@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const moment = require('moment'); |
const helpers = global.yoho.helpers;
const serviceApi = global.yoho.ServiceAPI;
const searchApi = global.yoho.SearchAPI;
const yohoApi = global.yoho.API;
const cache = global.yoho.cache;
const KEY_WEB_GUANG_BANNER_DATA = 'key_web_guang_banner_data';// 逛的首页banner
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ const getPathNav = (channelType, query) => { |
const _formatTag = (tagData, isApp, uid) => {
return {
tag: tagData['name'],
name : tagData['name'],
url: helpers.urlFormat('/tags/index', { query: tagData['name']}, 'guang') // urlencode(tagData['name'])
@@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ const getArticleList = (gender, sortId, uid, udid, page, tag, authorId, limit, u |
cache: cache
}).then(res => {
if (res && res.data) {
let artList, adsList, total = 0;
@@ -406,11 +408,12 @@ const getCategory = currentSortId => { |
currentSortId = currentSortId || 0;
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v1/category/get', {}).then(res => {
let list = [];
if (res && res.code === 200 && res.data) {
for (let cat of res.data) {
if (cat.name === '专题') {
// if (cat.name === '专题') {
// continue;
// }
typeId: cat.id,
@@ -504,11 +507,13 @@ const getArticleInfo = aid => { |
return {
title: d.article_title,
time: moment(d.publish_time).format('YYYY年MM月DD HH:mm'), // date('Y年m月d日 H:i', $article['publish_time']),
time: moment(d.publish_time * 1000).format('YYYY年MM月DD HH:mm'), // date('Y年m月d日 H:i', $article['publish_time']),
click: d.pageViews,
shareImg: helpers.image(d.cover_image, 600, 600),
desc: d.article_summary,
authorId : d.author_id,
weixinUrl: d.url,
tag : d.tag, //tags 的字符串
tags: tags,
shareImg: 'http:' + helpers.image(d.cover_image, 600, 600)
@@ -516,11 +521,62 @@ const getArticleInfo = aid => { |
const _formatProduct = (products, arr) => {
let result = [];
_.forEach(products, (val, key) => {
let goods = {
thumb : helpers.image(val.default_images, 235, 314),
name : val.product_name,
salePrice : val.sales_price,
url : helpers.getUrlBySkc(val.product_id, val.goods_list[0]['goods_id'], val.cn_alphabet),
if(val.market_price !== val.sales_price) {
goods.marketPrice = val.market_price;
_.forEach(arr, (v, k) => {
if(k == val.product_skn) {
goods.thumb = helpers.image(v, 235, 314);
return false;
return result;
* 按照skn string 来查询 query=skn1,skn2,skn3
const getProductList = (params, arr) => {
let finalParams = {
method: 'web.search.search',
// method: 'app.search.li',
order: 's_n_desc',
limit: 60
Object.assign(finalParams, params);
return yohoApi.get('', finalParams).then(ret => {
if(ret && ret.code === 200 && ret.data && ret.data.product_list) {
return _formatProduct(ret.data.product_list, arr);
const _articleContentFormat = {
goods: goods => {
let result = [],
productSkn = [],
let productSkn = [],
arr = {};
_.forEach(goods, (val, key) => {
@@ -530,45 +586,39 @@ const _articleContentFormat = { |
if (productSkn.length > 0) {
return null; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// return searchApi.get('', {
// query : productSkn.join(',')
// }).then(products => {
// if (isset($product['data']['product_list'])) {
// $result = self::formatProduct($product['data']['product_list'], $arr);
// }
// return {};
// });
// $product = SearchData::searchElasticByCondition(array({'query' : productSkn.join(',')}));
return getProductList({
query: productSkn.join(',')
}, arr);
} else {
return null;
goodsGroup: goodsGroup => {
$result = $groupSkn = array();
let result = {}, groupSkn = {};
let result = [], groupSkn = {};
_.forEach(goodsGroup, (val, key) => {
if (val && val.list) {
let productSkn = [];
let arr = {};
groupSkn[key] = [];
for (let it of val.list) {
arr[it.id] = it.src;
if (productSkn.length) {
return null; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// $product = SearchData::searchElasticByCondition(array('query' => implode(',', $productSkn)));
// if (isset($product['data']['product_list'])) {
// $result[$key]['recos'] = array_slice(self::formatProduct($product['data']['product_list'], $arr), 0, 4);
// }
let pms = getProductList({
query : productSkn.join(',')
}, arr).then(products => {
let p = products.slice(0, 4);
return p;
@@ -606,9 +656,7 @@ const _articleContentFormat = { |
const getArticleContent = aid => {
let result = {
content: []
let content = [],
index = 0;
return serviceApi.get('guang/service/v2/article/getArticleContent', {
@@ -617,31 +665,26 @@ const getArticleContent = aid => { |
let gpromises = [], ggpromises = [];
if (res && res.contents) {
for (let cnt of res.contents) {
_.forEach(cnt, (it, key) => {
if(res && res.code === 200 && res.data) {
_.forEach(res.data, (it) => {
_.forEach(it, (val, key) => {
if (key === 'goods') {
// goods.push(_articleContentFormat.goods(it.data));
} else if (key === 'goodsGroup') {
for (let gg of it.data) {
