'use strict';
var $ = require('jquery'),
common = require('../../../common/common');
window.batchOperateShelve = [];
var tabTree = new common.tabTree("#sortTree");
new common.dropDown({
el: '#shopId',
ajax: 'shopsRest',
hash: true
new common.dropDown({
el: '#brandId',
ajax: 'brand',
hash: true,
return {userLimitFlag:true};
var editPostion = '', isInfoMiss, sortFlag;
var t = new common.tab2({
el: "#basicTab",
active: 0,
click: function () {
var columnname = t.options.columns[t.options.active].name;
g.options.columns[11].hidden = true;
g.options.columns[8].hidden = true;
if (columnname == 3) {
isInfoMiss = 'Y';
g.options.columns[11].hidden = false;
} else {
isInfoMiss = '';
g.options.columns[8].hidden = false;
if (columnname == 1 || columnname == 2 || columnname == 3) {
sortFlag = 2;
} else {
sortFlag = 1;
columns: [{
name: "0",
value: '8,3,2',
display: "上架前({1})"
}, {
name: "1",
value: '4,1,0,5,6,7,9,10',
display: "上架后({2})"
}, {
name: "2",
value: '1',
display: "搜索/标签({3})"
}, {
name: "3",
value: '1',
display: "上架后信息缺失({4})"
}, {
name: "all",
value: 'all',
display: "全部商品({all})"
var g = new common.grid({
el: "#basicTable",
parms: function () {
return {
productSkn: common.util.__input("productSkn"),
productSkc: common.util.__input("productSkc"),
productSku: common.util.__input("productSku"),
productName: common.util.__input("productName"),
shopId: common.util.__input("shopId"),
brandId: common.util.__input("brandId"),
isJit: common.util.__input("isJit"),
stock: common.util.__input("stock"),
isScreen: common.util.__input("isScreen"),
isMeasure: common.util.__input("isMeasure"),
gender: common.util.__input("gender"),
maxSortId: tabTree.selected[0] ? tabTree.selected[0].id : "",
middleSortId: tabTree.selected[1] ? tabTree.selected[1].id : "",
smallSortId: tabTree.selected[2] ? tabTree.selected[2].id : "",
isOutLets: common.util.__input("isOutLets"),
productStatus: common.util.__input("productStatus"),
productStatusStr: t.options.columns[t.options.active].value,
tab: $('#basicTab').find('.active').index(),
isInfoMiss: isInfoMiss,
sortFlag: sortFlag,
skcOnsaleStatus: common.util.__input("skcOnsaleStatus"),
isAdvance: common.util.__input("isAdvance"),
factoryCode: common.util.__input("factoryCode"),
appType: common.util.__input("appType"),
skuFactoryCode: common.util.__input("skuFactoryCode")
columns: [{
display: '',
type: 'checkbox',
render: function (item) {
var htmlContent = "";
if(batchOperateShelve.length == 0 ){
htmlContent = "<input type='checkbox' class='wqt_checkbox' data-index='"+item.__index+"'>";
$.each(batchOperateShelve,function(n,value) {
if(item.productSkn == value){
htmlContent = "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' class='wqt_checkbox' data-index='"+item.__index+"'>";
return false
htmlContent = "<input type='checkbox' class='wqt_checkbox'data-index='"+item.__index+"'>";
return htmlContent;
}, {
display: 'skn',
name: 'productSkn',
render: function (item) {
return '<a target="_blank" href="/goods/netsale/info/' + item.productSkn + editPostion + '">' + item.productSkn + '</a>'
}, {
display: '图片',
name: 'picImgUrl',
render: function (item) {
if (item.picImgUrl) {
return '<a class="list-img" target="_blank" href="' + item.productUrl + '">' +
'<img src="' + item.picImgUrl + '"></a>';
} else {
return '';
}, {
display: '商品信息',
width: '30%',
render: function (item) {
var productName = item.productName ? item.productName : '',
brandName = item.brandName ? item.brandName : '',
sortName = '',
html = '';
if (item.smallSortName) {
sortName = item.smallSortName
} else if (item.middleSortName) {
sortName = item.middleSortName;
} else {
sortName = item.maxSortName;
html += '<p><strong>名称:</strong><a target="_blank" href="' + item.productUrl + '">' + productName + '</a></p>';
html += '<p><strong>品牌:</strong>' + brandName + '</p>';
html += '<p><strong>类目:</strong>' + sortName;
return html + '</p>';
