Authored by


... ... @@ -29,40 +29,244 @@ const handleSaleData = (origin) => {
exports.outputDevData = () => {
return {
slide: {
list: [{
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
}, {
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
}, {
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
module: 'product',
page: 'sale',
topBanner: {
list: [
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
bannerHeight: 200,
href: '',
img: ''
recommandImg: [{
jumpUrl: '',
sourceUrl: ''
}, {
jumpUrl: '',
sourceUrl: ''
}, {
jumpUrl: '',
sourceUrl: ''
activityEnter: [
link: '',
icon: 'dasdasdas',
title: '我是标题',
desc: '参加活动'
link: '',
icon: 'dasdasdas',
title: '我是标题',
desc: '参加活动'
link: '',
icon: 'dasdasdas',
title: '我是标题',
desc: '参加活动'
brandSale: [
big: [
link: '',
img: '',
time: '低于一小时',
brand: '',
discount: '1折起'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '低于一小时',
brand: '',
discount: '1折起'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '低于一小时',
brand: '',
discount: '1折起'
normal: [
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
link: '',
img: '',
time: '剩余22小时',
title: 'yoho!buy 新品大促销,全场100折'
specialSale: {
brandSale: {
big: [{
saleCategory: [
title: 'VIP会员专享',
navItem: [
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '今日推荐'
incompleteSize: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '上装'
newDiscount: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '裤装'
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '鞋履'
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '配饰'
saleImage: [
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
href: '',
img: '',
name: '测试商品',
originPrice: '11321',
price: '213',
vip: true
title: '断码区',
navItem: [
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '今日推荐'
incompleteSize: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '上装'
newDiscount: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '裤装'
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '鞋履'
vip: true,
url: '/sa/ds',
title: '配饰'
... ...
<div class="sale-page yoho-page">
<div class="sale-page yoho-page center-content">
{{! 头部banner}}
{{log this}}
{{# slide}}
{{> common/slide-banner}}
{{/ slide}}
{{! banner底部图片}}
{{#each recommandImg}}
<img href="{{jumpUrl}}" src="{{sourceUrl}}">
{{! 折扣专场}}
{{# specialSale}}
{{> sale/brand-sale}}
{{/ specialSale}}
{{! 类别楼层遍历}}
{{# category}}
{{> sale/sale-box}}
{{/ category}}
{{> sale/activity-entry}}
{{> sale/brand-sale}}
{{> sale/sale-box}}
<p>coding here index</p>
... ...
<div class="home-page">
<div class="floor-header clearfix">
<h2 class="floor-title">{{title}}</h2>
<ul class="sale-nav">
<li class="{{#vip}}green{{/vip}} {{#incompleteSize}}yellow{{/incompleteSize}} {{#newDiscount}}red{{/newDiscount}} {{#if @first}}active first{{/if}} {{#if @last}}last{{/if}}" data-url='{{url}}'>aa</li>
<li class="{{#vip}}green{{/vip}} {{#incompleteSize}}yellow{{/incompleteSize}} {{#newDiscount}}red{{/newDiscount}} {{#if @first}}active first{{/if}} {{#if @last}}last{{/if}}" data-url='{{url}}'>{{title}}</li>
<div class="commodity-list">
... ... @@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
... ...
var $ = require('yoho-jquery'),
$navItem = $('.sale-nav li'),
lazyLoad = require('yoho-jquery-lazyload');
$navItem.on('click', function() {
... ...
.yoho-page {
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position: relative;
margin: 80px 0 40px;
... ...
... ... @@ -231,6 +231,4 @@ a {
@import "common/index";
/* 模块 */
/* product */
@import "product/index";
... ...
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&.last {
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&.last {
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background-image: resolve('sale/for-vip.png');
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background-image: resolve('sale/discount.png');
&.off-price {
background-image: resolve('sale/off-price.png');
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font-weight: bold;
line-height: 48px;
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margin: 80px auto 40px;
width: 300px;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #000;
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img {
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color: #000;
span {
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line-height: 16px;
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color: #fff;
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li {
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&.active {
color: #666;
border: 1px solid #000;
... ...