Authored by htoooth

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

Showing 100 changed files with 0 additions and 139 deletions

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 100 of 100+ files are displayed.

const getContent = () => {
const content = {
content: [
slider: [
img: '//',
link: '/'
img: '//',
link: '/'
brandsAd: [
img: '//',
name: '',
des: ''
floorZh: '新品抢鲜看',
floorEn: 'NEW ARRIVALS',
newArrivals: [
img: '//',
name: '',
link: ''
floorZh: '经典品牌',
classicBrands: [
big: [
img: '//',
link: ''
small: [
img: '//',
link: ''
floorZh: '潮流标志',
floorEn: 'STYLE ICON',
styleIcon: [
img: '//',
name: '',
des: '',
link: ''
adBanner: {
img: '',
link: ''
floorZh: '资讯',
floorEn: 'EDITORIAL',
editorial: {
big: {
img: '',
link: ''
small: [
img: '',
link: ''
return content;
module.exports = {
getContent: getContent
<div class="home-page">
{{# content}}
{{> slider}}
{{/ content}}
<div class="slide-container {{#if pagination}}slide-thumb-container{{/if}}">
<div class="slide-wrapper">
{{# slider}}
<li style="{{#if bgColor}}background:{{bgColor}}{{/if}}">
<a href="{{url}}" target= "_blank">
{{#if @first}}
<img src="{{image img 1150 450}}">
<img class="lazy" data-original="{{image img 1150 450}}" alt="">
{{# tips}}
<div class="slide-tips">
<div class="g-mark"></div>
{{/ tips}}
{{/ slider}}
{{#if pagination}}
<div class="thumb-pagination">
<ul class="clearfix">
{{# pagination}}
<a href="{{url}}" target="_blank"></a>
<img src="{{image img 138 54}}" alt="">
{{/ pagination}}