}, {
display: '售价',
render: function (item) {
var vip = ENUM.isVIP[item.isVIP] ? ENUM.isVIP[item.isVIP] : '',
retailPrice = item.retailPrice ? item.retailPrice : '',
salesPrice = item.salesPrice ? item.salesPrice : '';
var html = '<p><strong>吊牌价:</strong>' + retailPrice + '</p>' +
'<p><strong>销售价:</strong>' + salesPrice + '</p>' +
'<p><strong>是否VIP:</strong>' + vip + '</p>';
if (item.returnCoinMoney) {
html += "<p><strong>返yoho币金额:</strong>" + item.returnCoinMoney + "</p>";
} else {
html += "<p><strong>返yoho币金额:</strong>0</p>";
return html;
}, {
display: '库存',
name: 'stock'
}, {
display: '年龄层/性别',
render: function (item) {
var html = '';
html += common.config.__ageLevel(item.ageLevel);
if (html && item.gender) {
html += '/';
if (ENUM.gender[item.gender]) {
html += ENUM.gender[item.gender]
return html;
}, {
display: '商品类别',
name: 'attribute', //商品属性(1普通、2赠品等) 商品类别
render: function (item) {
if (item.attribute) {
return ENUM.attribute[item.attribute];
} else {
return '';
}, {
display: '搜索/标签',
hidden: true,
render: function (item) {
var searchAndLabel = item.searchAndLabel ? item.searchAndLabel : '',
style = item.style ? item.style : '',
pattern = item.pattern ? item.pattern : '',
makeCrafts = item.makeCrafts ? item.makeCrafts : '';
return '关键词:' + searchAndLabel + '<br>' +
'风格:' + style + '<br>' +
'纹理:' + pattern + '<br>' +
'工艺:' + makeCrafts + '<br>';
}, {
display: '操作信息',
render: function (item) {
var html = '';
if (item.founderName) {
html += '<p>' + item.founderName + '</p>';
if (item.editTime) {
html += '<p>' + item.editTime + '</p>';
return html;
}, {
display: '上架状态',
name: 'status', // 8待上架,2待审核,3驳回,4通过,1已上架,0已下架,5再上架待审核,6再上架驳回,7再上架通过。
render: function (item) {
var html = '';
if (ENUM.status[item.status]) {
html += ENUM.status[item.status];
if (item.status == 3 || item.status == 6 ||item.status == 9) {
html += '<p style="color:red;">(' + item.rejectReason + ')</p>'
if (item.status == 4||item.status == 1||item.status == 7) {
if (item.isAdvance == "Y") {
if (item.advanceBeginTime) {
html += '<br>预售开始时间' + item.advanceBeginTime;
if (item.advanceEndTime) {
html += '<br>预售结束时间' + item.advanceEndTime;
} else {
if (item.shelveTime) {
html += '<br>预上架时间' + item.shelveTime;
//2) 商品为预上架商品,上架状态为通过,在【上架状态】列表栏,显示上架时间(为设置的【预上架时间】)
return html;
}, {
display: '缺失信息',
hidden: true,
render: function (item) {
var html = [];
html.push('<p style="color: red;">');
var arr = item.missInfo ? item.missInfo.split(',') : '';
for (var i in arr) {
var item1 = $.trim(arr[i]);
if (item) {
html.push('<a target="_blank" href="/goods/netsale/edit/' + item.productSkn + editPostion + '#' + item1 + '">' + item1 + '</a>');
return html.join('');
}, {
display: '操作',
render: function (item) {
var HtmArr = [];
var intValue ;
if (item.status == 4 || item.status == 1 || item.status == 5 || item.status == 6) {
HtmArr.push('<a target="_blank" href="/goods/netsale/edit/' + item.productSkn + editPostion + '" class="btn btn-info btn-xs edit-btn">编辑</a>');
// HtmArr.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs shelve-btn" data-index="' + item.__index + '">下架</a>');
} else if (item.status == 3 || item.status == 8 || item.status == 2 || item.status == 0) {
HtmArr.push('<a target="_blank" href="/goods/netsale/edit/' + item.productSkn + editPostion + '" class="btn btn-info btn-xs edit-btn">编辑</a>');
// HtmArr.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-xs shelve-btn" data-index="' + item.__index + '">上架</a>');
HtmArr.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-xs shelve-btn" data-index="' + item.__index + '">上/下架</a>');
HtmArr.push('<a target="_blank" href="/goods/netsale/info/' + item.productSkn + editPostion + '" class="btn btn-info btn-xs info-btn">查看</a>');
HtmArr.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-xs chima-btn" data-index="' + item.__index + '">尺码</a>');
if(typeof(item.productSearch) == "undefined"){