// goodsGroup.push(_articleContentFormat.goodsGroup(gg.recos));
ggpromises = ggpromises.concat(_articleContentFormat.goodsGroup(val.data));
} else {
let other = _.isFunction(_articleContentFormat[key]) ? _articleContentFormat[key](it.data) : '';
let other = _.isFunction(_articleContentFormat[key]) ? _articleContentFormat[key](val.data) : '';
index = gpromises.length;
return Promise.all(gpromises.concat(ggpromises)).then(ret => {
return ret;
return Promise.all(gpromises.concat(ggpromises));
}).then(res => {
@@ -653,19 +696,31 @@ const getArticleContent = aid => { |
goodsResult = res.slice(0, index);
goodsGroupResult = res.slice(index);
for(let gl of goodsResult) {
goods = goods.concat(gl);
for(let ggl of goodsGroupResult) {
goodsGroup = goodsGroup.concat(ggl);
if (goods.length > 0) {
result.content['relatedReco'] = {
recos: goods
relatedReco : {
recos: goods
if (goodsGroup.length > 0) {
result.content['relatedReco'] = {
recos: goodsGroup
relatedReco : {
recos: goodsGroup
return result;
return content;
@@ -677,7 +732,7 @@ const getArticleContent = aid => { |
* @param bool $onlyUrl
* @return mixed
const getArticleBaseInfo = (aId, uid, udid) => {
const getArticleBaseInfo = (aid, uid, udid) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v1/article/getArticleBaseInfo', {
id: aid,
uid: uid,
@@ -702,12 +757,15 @@ const getArticleRelateBrand = aid => { |
article_id: aid
}).then(res => {
return _.map(res, it => {
return {
thumb: it.thumb, // Helpers::getUrlSafe($val['thumb']);
url: it.url // Helpers::getUrlSafe($val['url']);
if(res && res.code === 200 && res.data) {
return _.map(res.data, it => {
it.thumb = it.thumb; // Helpers::getUrlSafe($val['thumb']);
it.url = it.url; // Helpers::getUrlSafe($val['url']);
return it;
@@ -719,7 +777,7 @@ const getArticleRelateBrand = aid => { |
* @param bool $onlyUrl
* @return mixed
const getRelateArticleList = (aId, tag, size) => {
const getRelateArticleList = (aid, tag, size) => {
size = size || 3;
return serviceApi.get('guang/service/v2/article/getOtherArticle', {
@@ -727,16 +785,12 @@ const getRelateArticleList = (aId, tag, size) => { |
tags: tag,
limit: size
}).then(res => {
return res;
if (res && res.code === 200 && res.data) {
return _.map(res.data, it => {
if (res && res.relate) {
return _.map(res.relate, it => {
return {
id: it.id,
title: it.title,
thumb: helpers.image(it.thumb, 264, 173, 1),
url: helpers.urlFormat(`/${it.id}.html`, null, 'guang')
it.thumb = helpers.image(it.thumb, 264, 173, 1);
it.url = helpers.urlFormat(`/detail/${it.id}.html`, null, 'guang')
return it;
@@ -781,6 +835,66 @@ const getArticleComments = (aid, page, pageSize) => { |
* 文章评论提交
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
const addComment = (aid, uid, content) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v1/comments/add', {
article_id: aid,
uid: uid,
content : content
}).then(res => {
if(res && res.code === 200) {
return res.data;
} else {
return Promise.reject('评论失败');
* 文章点赞
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
const praise = (aid, udid) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v2/praise/setPraise', {
article_id: aid,
udid: udid
}).then(res => {
if(res && res.code === 200) {
return res.data;
} else {
return Promise.reject('点赞失败');
* 文章点赞
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
const cancelPraise = (aid, udid) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v2/praise/cancel', {
article_id: aid,
udid: udid
}).then(res => {
if(res && res.code === 200) {
return res.data;
} else {
return Promise.reject('点赞失败');
* 收藏文章
@@ -788,13 +902,37 @@ const getArticleComments = (aid, page, pageSize) => { |
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
const collectArticle = (aid, uid) => {
const collect = (aid, uid) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v1/favorite/setFavorite', {
article_id: aid,
uid: uid
}).then(res => {
return res;
if(res && res.code === 200) {
return res.data;
} else {
return Promise.reject('收藏失败');
* 取消收藏文章
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
const cancelCollect = (aid, uid) => {
return serviceApi.get('guang/api/v1/favorite/cancelFavorite', {
article_id: aid,
uid: uid
}).then(res => {
if(res && res.code === 200) {
return res.data;
} else {
return Promise.reject('取消收藏失败');
@@ -807,15 +945,19 @@ module.exports = { |
getTjArticles: getTjArticles,
getPathNav: getPathNav,
getAuthor: getAuthor,
getArticleComments: getArticleComments,
collectArticle: collectArticle,
getArticleInfo: getArticleInfo,
getArticleContent: getArticleContent,
getArticleBaseInfo: getArticleBaseInfo,
getArticleRelateBrand: getArticleRelateBrand,
getRelateArticleList: getRelateArticleList,
getArticleComments: getArticleComments
getArticleComments: getArticleComments,
addComment : addComment,
praise : praise,
cancelPraise : cancelPraise,
collect : collect,
cancelCollect : cancelCollect