.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^lessThanOrEqualTo)(id attr);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(id attr))lessThanOrEqualTo;
* optional semantic property which has no effect but improves the readability of constraint
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> with;
- (id<MASConstraint>)with;
* Sets the constraint debug name
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) id<MASConstraint> (^key)(id key);
- (id<MASConstraint> (^)(id key))key;
// NSLayoutConstraint constant Setters
// for use outside of mas_updateConstraints/mas_makeConstraints blocks
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutAttributeLeft, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutAttributeRight
- (void)setInsets:(MASEdgeInsets)insets;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutAttributeHeight
- (void)setSizeOffset:(CGSize)sizeOffset;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant,
* only affects MASConstraints in which the first item's NSLayoutAttribute is one of the following
* NSLayoutAttributeCenterX, NSLayoutAttributeCenterY
- (void)setCenterOffset:(CGPoint)centerOffset;
* Modifies the NSLayoutConstraint constant
- (void)setOffset:(CGFloat)offset;
// NSLayoutConstraint Installation support
@@ -126,7 +155,12 @@ |
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL updateExisting;
* Creates a NSLayoutConstraint. The constraint is installed to the first view or the or the closest common superview of the first and second view.
* Usually MASConstraintMaker but could be a parent MASConstraint
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<MASConstraintDelegate> delegate;
* Creates a NSLayoutConstraint and adds it to the appropriate view.
- (void)install;