intValue = 0;
HtmArr.push('<br><br><input type="text" style="width:100px" name="brandSort" class="brandSortText" data-index="' + item.__index + '" value='+intValue+'>');
HtmArr.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-xs brandSort-btn" data-index="' + item.__index + '" >品牌排序</a>');
return HtmArr.join('');
var loadtab = function () {
// t.active = undefined;
setTimeout(function () {
url: '/goods/product/queryTabProductNum',
data: g.options.parms()
}, function (res) {
var __dt = $.extend({}, ENUM.tab, res.data);
}, true);
}, 400);
$("#filter-btn").click(function () {
* 上架下架弹框
* params: title(弹框标题), html(弹框内容html)
function shelveModal(title, html) {
var selectedArr = g.selected,
len = selectedArr.length,
productSknList = [],
shelveLayer = null;
if (batchOperateShelve.length <= 0) {
common.util.__tip('请选择要' + title + '的商品', 'warning');
shelveLayer = common.dialog.open({
title: title,
content: html
g.selected.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.isAdvance === 'N') {
$('#advanceBeginTime, #advanceEndTime').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#shelveTime').prop('disabled', true);
var e = new common.edit('.shelve-form');
$('.shelve-form').on('click', '.btn', function () {
var type = $(this).data('type');
$(this).closest('.form-group').find('input').attr('required', true)
.end().siblings('.form-group').find('input').attr('required', false);
var data = {}, isValidate = false;
data.productSknList = JSON.stringify(batchOperateShelve);
if (type == "5") {
data.advanceBeginTime = $("#advanceBeginTime").val();
data.advanceEndTime = $("#advanceEndTime").val();
if (!(data.advanceEndTime && data.advanceEndTime)) {
isValidate = true;
data.type = 5;
} else {
if ($("#shelveTime").val()) {
if (type == "1") {
data.shelveTime = $("#shelveTime").val();
data.type = 3;
} else {
data.onNewTime = $("#shelveTime").val();
data.type = 4;
} else {
data.type = type;
if (!isValidate) {
url: '/goods/product/updateProductSknTimingInfo',
data: data
}, function (res) {
batchOperateShelve = [] ;
$('#onshelve').on('click', function () {
var htmlContent = "",
sknWarnLayer = null,
skns = "";
if(batchOperateShelve.length == 0 ){
htmlContent = "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">未选中任何SKN, Please check !</div>"
htmlContent = "<span class=\"label label-success\">共选中"+batchOperateShelve.length+"个SKN</span>"
$.each(batchOperateShelve, function (key, value) {
if(key != 0 && key%6 == 0){
skns = skns +"<br>";
skns = skns + value+",";
htmlContent += "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" style=\"margin-top:5px;width:100% \">"+skns+"</div>"
htmlContent +="<div class=\"form-group\" style=\"float:right \">"+
"<div style=\"margin-right:10% \" class=\"col-sm-1\"><a id = \"confirmSkn\" class=\"btn btn-info\" href=\"javascript:;\">确定</a></div>"
sknWarnLayer = common.dialog.open({
title: "待上架SKN",
content: htmlContent
$('#confirmSkn').on('click', function () {
shelveModal('上架', $('#onshelve-template').html())
$('#offshelve').on('click', function () {
shelveModal('下架', $('#offshelve-template').html());
$('#export-btn').on('click', function () {
var count = 0,
selectedArr = g.selected,
len = selectedArr.length,
data = g.options.parms();
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
if (value && value != '' && key != 'size' && key != 'tab') {
if (count == 0 && len <= 0) {
common.util.__tip('请选择导出商品的条件', 'warning');
if (len > 0) {
data.productSknList = [];
$.each(selectedArr, function (i, value) {
window.open("/ajax/down?queryConf=" + JSON.stringify(data) + "&type=netSale");
//sku skc上架表格
var shelveTable = new common.grid({
el: "#shelve-table",
secondIndex: 2,
columns: [{
display: '默认封面图',
render: function (item) {
if (item.initGoodsImageUrl) {
return '<img src="' + item.initGoodsImageUrl + '" width=120 height=80>';
}, {
display: 'SKC(商品信息)',
render: function (item) {
return 'SKC:' + item.productSkc + '<br>' +
'颜色:' + item.goodsName;
}, {
display: 'SKC上架操作(状态)',
render: function (item) {
if (item.status == 0) {
return '<a class="btn btn-success btnskc" data-type="1" data-index="' + item.__index + '" href="javascript:;">点击上架</a>';
} else {
return '<a class="btn btn-danger btnskc" data-type="0" data-index="' + item.__index + '" href="javascript:;">点击下架</a>';
}, {
display: '<div class="subhhead"><span>SKU</span><span>尺码</span><span>库存</span><span>SKU上架操作</span><span>SKU上架操作</span></div>',
render: function (item) {
return common.util.__template2($("#template2").html(), item)
var goodsList = {},
shelveLayer = null;
$('#basicTable').on('click', '.shelve-btn', function () {
var item = g.rows[$(this).data("index")];
var that = this;
getdata(item.productSkn, function (res) {
shelveLayer = common.dialog.open({
title: '上/下架',
width: 900,
content: common.util.__template($('#template').html(), res.data.baseProductInfo.baseProduct)
goodsList = res.data.goodsList;
function getdata(Skn, callback) {
url: '/goods/netsale/getdata',
data: {
param: Skn
}, function (res) {
callback && callback(res);
}, true);
$(document).on("click", ".btnskc", function () {
var item = goodsList[$(this).data("index")];
url: '/goods/product/updateGoodsStatus',
data: {
productSkc: item.productSkc,
targetStatus: item.status ? 0 : 1
}, function (res) {
if (res.code == 200) {
getdata(item.productSkn, function (res) {
goodsList = res.data.goodsList;
// g.init("/goods/netsale/getList");
$(document).on("click", ".btnsku", function () {
var item = goodsList[$(this).data("index")]
var item1 = item.goodsSizeList[$(this).data("subindex")];
url: '/goods/product/updateProductSkuStatus',
data: {
productSku: item1.productSku,
targetStatus: item1.status ? 0 : 1
}, function (res) {
if (res.code == 200) {
getdata(item.productSkn, function (res) {
goodsList = res.data.goodsList;
$(document).on("change", ".wqt_checkbox,.wqt_all", function () {
var _count1 = 0,
_count2 = 0,
_isAdvance0 = 0,
_isAdvance1 = 0;
$.each(g.selected, function (index, item) {
if (item.status == 8 || item.status == 3 || item.status == 2 || item.status == 0) {
_count1++; //上
} else {
_count2++; //下
if (item.isAdvance == "N") {
if (item.isAdvance == "Y") {
if (_isAdvance0 && _isAdvance1) {
if (_count1 == g.selected.length) {
} else {
if (_count2 == g.selected.length) {
} else {
* 尺码信息
$(document).on("click", ".chima-btn", function () {
var item = g.rows[$(this).data("index")];
url: '/meterManage/productSize/queryProdSizeList',
data: {
productSkn: item.productSkn
}, function (res) {
if (res.data.list && res.data.list.length > 0) {
var dataList = res.data.list[0];
var a = dataList.productType.replace(/<br>/g, "/");
dataList.productType = a.substring(0, a.length - 1);
common.sizeInfo.toast("/meterManage/productSize/saveProdSizeInfo", dataList, true, g);
}, true);
$(document).on("click", ".brandSort-btn", function () {
var item = g.rows[$(this).data("index")];
var num = $("input:text[name='brandSort']").eq($(this).data("index")).val();
var searchSortList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
searchSortList[i] = {
productSkn: item.productSkn,
modelId: i + 1,
projectId: 1,
intValue: num
url: '/netSale/saveSearchSort',
data: {
searchSortList: JSON.stringify(searchSortList)
// $(document).on("change", ".brandSortText", function () {
// var item = g.rows[$(this).data("index")];
// var num = $("input:text[name='brandSort']").eq($(this).data("index")).val();
// var searchSortList = [];
// for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// searchSortList[i] = {
// productSkn: item.productSkn,
// modelId: i + 1,
// projectId: 1,
// intValue: num
// };
// }
// common.util.__ajax({
// url: '/netSale/saveSearchSort',
// data: {
// searchSortList: JSON.stringify(searchSortList)
// }
// });
// });
common.sizeInfo.check(); |
\ No newline at end of file |